Ryoma Echizen

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ryoma_Echizen an entity of type: Thing

Ryoma Echizen (越前リョーマ Echizen Ryōma?) es un personaje de ficción y el protagonista del anime y manga Prince of Tennis. Ryoma es el hijo de , antes conocido como "Samurai Nanjiro" durante sus días como un tenista profesional y jugador de Rinko Takeuchi-Echizen, un templo. Ryoma gana el apodo de "Samurai" en el tercer capítulo de la serie. Hace su primera aparición, cuando critica un estudiante de secundaria sobre sus conocimientos de tenis. Como el personaje principal, Ryoma es uno de los más populares personajes de la serie. rdf:langString
Ryoma Echizen (リョーマ 越前 Echizen Ryoma?) è un personaggio immaginario presente nella serie manga e anime giapponese Il principe del tennis, creata da . rdf:langString
越前 リョーマ(えちぜん リョーマ)は、許斐剛作の漫画作品およびそれを原作としたアニメ『テニスの王子様』、『新テニスの王子様』に登場する架空の人物で、同作の主人公である。アニメ版の声優は皆川純子。実写映画版の俳優は本郷奏多。ミュージカル版の俳優はミュージカル・テニスの王子様/2ndシーズン/3rdシーズン/4thシーズン/ミュージカル・新テニスの王子様を参照。 rdf:langString
越前龍馬(越前 リョーマ,Echizen Ryōma)是許斐剛創作的日本漫畫《網球王子》的主角。越前龍馬是位12歲的網球神童,在美國連續四次贏得青少年網球錦標賽。他的父親越前南次郎是前職業網球員,外號「武士南次郎」。在父親的要求下,龍馬回到日本,就讀以網球校隊聞名的私立中學青春學園(青學)。龍馬的個性高傲自大,經常和高年級學生發生衝突,並經常在球賽中惹怒他的對手。儘管如此,他還是加入校隊並和他們一起以全國大賽為目標。龍馬的球技最初是承襲父親,後來他找到自己的風格。除了漫畫,龍馬也出現在《網球王子》的各種改編動畫、音樂劇、電子遊戲、電影、原聲帶之中。龍馬在讀者中極受歡迎,他在人氣投票中始終穩居前四名,其中兩次排名第一,其肖像也出現在鑰匙圈、服裝等大量周邊產品中。 相較於越前龍馬的高人氣,他的角色性格獲得褒貶不一的評價,尤其他的性格受到嚴厲批評。動畫新聞網和DVDTalk的評論都認為龍馬的自大和倨傲很難讓人喜歡,他們也都認為龍馬的球技堅強,但他們也在評論中表示,這會使「讀者難以和龍馬產生共鳴」,而且讓比賽顯得不夠緊張。然而動畫新聞網的評論認為,該作品的看點之一是龍馬擊敗對手的方式十分多變,IGN的傑佛瑞·哈里斯評道,儘管龍馬最初的形象僵硬而冷酷,但隨故事進展,他也慢慢卸下心防。 rdf:langString
Ryoma Echizen (越前 リョーマ, Echizen Ryōma) is a fictional character and the protagonist of the manga and anime series The Prince of Tennis created by Takeshi Konomi. In the series, Ryoma is portrayed as a twelve-year-old tennis prodigy who won four consecutive Junior Tennis Tournaments in America. His father is Nanjiro Echizen, a former tennis pro nicknamed "Samurai Nanjiro". At his father's request, Ryoma returns to Japan in order to attend Seishun Academy ("Seigaku"), a private middle school famous for its tennis team. Due to his cocky attitude, he constantly butts heads with some of his upperclassmen as well as anger most of his opponents in tennis matches. Still, he, along with his team, evolve as tennis players in order to win the National Tennis Tournament. Throughout the story, Ryoma co rdf:langString
Ryōma Echizen (越前 リョーマ Echizen Ryōma) est un des personnages du manga Le Prince du tennis. Personnage principal de Le Prince du tennis, Echizen Ryoma en surprend plus d'un car il n'est qu'en première année. Ce que beaucoup ignorent, c'est que son père est Nanjirō Echizen, le Samouraï, un grand joueur japonais connu pour avoir battu de nombreux joueurs, dont les tenants du titre américain. Ryōma possède un caractère assez difficile à cerner : il semble s'amuser particulièrement dans les matchs où de grandes difficultés arrivent, passant le reste du temps à faire la sieste (ou s'entraîner bien sûr). Cependant sa hargne et son désir de battre tous ses adversaires est toujours visible, preuve est faite avec sa phrase favorite « Mada Mada Dane » (qui pourrait être traduite par : « Ce n'est pas rdf:langString
Ryoma Echizen (越前 リョーマ Echizen Ryōma?) é o protagonista do mangá e anime The Prince of Tennis criado por . No anime, Ryoma é retratado como um garoto de 12 anos que joga tênis e venceu 4 torneios consecutivos no Torneio Americano Junior de Tênis. Seu pai é Nanjiro Echizen, um tênista apelidado de "Samurai Nanjiro". A pedido de seu pai, Ryoma retorna ao Japão para participar da Seishun Academy, uma escola secundária privada famosa pela sua forte equipe de tênis. Devido a sua atitude arrogante, ele constantemente briga com alguns de seus colegas de classe. Ainda assim, ele, juntamente com sua equipe, evolui como jogadores de tênis, a fim de ganhar o Torneio Nacional de Tênis. Ao longo da história, Ryoma continua a encontrar seu próprio estilo de tênis, criando técnicas originais ao invés de rdf:langString
rdf:langString Ryōma Echizen
rdf:langString Ryōma Echizen
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen
rdf:langString 越前リョーマ
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen
rdf:langString 越前龍馬
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen
rdf:langString Prince of Tennis
rdf:langString Samurai Jr.
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen
xsd:integer 494648
xsd:integer 1109450553
rdf:langString Japanese
rdf:langString English
rdf:langString Junko Minagawa
rdf:langString David Neil Black
rdf:langString Ry McKeand
rdf:langString Prince of Tennis
rdf:langString Samurai Jr.
rdf:langString Ryoga Echizen
rdf:langString Nanako Echizen
rdf:langString Rinko Echizen
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen (越前リョーマ Echizen Ryōma?) es un personaje de ficción y el protagonista del anime y manga Prince of Tennis. Ryoma es el hijo de , antes conocido como "Samurai Nanjiro" durante sus días como un tenista profesional y jugador de Rinko Takeuchi-Echizen, un templo. Ryoma gana el apodo de "Samurai" en el tercer capítulo de la serie. Hace su primera aparición, cuando critica un estudiante de secundaria sobre sus conocimientos de tenis. Como el personaje principal, Ryoma es uno de los más populares personajes de la serie.
rdf:langString Ryōma Echizen (越前 リョーマ Echizen Ryōma) est un des personnages du manga Le Prince du tennis. Personnage principal de Le Prince du tennis, Echizen Ryoma en surprend plus d'un car il n'est qu'en première année. Ce que beaucoup ignorent, c'est que son père est Nanjirō Echizen, le Samouraï, un grand joueur japonais connu pour avoir battu de nombreux joueurs, dont les tenants du titre américain. Ryōma possède un caractère assez difficile à cerner : il semble s'amuser particulièrement dans les matchs où de grandes difficultés arrivent, passant le reste du temps à faire la sieste (ou s'entraîner bien sûr). Cependant sa hargne et son désir de battre tous ses adversaires est toujours visible, preuve est faite avec sa phrase favorite « Mada Mada Dane » (qui pourrait être traduite par : « Ce n'est pas encore ça ».) Mis à part cinq amis en première année et les membres réguliers, il ne semble pas s'intéresser à beaucoup d'autres choses que le tennis. Son rêve secret est de battre son père.
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen (越前 リョーマ, Echizen Ryōma) is a fictional character and the protagonist of the manga and anime series The Prince of Tennis created by Takeshi Konomi. In the series, Ryoma is portrayed as a twelve-year-old tennis prodigy who won four consecutive Junior Tennis Tournaments in America. His father is Nanjiro Echizen, a former tennis pro nicknamed "Samurai Nanjiro". At his father's request, Ryoma returns to Japan in order to attend Seishun Academy ("Seigaku"), a private middle school famous for its tennis team. Due to his cocky attitude, he constantly butts heads with some of his upperclassmen as well as anger most of his opponents in tennis matches. Still, he, along with his team, evolve as tennis players in order to win the National Tennis Tournament. Throughout the story, Ryoma continues to find his own style of tennis by creating original techniques instead of merely being a copy of his father. Ryoma also appears in other media adaptations of the series including musicals, video games, soundtracks, and films. Ryoma has been fairly popular among readers, having always stayed in the top four most popular characters, even placing first in two of the polls. Also, Ryoma's character has been featured in more soundtracks than any other character in the series. His likeness has appeared in numerous types of other merchandise as well, including key chains and clothing. However, in publicized reviews for the anime and manga, his character has received mixed reviews, with his personality being heavily criticized. Reviewers from Anime News Network and DVDTalk both finding Ryoma's cocky and "arrogant" attitude difficult to like. Though they both find his tennis skills undeniable, they comment on how that makes it "difficult for the reader to latch on and share in his experiences," eliminating the tension that comes with underdog appeal. The ANN reviewer, however, believes that some of the highlights of the series are the numerous ways that Ryoma defeats his opponents. On the other hand, Mania comments that Ryoma does not come off as too "over the top or too serious, but just the right level to be intimidating." And Jeffrey Harris of IGN cites that though Ryoma starts off as "stiff and cold," he slowly starts to break out of his shell.
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen (リョーマ 越前 Echizen Ryoma?) è un personaggio immaginario presente nella serie manga e anime giapponese Il principe del tennis, creata da .
rdf:langString 越前 リョーマ(えちぜん リョーマ)は、許斐剛作の漫画作品およびそれを原作としたアニメ『テニスの王子様』、『新テニスの王子様』に登場する架空の人物で、同作の主人公である。アニメ版の声優は皆川純子。実写映画版の俳優は本郷奏多。ミュージカル版の俳優はミュージカル・テニスの王子様/2ndシーズン/3rdシーズン/4thシーズン/ミュージカル・新テニスの王子様を参照。
rdf:langString Ryoma Echizen (越前 リョーマ Echizen Ryōma?) é o protagonista do mangá e anime The Prince of Tennis criado por . No anime, Ryoma é retratado como um garoto de 12 anos que joga tênis e venceu 4 torneios consecutivos no Torneio Americano Junior de Tênis. Seu pai é Nanjiro Echizen, um tênista apelidado de "Samurai Nanjiro". A pedido de seu pai, Ryoma retorna ao Japão para participar da Seishun Academy, uma escola secundária privada famosa pela sua forte equipe de tênis. Devido a sua atitude arrogante, ele constantemente briga com alguns de seus colegas de classe. Ainda assim, ele, juntamente com sua equipe, evolui como jogadores de tênis, a fim de ganhar o Torneio Nacional de Tênis. Ao longo da história, Ryoma continua a encontrar seu próprio estilo de tênis, criando técnicas originais ao invés de ser meramente uma cópia de seu pai. Ryoma tem sido bastante popular entre os leitores, estando sempre entre os quatro personagens mais populares, até mesmo na primeira colocação algumas vezes. Além disso, Ryoma tem sido destaque em trilhas sonoras mais do que qualquer outro personagem na série. Sua imagem apareceu em vários tipos de mercadorias, como chaveiros e roupas. No entanto, nas opiniões divulgadas no anime e mangá, seu personagem recebeu críticas mistas, com sua personalidade sendo fortemente criticado. Revisores de Anime News Network e DVDTalk dizem que Ryoma é arrogante e é difícil de gostar de suas "atitudes". O revisor, porém, acredita que alguns dos destaques da série são as inúmeras formas que Ryoma derrota seus oponentes.
rdf:langString 越前龍馬(越前 リョーマ,Echizen Ryōma)是許斐剛創作的日本漫畫《網球王子》的主角。越前龍馬是位12歲的網球神童,在美國連續四次贏得青少年網球錦標賽。他的父親越前南次郎是前職業網球員,外號「武士南次郎」。在父親的要求下,龍馬回到日本,就讀以網球校隊聞名的私立中學青春學園(青學)。龍馬的個性高傲自大,經常和高年級學生發生衝突,並經常在球賽中惹怒他的對手。儘管如此,他還是加入校隊並和他們一起以全國大賽為目標。龍馬的球技最初是承襲父親,後來他找到自己的風格。除了漫畫,龍馬也出現在《網球王子》的各種改編動畫、音樂劇、電子遊戲、電影、原聲帶之中。龍馬在讀者中極受歡迎,他在人氣投票中始終穩居前四名,其中兩次排名第一,其肖像也出現在鑰匙圈、服裝等大量周邊產品中。 相較於越前龍馬的高人氣,他的角色性格獲得褒貶不一的評價,尤其他的性格受到嚴厲批評。動畫新聞網和DVDTalk的評論都認為龍馬的自大和倨傲很難讓人喜歡,他們也都認為龍馬的球技堅強,但他們也在評論中表示,這會使「讀者難以和龍馬產生共鳴」,而且讓比賽顯得不夠緊張。然而動畫新聞網的評論認為,該作品的看點之一是龍馬擊敗對手的方式十分多變,IGN的傑佛瑞·哈里斯評道,儘管龍馬最初的形象僵硬而冷酷,但隨故事進展,他也慢慢卸下心防。
rdf:langString School
rdf:langString Style
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 11334

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