Saigon Central Post Office an entity of type: WikicatBuildingsAndStructuresInHoChiMinhCity
Oficina central de correos es una oficina de correos ubicada en el centro de la ciudad Ho Chi Minh, cerca de la Basílica de Notre-Dame de Saigón. Construida a finales del siglo XIX por el famoso arquitecto Gustave Eiffel.
* Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre Oficina de correos central de Saigón.
La poste centrale de Saïgon (en vietnamien Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn) est un bâtiment abritant le bureau de poste principal du centre-ville de Hô Chi Minh-Ville (Saïgon) au Vietnam. Elle a été construite entre 1886 et 1891 par l'administration des Postes françaises, à l'époque de l'Indochine française.
サイゴン中央郵便局(サイゴンちゅうおうゆうびんきょく、ベトナム語:Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn / 郵電中心柴棍)は、ベトナムのホーチミン市1区にある郵便局。
사이공 중앙 우체국(베트남어: Bưu điện trung tâm Sài Gòn, 프랑스어: Poste centrale de Saïgon)은 베트남 호찌민 시 1군 파리 코뮌 광장에 있는 건물이다. 1886년부터 1891년까지 건축가 와 알프레드 폴홍스의 지도 아래 유럽 양식으로 지어졌다. 외부를 둘러보면 건물 앞쪽에 사람들의 이름이 적힌 사각형 모양이 있으며, 건물 가운데에는 대형 시계가 있다. 내부에 있는 두 개의 벽에는 유서가 깊은 지도(Saigon et ses environs (1892), Lignes télégraphiques du Sud Vietnam et du Cambodge (1936)가 각각 그려져 있다. 이 건물은 호찌민 시 방문자들에게 인기 있는 곳으로 잘 알려져 있으며, 이 곳 근처에는 사이공 노트르담 성당과 쇼핑몰 가 있다.
西貢中心郵政局(越南语:Bưu điện trung tâm Sài Gòn/郵電中心柴棍)又名西貢中央郵局,位於越南胡志明市第一郡,此郵局和西貢聖母聖殿主教座堂相鄰。由法國於1886年至1891年間興建,至1892年正式啟用。工程建築風格充滿法式風情,與附近環境互相配合。這是郵政與電信總局,同時也是法國殖民時期的第一座郵政局。到了現在,郵政局是胡志明市著名地標之一,吸引不少旅客參觀。 西貢中央郵局的建築師是 Alfred Foulhoux,但亦有傳聞建築師是由古斯塔夫·埃菲尔所設計的。 郵政局內部相當寬敞,以簡單的綠色鐵條裝飾包住排水管。大型胡志明肖像掛畫則放置在大廳正中,兩旁的牆壁上則是越南的舊地圖,舊地圖下則設有特色電話亭。郵政局兩則設有紀念品店及提款機。
* 1895年時的外觀
* 特色電話亭
* 紀念品店
* 牆壁上的舊地圖
The Ho Chi Minh City Post Office, or the Saigon Central Post Office (Vietnamese: Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn, French: Poste centrale de Saïgon), is a post office in the downtown Ho Chi Minh City, near Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica, the city's cathedral. The building was constructed when Vietnam was part of French Indochina in the late 19th century. It counts with Gothic, Renaissance and French influences. It was constructed between 1886 and 1891 and is now a tourist attraction. Dương Văn Ngộ, known for being the last public letter writer in Vietnam, worked at the office from 1990 to 2021.
Het Hoofdpostkantoor van Saigon (Vietnamees: Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn) is een postkantoor in Ho Chi Minhstad, Vietnam. Het gebouw staat aan hetzelfde plein als de Basiliek van Notre-Dame. Het werd gebouwd tussen 1886 en 1891, toen Vietnam onder Frans gezag van de Unie van Indochina viel. Het is ontworpen in Neoclassicistische stijl door de Franse architecten Auguste Henri Vildieu en Alfred Foulhoux maar het ontwerp wordt vaak ten onrechte toegeschreven aan Gustave Eiffel.
* Voorgevel
* Hal
* Wandschildering: kaart met telegrafie-verbindingen Zuid-Vietnam en Cambodja
* Telefooncellen in de hal
Oficina de correos central de Saigón
Poste centrale de Saïgon
사이공 중앙 우체국
Hoofdpostkantoor (Saigon)
Saigon Central Post Office
10.78 106.7
Oficina central de correos es una oficina de correos ubicada en el centro de la ciudad Ho Chi Minh, cerca de la Basílica de Notre-Dame de Saigón. Construida a finales del siglo XIX por el famoso arquitecto Gustave Eiffel.
* Wikimedia Commons alberga una categoría multimedia sobre Oficina de correos central de Saigón.
La poste centrale de Saïgon (en vietnamien Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn) est un bâtiment abritant le bureau de poste principal du centre-ville de Hô Chi Minh-Ville (Saïgon) au Vietnam. Elle a été construite entre 1886 et 1891 par l'administration des Postes françaises, à l'époque de l'Indochine française.
The Ho Chi Minh City Post Office, or the Saigon Central Post Office (Vietnamese: Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn, French: Poste centrale de Saïgon), is a post office in the downtown Ho Chi Minh City, near Saigon Notre-Dame Basilica, the city's cathedral. The building was constructed when Vietnam was part of French Indochina in the late 19th century. It counts with Gothic, Renaissance and French influences. It was constructed between 1886 and 1891 and is now a tourist attraction. It was designed by Alfred Foulhoux, but is often erroneously credited as being the work of Gustave Eiffel or a collaboration between Foulhoux and Hanoi-based Auguste Henri Vildieu. As translated by the historian Tim Doling, the journal Architecte constructeur: Revue du monde architectural et artistique of 15 September 1891 commented: “The inauguration the new Saigon Post Office, which was held on July 14, had been postponed until the return of the Governor General. This monument, adorned with a most artistic façade, is particularly well laid out and well equipped for the different services to which it is intended; it does the greatest honour to the skill and talent of the distinguished Chief Architect of the Colony, M. Foulhoux.” Inside the Saigon Central Post office of special note are two painted maps that were created just after the post office was built, the first one located on the left side of the building is a map of Southern Vietnam and Cambodia titled Lignes telegraphiques du Sud Vietnam et Cambodge 1892 ("Telegraphic lines of Southern Vietnam and Cambodia 1892"). The second map of greater Saigon is titled Saigon et ses environs 1892 ("Saigon and its surroundings 1892"). Dương Văn Ngộ, known for being the last public letter writer in Vietnam, worked at the office from 1990 to 2021.
サイゴン中央郵便局(サイゴンちゅうおうゆうびんきょく、ベトナム語:Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn / 郵電中心柴棍)は、ベトナムのホーチミン市1区にある郵便局。
사이공 중앙 우체국(베트남어: Bưu điện trung tâm Sài Gòn, 프랑스어: Poste centrale de Saïgon)은 베트남 호찌민 시 1군 파리 코뮌 광장에 있는 건물이다. 1886년부터 1891년까지 건축가 와 알프레드 폴홍스의 지도 아래 유럽 양식으로 지어졌다. 외부를 둘러보면 건물 앞쪽에 사람들의 이름이 적힌 사각형 모양이 있으며, 건물 가운데에는 대형 시계가 있다. 내부에 있는 두 개의 벽에는 유서가 깊은 지도(Saigon et ses environs (1892), Lignes télégraphiques du Sud Vietnam et du Cambodge (1936)가 각각 그려져 있다. 이 건물은 호찌민 시 방문자들에게 인기 있는 곳으로 잘 알려져 있으며, 이 곳 근처에는 사이공 노트르담 성당과 쇼핑몰 가 있다.
Het Hoofdpostkantoor van Saigon (Vietnamees: Bưu điện Trung tâm Sài Gòn) is een postkantoor in Ho Chi Minhstad, Vietnam. Het gebouw staat aan hetzelfde plein als de Basiliek van Notre-Dame. Het werd gebouwd tussen 1886 en 1891, toen Vietnam onder Frans gezag van de Unie van Indochina viel. Het is ontworpen in Neoclassicistische stijl door de Franse architecten Auguste Henri Vildieu en Alfred Foulhoux maar het ontwerp wordt vaak ten onrechte toegeschreven aan Gustave Eiffel. Tegenwoordig doet het gebouw nog steeds dienst als postkantoor. Veel toeristen nemen een kijkje in het gebouw. In de hal zijn twee grote wandschilderingen te vinden. Op de ene is een kaart te zien van Zuid-Vietnam en Cambodja met alle telegrafie-verbindingen erop. Aan de andere kant van de hal is een kaart geschilderd van de stad Saigon (nu Ho Chi Minhstad) en omgeving in 1892.
* Voorgevel
* Hal
* Wandschildering: kaart met telegrafie-verbindingen Zuid-Vietnam en Cambodja
* Wandschildering: kaart Saigon en omgeving (1892)
* Telefooncellen in de hal
西貢中心郵政局(越南语:Bưu điện trung tâm Sài Gòn/郵電中心柴棍)又名西貢中央郵局,位於越南胡志明市第一郡,此郵局和西貢聖母聖殿主教座堂相鄰。由法國於1886年至1891年間興建,至1892年正式啟用。工程建築風格充滿法式風情,與附近環境互相配合。這是郵政與電信總局,同時也是法國殖民時期的第一座郵政局。到了現在,郵政局是胡志明市著名地標之一,吸引不少旅客參觀。 西貢中央郵局的建築師是 Alfred Foulhoux,但亦有傳聞建築師是由古斯塔夫·埃菲尔所設計的。 郵政局內部相當寬敞,以簡單的綠色鐵條裝飾包住排水管。大型胡志明肖像掛畫則放置在大廳正中,兩旁的牆壁上則是越南的舊地圖,舊地圖下則設有特色電話亭。郵政局兩則設有紀念品店及提款機。
* 1895年時的外觀
* 特色電話亭
* 紀念品店
* 牆壁上的舊地圖
POINT(106.69999694824 10.779999732971)