Semliki Forest virus an entity of type: Thing

El virus del bosque Semliki, conocido en inglés como Semliki Forest virus, es un virus perteneciente al género alphavirus que puede causar enfermedad en el hombre y otros animales. Se encuentra en el centro, este y sur de África. Fue aislado por primera vez en 1942 de un mosquito en el (Uganda) por el Uganda Virus Research Institute.​​ rdf:langString
Semliki Forest virus Semliki Forest virus Virus de la forêt de Semliki, agrandis 90 000 fois. Espèce Semliki Forest virusICTV 1971 Le Virus de la forêt de Semliki, Semliki Forest virus, a été isolé à partir de moustiques dans la , en Ouganda par l’ (en) en 1942. Il est connu pour provoquer des maladies chez les animaux et chez l'Homme. Il s'agit d'une espèce de virus du genre Alphavirus de la famille des Togaviridae retrouvé en Afrique centrale, en Afrique orientale et du sud. rdf:langString
Semliki forest virus (SFV) è una specie di virus a RNA a singolo filamento positivo, appartenente al genere Alphavirus, famiglia Togaviridae. Il virus è in grado di provocare una encefalite letale nei roditori. Negli esseri umani è responsabile di una patologia non grave caratterizzata da febbre ; è stato segnalato un solo caso di infezione letale da SFV in un soggetto immunodepresso. rdf:langString
Semliki Forest viruset ingår i släktet Alfavirus som tillhör familjen . Virusets genom består av positivt RNA som kodar för nio olika proteiner. rdf:langString
Das Semliki-Forest-Virus (SFV) ist ein bei Nagetieren vorkommendes Alphavirus aus der Familie Togaviridae, das durch Stechmücken der Gattung Culex als Vektor übertragen wird. Aus diesen wurde es 1942 in Uganda in angrenzenden Waldgebieten des Flusses Semliki erstmals isoliert. rdf:langString
The Semliki Forest virus is an alphavirus found in central, eastern, and southern Africa. It was first isolated from mosquitoes in the Semliki Forest, Uganda by the Uganda Virus Research Institute in 1942 and described by Smithburn and Haddow. It is known to cause disease in animals including humans. Replication occurs via a negative strand intermediate giving rise to a full length genomic RNA for export in new virions and a subgenomic message that is translated into the structural proteins. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Semliki-Forest-Virus
rdf:langString Virus del bosque Semliki
rdf:langString Virus de la forêt de Semliki
rdf:langString Semliki forest virus
rdf:langString Semliki Forest virus
rdf:langString Semliki Forest virus
xsd:integer 2052681
xsd:integer 1041153666
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString Alphavirus
rdf:langString Semliki Forest virus
<second> 180.0
xsd:integer 230
rdf:langString El virus del bosque Semliki, conocido en inglés como Semliki Forest virus, es un virus perteneciente al género alphavirus que puede causar enfermedad en el hombre y otros animales. Se encuentra en el centro, este y sur de África. Fue aislado por primera vez en 1942 de un mosquito en el (Uganda) por el Uganda Virus Research Institute.​​
rdf:langString Das Semliki-Forest-Virus (SFV) ist ein bei Nagetieren vorkommendes Alphavirus aus der Familie Togaviridae, das durch Stechmücken der Gattung Culex als Vektor übertragen wird. Aus diesen wurde es 1942 in Uganda in angrenzenden Waldgebieten des Flusses Semliki erstmals isoliert. Das Genom des SFV ist eine lineare, einzelsträngige RNA mit positiver Polarität, das zwei offene Leserahmen für die Struktur- und Nicht-Strukturproteine enthält. Am 5'-Ende der RNA befindet sich eine Cap-Struktur und am 3'-Ende ein poly-A-Schwanz. Ohne die flankierenden, terminalen Abschnitt umfasst das SFV-Genom 11.442 Nukleotide. Die zwei Hüllproteine E1 und E2 sind über transmembranäre Domänen regelmäßig mit dem ikosaedrische Kapsid verknüpft, so dass die Virushülle eine regelmäßige Struktur aufweist. Das komplette Virion des SFV ist etwa 70 nm im Durchmesser groß, das Kapsid etwa 40 nm und zeigt eine Symmetrie mit einer Triangulationszahl von T=4.
rdf:langString The Semliki Forest virus is an alphavirus found in central, eastern, and southern Africa. It was first isolated from mosquitoes in the Semliki Forest, Uganda by the Uganda Virus Research Institute in 1942 and described by Smithburn and Haddow. It is known to cause disease in animals including humans. The Semliki Forest virus is a positive-strand RNA virus with a genome of approximately 13,000 base pairs which encodes nine proteins. The 5’ two thirds of the genome encode four non-structural proteins concerned with RNA synthesis; the structural proteins are encoded in the 3’ one third. Of the structural proteins, the C proteins make up the icosahedral capsid, which is enveloped by a lipid bilayer derived from the host cell. The outermost surface of the virus is almost entirely covered by heterodimers of glycoproteins E1 and E2, arranged in interconnective trimers, which form an outer shell. Trimers are anchored in the membrane by an E2 cytoplasmic domain that associates with the nucleocapsid. Replication occurs via a negative strand intermediate giving rise to a full length genomic RNA for export in new virions and a subgenomic message that is translated into the structural proteins. Semliki Forest virus is spread mainly by mosquito bites. It is not able to infect mammals through inhalation or gastrointestinal exposure, although rodents in the laboratory can be infected by intranasal instillation. The virus is able to cause a lethal encephalitis in rodents, but generally only mild symptoms in humans. Only one lethal human infection has been reported. In this one case, the patient was speculated to be immunodeficient and potentially had been exposed to large amounts of virus in the laboratory. Semliki Forest virus has been used extensively in biological research as a model of the viral life cycle and of viral neuropathy. Due to its broad host range and efficient replication, it has also been developed as a vector for genes encoding vaccines and anti-cancer agents, and as a tool in gene therapy. Since Semliki Forest virus naturally infects cells of the central nervous system, it has been pre-clinically tested as an oncolytic virus against the very aggressive brain tumour type glioblastoma. The SFV virus was genetically modified with microRNA target sequences so that it only replicated in brain tumour cells and not in normal brain cells. The modified virus reduced tumour growth and prolonged survival of mice with brain tumours. The modified virus was also found to efficiently kill human glioblastoma tumour cell lines.
rdf:langString Semliki Forest virus Semliki Forest virus Virus de la forêt de Semliki, agrandis 90 000 fois. Espèce Semliki Forest virusICTV 1971 Le Virus de la forêt de Semliki, Semliki Forest virus, a été isolé à partir de moustiques dans la , en Ouganda par l’ (en) en 1942. Il est connu pour provoquer des maladies chez les animaux et chez l'Homme. Il s'agit d'une espèce de virus du genre Alphavirus de la famille des Togaviridae retrouvé en Afrique centrale, en Afrique orientale et du sud.
rdf:langString Semliki forest virus (SFV) è una specie di virus a RNA a singolo filamento positivo, appartenente al genere Alphavirus, famiglia Togaviridae. Il virus è in grado di provocare una encefalite letale nei roditori. Negli esseri umani è responsabile di una patologia non grave caratterizzata da febbre ; è stato segnalato un solo caso di infezione letale da SFV in un soggetto immunodepresso.
rdf:langString Semliki Forest viruset ingår i släktet Alfavirus som tillhör familjen . Virusets genom består av positivt RNA som kodar för nio olika proteiner.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 8221

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