Rural Municipality of Alexander an entity of type: Thing

Alexander est une municipalité rurale du Manitoba située à 100 km au nord-est de Winnipeg.Il y a environ 2 980 habitants. Le village de Saint-Georges, majoritairement francophone, fait partie de la communauté rurale d'Alexander. 20 % de la population est francophone et constitue la communauté métisse et franco-manitobainne d'Alexander. rdf:langString
The Rural Municipality of Alexander (French: Municipalité rurale d'Alexander) is a rural municipality in the Eastman Region of Manitoba, Canada. The town of Powerview-Pine Falls lies adjacent to the municipality, as does the Sagkeeng First Nation Indian reserve. The municipality contains all of Manitoba's Belair Provincial Forest in its westernmost part, plus the northern half of Brightstone Sand Hills Provincial Forest in its central part. rdf:langString
Александер (англ. Alexander) — сільський муніципалітет в Канаді, у провінції Манітоба. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Alexander (Manitoba)
rdf:langString Rural Municipality of Alexander
rdf:langString Александер (Манітоба)
rdf:langString Alexander
rdf:langString Rural Municipality of Alexander
rdf:langString Alexander
xsd:float 50.42222213745117
xsd:float -96.07499694824219
xsd:integer 3039560
xsd:integer 1084472795
xsd:integer -5
xsd:double 1569.62
rdf:langString Administrative office
rdf:langString Rural Municipality of Alexander
rdf:langString Unorganized Manitoba
xsd:date 1945-01-01
xsd:date 1997-01-01
rdf:langString Incorporated as a
rdf:langString Incorporated as a rural municipality
rdf:langString CAN MB Alexander.svg
rdf:langString MaskwaRiver.jpg
rdf:langString Councillors
rdf:langString Location of the Rural Municipality of Alexander in Manitoba
rdf:langString Unorganized Manitoba /
rdf:langString Rural Municipality of Alexander
xsd:integer 2016
xsd:integer 3333
rdf:langString Canada
rdf:langString Country
xsd:integer -6
rdf:langString Lake Winnipeg
xsd:string 50.422222222222224 -96.075
rdf:langString Alexander est une municipalité rurale du Manitoba située à 100 km au nord-est de Winnipeg.Il y a environ 2 980 habitants. Le village de Saint-Georges, majoritairement francophone, fait partie de la communauté rurale d'Alexander. 20 % de la population est francophone et constitue la communauté métisse et franco-manitobainne d'Alexander.
rdf:langString The Rural Municipality of Alexander (French: Municipalité rurale d'Alexander) is a rural municipality in the Eastman Region of Manitoba, Canada. The town of Powerview-Pine Falls lies adjacent to the municipality, as does the Sagkeeng First Nation Indian reserve. The municipality contains all of Manitoba's Belair Provincial Forest in its westernmost part, plus the northern half of Brightstone Sand Hills Provincial Forest in its central part.
rdf:langString Александер (англ. Alexander) — сільський муніципалітет в Канаді, у провінції Манітоба.
<squareKilometre> 1569.62
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 11288
xsd:double 1569620000.0
xsd:date 1945-01-01
xsd:date 1997-01-01
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 3333
xsd:string -5 -6
<Geometry> POINT(-96.074996948242 50.422222137451)

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