Santino Di Matteo
Santino Di Matteo (born 7 December 1954), also known as Mezzanasca, is an Italian former member of the Sicilian Mafia from the town of Altofonte in the province of Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Di Matteo took part in the killing of Antimafia judge Giovanni Falcone on 23 May 1992, near Capaci and also the businessman Ignazio Salvo's killing. After his arrest on 4 June 1993, he became the first of Falcone's assassins to become a government witness – a pentito. He revealed all the details of the assassination: who tunnelled beneath the motorway, who packed the 13 drums with TNT and Semtex, who hauled them into place on a skateboard, and who pressed the button.
Mario Santo Di Matteo, detto Mezzanasca (Altofonte, 7 dicembre 1954), è un collaboratore di giustizia italiano.
Santono Di Matteo, född 7 december 1954 i Altofonte, var medlem av den sicilianska maffian i Corleone. Han var en av avhopparna och skulle vittna mot maffian; som hämnd beordrade Giovanni Brusca att Di Matteos 12-årige Giuseppe son skulle kidnappas. Santino Di Matteo försökte att förhandla med kidnapparna, men efter mer än två år i fångenskap mördades sonen under brutala omständigheter.
Santino Di Matteo
Santino Di Matteo
Santino Di Matteo
Santino Di Matteo (born 7 December 1954), also known as Mezzanasca, is an Italian former member of the Sicilian Mafia from the town of Altofonte in the province of Palermo, Sicily, Italy. Di Matteo took part in the killing of Antimafia judge Giovanni Falcone on 23 May 1992, near Capaci and also the businessman Ignazio Salvo's killing. After his arrest on 4 June 1993, he became the first of Falcone's assassins to become a government witness – a pentito. He revealed all the details of the assassination: who tunnelled beneath the motorway, who packed the 13 drums with TNT and Semtex, who hauled them into place on a skateboard, and who pressed the button.
Mario Santo Di Matteo, detto Mezzanasca (Altofonte, 7 dicembre 1954), è un collaboratore di giustizia italiano.
Santono Di Matteo, född 7 december 1954 i Altofonte, var medlem av den sicilianska maffian i Corleone. Han var en av avhopparna och skulle vittna mot maffian; som hämnd beordrade Giovanni Brusca att Di Matteos 12-årige Giuseppe son skulle kidnappas. Santino Di Matteo försökte att förhandla med kidnapparna, men efter mer än två år i fångenskap mördades sonen under brutala omständigheter.