Secretary Island an entity of type: Thing
L'île Secretary, en anglais Secretary Island, est une île néo-zélandaise de la mer de Tasman séparée de l'île du Sud par les fjords de Doubtful Sound et Thompson Sound. D'une superficie de 81 km2, elle culmine à 1 200 mètres d'altitude. Inhabitée, elle fait entièrement partie du parc national de Fiordland.
* Portail du monde insulaire
* Portail de l’océan Pacifique
* Portail de la Nouvelle-Zélande
Pulau Secretary adalah pulau di barat daya Selandia Baru yang membentang dalam . Pulau ini berbentuk menyerupai segitiga yang membentang antara di selatan dan di utara, dengan pantai barat menghadap ke Laut Tasman. Tinggi datarannya mencapai dekat dengan 1200 meter. Pulau ini tidak berpenghuni, dan memiliki luas 81 km². memiliki hubungan dalam proyek untuk dari pulau ini, dengan harapan dapat membantu melindungi spesies asli yang ditemukan di pulau ini.
Secretary Island är en ö i den nyzeeländska regionen Fiordland. Öns högsta berg är , som uppkallats efter den framgångsrike säljägaren . Dokument visar att han ägnat stora delar av sitt liv till att utforska ön.
塞克勒特里島(英文名稱:Secretary Island)是位於紐西蘭西南部的一個島嶼,完全在菲奧德蘭國家公園內。形狀約為三角形,位於(Doubtful Sound)的南部及(Thompson Sound)的北部,而其西岸則面向塔斯曼海。此島的最高點達1200米。目前此島無人居住,面積約為81km2。 目前已將此島作為其計劃之一,並正在處理島上所有可能危害其原生生物的一切外來物種。
Секретари (англ. Secretary Island) — остров в Новой Зеландии. Административно входит в состав региона Саутленд.
Ka Tū-waewae-o-Tū (anglicky Secretary Island) se nachází na jihozápadě Nového Zélandu v národním parku Fiordland. Má rozlohu 8140 hekatrů. Nachází se severně od fjordu a jižně od fjordu , západní strana směřuje k Tasmanovu moři.
Secretary Island ist eine Insel im Fiordland National Park im Südwesten Neuseelands. Die Insel hat einen annähernd dreieckigen Grundriss mit den Ecken Common Head (Ostspitze), Colonial Head (Nordspitze) und der unbenannten Westspitze. Sie wird durch den Doubtful Sound/Patea im Süden und den Te Awa-o-Tū / Thompson Sound im Norden, die sich am Common Head im treffen, vom Festland getrennt. Die Westküste grenzt an die Tasmansee. Die steil ansteigende Insel erreicht eine Höhe von 1200 m bei einer Fläche von 81 km². Sie ist unbewohnt. Die nächstgelegene größere Insel ist Bauza Island im Süden.
Secretary Island (Māori: Ka Tū-waewae-o-Tū) is an island in southwestern New Zealand, lying entirely within Fiordland National Park. Roughly triangular in shape, it lies between Doubtful Sound / Patea in the south and Te Awa-o-Tū / Thompson Sound in the north, with its west coast facing the Tasman Sea. To the east of the island, Pendulo Reach connects Te Awa-o-Tū / Thompson Sound with Doubtful Sound / Patea. Steeply sloped, the entirely bush-clad island rises to a chain of several peaks higher than 1000 metres. The highest of these is the 1,196-metre (3,924 ft) Mount Grono, the highest peak in the main New Zealand chain not located in the North or South Island. The island also contains three lakes. The largest, Secretary Lake, over 600 metres (2,000 ft) long, is located beneath Mount Grono
A ilha Secretary (em maori: Ka Tū-waewae-o-Tū) é uma ilha da Nova Zelândia no mar de Tasman, separada da ilha Sul pelos fiordes de Doubtful Sound e Thompson Sound. Com cerca de 81 km2 de área, atinge 1196 m de altitude no topo do monte Grono. Desabitada, integra o . A ilha contém três lagos. O maior, o Lago Secretary, com mais de 600 metros de comprimento, está localizado abaixo do Monte Grono, a uma altitude de 550 metros.
Ka Tū-waewae-o-Tū
Secretary Island
Pulau Secretary
Île Secretary
Secretary Island
Секретари (остров)
Ilha Secretary
Secretary Island
Secretary Island
Secretary Island
Secretary Island's eastern end
Secretary Island from Pendulo Reach of Doubtful Sound.jpg
Ka Tū-waewae-o-Tū
Secretary Island
New Zealand South Island
Location of Secretary Island
Location of Secretary Island in relationship to the South Island
-45.25 166.91666666666666
Map of Secretary Island
Ka Tū-waewae-o-Tū (anglicky Secretary Island) se nachází na jihozápadě Nového Zélandu v národním parku Fiordland. Má rozlohu 8140 hekatrů. Nachází se severně od fjordu a jižně od fjordu , západní strana směřuje k Tasmanovu moři. Nejvyšší bod ostrova má nadmořskou výšku 1196 m, což z něj činí třetí nejvyšší ostrov Nového Zélandu. Jako na jednom z mála pobřežních novozélandský ostrovů se na něm nikdy nevyskytovali hlodavci. Díky absenci potkanů, krys a myší je ostrov důležitou přirozenou rezervací pro některé endemické bezobralté živočichy jako jsou wety, brouky nebo pavouky . Ostrov funguje jako přirozená „otevřená” rezervace a pro vstup na ostrov se nevyžaduje povolení.
Secretary Island ist eine Insel im Fiordland National Park im Südwesten Neuseelands. Die Insel hat einen annähernd dreieckigen Grundriss mit den Ecken Common Head (Ostspitze), Colonial Head (Nordspitze) und der unbenannten Westspitze. Sie wird durch den Doubtful Sound/Patea im Süden und den Te Awa-o-Tū / Thompson Sound im Norden, die sich am Common Head im treffen, vom Festland getrennt. Die Westküste grenzt an die Tasmansee. Die steil ansteigende Insel erreicht eine Höhe von 1200 m bei einer Fläche von 81 km². Sie ist unbewohnt. Die nächstgelegene größere Insel ist Bauza Island im Süden. Das Department of Conservation führt auf der Insel ein Projekt zur Ausrottung eingeschleppter Arten und zum Schutz auf der Insel heimischer Arten durch. Das Fiordland-Erdbeben von 2003 hatte seinen Ursprung 10 km nordwestlich der Insel in der Tasmansee.
L'île Secretary, en anglais Secretary Island, est une île néo-zélandaise de la mer de Tasman séparée de l'île du Sud par les fjords de Doubtful Sound et Thompson Sound. D'une superficie de 81 km2, elle culmine à 1 200 mètres d'altitude. Inhabitée, elle fait entièrement partie du parc national de Fiordland.
* Portail du monde insulaire
* Portail de l’océan Pacifique
* Portail de la Nouvelle-Zélande
Pulau Secretary adalah pulau di barat daya Selandia Baru yang membentang dalam . Pulau ini berbentuk menyerupai segitiga yang membentang antara di selatan dan di utara, dengan pantai barat menghadap ke Laut Tasman. Tinggi datarannya mencapai dekat dengan 1200 meter. Pulau ini tidak berpenghuni, dan memiliki luas 81 km². memiliki hubungan dalam proyek untuk dari pulau ini, dengan harapan dapat membantu melindungi spesies asli yang ditemukan di pulau ini.
Secretary Island (Māori: Ka Tū-waewae-o-Tū) is an island in southwestern New Zealand, lying entirely within Fiordland National Park. Roughly triangular in shape, it lies between Doubtful Sound / Patea in the south and Te Awa-o-Tū / Thompson Sound in the north, with its west coast facing the Tasman Sea. To the east of the island, Pendulo Reach connects Te Awa-o-Tū / Thompson Sound with Doubtful Sound / Patea. Steeply sloped, the entirely bush-clad island rises to a chain of several peaks higher than 1000 metres. The highest of these is the 1,196-metre (3,924 ft) Mount Grono, the highest peak in the main New Zealand chain not located in the North or South Island. The island also contains three lakes. The largest, Secretary Lake, over 600 metres (2,000 ft) long, is located beneath Mount Grono at an altitude of 550 metres (1,800 ft). The island is uninhabited, and covers 81.4 km2 (31 sq mi) of predominantly steep terrain almost entirely covered in dense native beech-podocarp forest, including plants such as mistletoes and mountain lancewood, which have been decimated elsewhere by the browsing of possums. Its isolation and size make Secretary Island one of the most important islands in New Zealand for the conservation efforts of vulnerable native species. The island was never inhabited by possums or rodents, and by 2007, deer and stoat were eradicated as well, making it the largest completely pest-free island in New Zealand. With the removal of deer, the complete native ecosystem is thriving, with plants from ground covers through to trees supporting a healthy population of native animals from insects and spiders to native birds. Transferred populations of endangered birds in particular have been recovering thanks to the absence of rats and mice.
Secretary Island är en ö i den nyzeeländska regionen Fiordland. Öns högsta berg är , som uppkallats efter den framgångsrike säljägaren . Dokument visar att han ägnat stora delar av sitt liv till att utforska ön.
A ilha Secretary (em maori: Ka Tū-waewae-o-Tū) é uma ilha da Nova Zelândia no mar de Tasman, separada da ilha Sul pelos fiordes de Doubtful Sound e Thompson Sound. Com cerca de 81 km2 de área, atinge 1196 m de altitude no topo do monte Grono. Desabitada, integra o . A ilha contém três lagos. O maior, o Lago Secretary, com mais de 600 metros de comprimento, está localizado abaixo do Monte Grono, a uma altitude de 550 metros. A ilha é desabitada e o terreno é predominantemente íngreme, quase inteiramente coberto por densa floresta nativa de faia-podocarpo, incluindo plantas como viscos, que foram dizimados em outros lugares por cusus. O seu isolamento e tamanho fazem dela uma das ilhas mais importantes da Nova Zelândia para os esforços de conservação de espécies nativas vulneráveis. A ilha nunca foi habitada por cusus ou roedores e, em 2007, cervos e arminhos também foram erradicados, tornando-a a maior ilha completamente livre de pragas da Nova Zelândia. Com a remoção dos cervos, o ecossistema nativo completo prospera, com plantas desde a cobertura do solo até árvores que sustentam uma população saudável de animais nativos, de insetos e aranhas a pássaros nativos. As populações transferidas de aves ameaçadas de extinção, em particular, estão em recuperação graças à ausência de ratos.
塞克勒特里島(英文名稱:Secretary Island)是位於紐西蘭西南部的一個島嶼,完全在菲奧德蘭國家公園內。形狀約為三角形,位於(Doubtful Sound)的南部及(Thompson Sound)的北部,而其西岸則面向塔斯曼海。此島的最高點達1200米。目前此島無人居住,面積約為81km2。 目前已將此島作為其計劃之一,並正在處理島上所有可能危害其原生生物的一切外來物種。
Секретари (англ. Secretary Island) — остров в Новой Зеландии. Административно входит в состав региона Саутленд.
Maori language
POINT(166.91667175293 -45.25)