Senemiah war ein hoher altägyptischer Beamter, der im 15. Jahrhundert v. Chr. unter der regierenden Königin Hatschepsut amtierte. Er ist vorwiegend mit dem Titel des Schatzhausvorstehers bezeugt und folgte in diesem Amt Djehuty. Viel mehr ist zu seiner Person nicht bekannt. Sein Vater war ein gewisser Wadjmose, seine Mutter eine Frau namens Ahmose. Seine Gemahlinnen sind ebenfalls mit Namen bekannt. Es handelt sich um Senseneb und Tetiseneb.
Sememiah was a high ancient Egyptian official of the 18th Dynasty in office under the ruling queen Hatshepsut (about 1507–1458 BC). His main title was that of an Overseer of the treasuries. Sememiah is mainly known from his Theban tomb chapel (TT127) where there are remains of a longer biographical inscription. However, the inscription is not well preserved. Therefore it is problematic to reconstruct his career. Sememiah seems to have started in the temple of Amun and was scribe of the offering table and guardian of the offerings of Amun, as well as scribe of the counter of the cattle of Amun. It is unclear when he was appointed to an Overseer of the treasuries, but this was for sure under Hatshepsut who was once several times mentioned in the biography although here name was always erased
Senemiah war ein hoher altägyptischer Beamter, der im 15. Jahrhundert v. Chr. unter der regierenden Königin Hatschepsut amtierte. Er ist vorwiegend mit dem Titel des Schatzhausvorstehers bezeugt und folgte in diesem Amt Djehuty. Auf seinen Grabkegeln führt er den Titel Schreiber des Zählens der Rinder des Amun. Sein Titel Hausvorsteher des Month in Armant zeigt, dass er auch Verbindungen zu Armant hatte. Er scheint seine Karriere also hauptsächlich im Amun-Tempel in Karnak und in Armant begonnen zu haben. Aus seinem thebanischen Grab ist eine längere und sehr fragmentarische biographische Inschrift erhalten. Aus dieser geht vor allem hervor, dass er eine wichtige Funktion bei der Punt-Expedition der Herrscherin ausübte. Der Zeitpunkt seiner Beförderung an den königlichen Hof und zum Schatzhausvorsteher ist nicht überliefert. Viel mehr ist zu seiner Person nicht bekannt. Sein Vater war ein gewisser Wadjmose, seine Mutter eine Frau namens Ahmose. Seine Gemahlinnen sind ebenfalls mit Namen bekannt. Es handelt sich um Senseneb und Tetiseneb.
Sememiah was a high ancient Egyptian official of the 18th Dynasty in office under the ruling queen Hatshepsut (about 1507–1458 BC). His main title was that of an Overseer of the treasuries. Sememiah is mainly known from his Theban tomb chapel (TT127) where there are remains of a longer biographical inscription. However, the inscription is not well preserved. Therefore it is problematic to reconstruct his career. Sememiah seems to have started in the temple of Amun and was scribe of the offering table and guardian of the offerings of Amun, as well as scribe of the counter of the cattle of Amun. It is unclear when he was appointed to an Overseer of the treasuries, but this was for sure under Hatshepsut who was once several times mentioned in the biography although here name was always erased. An important part of his career was certainly the expedition to Punt mentioned in the text, although it is not possible to gain any firm information from the destroyed text. It seems most likely that Sememiah died under Hatshepsut. There is no evidence that he was still in office under Thutmose III, the queen's successor. Sememiah was most likely the successor of Djehuty as overseer of the treasuries.