Royal Shrovetide Football an entity of type: Thing

Das Shrovetide-Fußballspiel (Royal Shrovetide Football) ist ein alljährlich am Faschingsdienstag und Aschermittwoch stattfindendes Volksfußballspiel in Ashbourne (Derbyshire Dales), Großbritannien. Es findet mindestens seit dem 12. Jahrhundert statt. Dieses Spiel gilt als der Ursprung des Derbys, der sportlichen Auseinandersetzung zweier Lokalrivalen. rdf:langString
Shrovetide Futbola edota Shrovetide Errege Futbola (Royal Shrovetide Football ingelesez) Ingalaterrako Derbyshireko herrian urtero eta jokatzen den futbol-mota bat da. Gutxienez XII. mendetik aurrera jokatzen da, nahiz eta kirol honen jatorriaren inguruko informazioa Royal Shrovetide Committee bulegoen sutean galdu zen 1890eko hamarkadan. Hala ere, teoriarik sonatuenak dio hasierako baloia exekuzio batean moztutako burua izan zitekeela. Kirol honetan nahi duenak parte har dezake jokalari kopuru mugaturik ez dagoelako, araudian ikus daitekeen bezala. rdf:langString
La Royal Shrovetide Football è una partita di (solo vagamente simile al Calcio storico fiorentino) che si tiene ogni anno ad Ashbourne una piccola cittadina del Derbyshire, in Inghilterra. La competizione si svolge ogni anno il martedì grasso e il mercoledì delle ceneri. Le due squadre si chiamano Up’ards e Down’ards, ovvero squadre composte dagli abitanti di Ashbourne rispettivamente nati a nord o a sud del . rdf:langString
シュローヴタイド・フットボール(Shrovetide Football)とは、イングランド・ダービーシャー州において1年に一度、告解の火曜日と灰の水曜日の2日間行われている祭りである。フットボールの起源とも言われている。Royal Shrovetide Footballとも呼ばれる。 rdf:langString
Royal Shrovetide Football – coroczny mecz odbywający się w miejscowości Ashbourne w Derbyshire w Anglii, rozgrywany w Środę Popielcową oraz w poprzedzający ją wtorek. Rozgrywka polega na przeniesieniu piłki do swojej bramki, bierze w niej udział całe miasto. Mecz jest rozgrywany od co najmniej XII wieku, choć jego początki są nieznane z uwagi na pożar pod koniec XIX wieku, który zniszczył dokumenty na ten temat. Jedna z najbardziej popularnych teorii na temat genezy tej zabawy sugeruje, że pierwotnie "piłkami" były odcięte głowy skazańców. rdf:langString
Королевский масленичный футбол (англ. Royal Shrovetide Football) — старинный английский командный вид спорта, возникший в XII веке. Матч традиционно проводится раз в год в канун Великого поста у специального постамента в центре городка (графство Дербишир, Англия.) rdf:langString
The Royal Shrovetide Football Match is a "medieval football" game played annually on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in the town of Ashbourne in Derbyshire, England. Shrovetide ball games have been played in England since at least the 12th century from the reign of Henry II (1154–89). The Ashbourne game also known as "hugball" has been played from at least c.1667 although the exact origins of the game are unknown due to a fire at the Royal Shrovetide Committee office in the 1890s which destroyed the earliest records. One of the most popular origin theories suggests the macabre notion that the 'ball' was originally a severed head tossed into the waiting crowd following an execution. Although this may have happened, it is more likely that games such as the , reputedly played during the Hund rdf:langString
rdf:langString Shrovetide-Fußballspiel
rdf:langString Shrovetide Futbola
rdf:langString Royal Shrovetide Football
rdf:langString シュローヴタイド・フットボール
rdf:langString Royal Shrovetide Football
rdf:langString Royal Shrovetide Football
rdf:langString Королевский масленичный футбол
xsd:integer 480106
xsd:integer 1124574500
rdf:langString Up'Ards purpose-built goal at Sturston Mill, upstream from the plinth at Shawcroft
rdf:langString Down'Ards purpose-built goal at Clifton Mill, downstream from the plinth at Shawcroft
xsd:date 2008-01-10
xsd:date 2010-01-31
xsd:date 2011-05-17
rdf:langString left
rdf:langString Down'Ards Goal.jpg
rdf:langString Up'Ards Goal.jpg
rdf:langString Charles Cotton
rdf:langString And could no more run, kick, or trip ye
rdf:langString Being at football now engaged
rdf:langString For honour, as both sides pretend,
rdf:langString Left the brave trial to be ended
rdf:langString Like Rollerich stones, if you've seen 'em
rdf:langString On either part at least a dozen,
rdf:langString Than I can quaff off Aganippe.
rdf:langString Till the next thaw for they were frozen
rdf:langString Two towns, that long that war had raged
rdf:langString With a good handsome space between 'em
rdf:langString Official players committee footage
rdf:langString Das Shrovetide-Fußballspiel (Royal Shrovetide Football) ist ein alljährlich am Faschingsdienstag und Aschermittwoch stattfindendes Volksfußballspiel in Ashbourne (Derbyshire Dales), Großbritannien. Es findet mindestens seit dem 12. Jahrhundert statt. Dieses Spiel gilt als der Ursprung des Derbys, der sportlichen Auseinandersetzung zweier Lokalrivalen.
rdf:langString Shrovetide Futbola edota Shrovetide Errege Futbola (Royal Shrovetide Football ingelesez) Ingalaterrako Derbyshireko herrian urtero eta jokatzen den futbol-mota bat da. Gutxienez XII. mendetik aurrera jokatzen da, nahiz eta kirol honen jatorriaren inguruko informazioa Royal Shrovetide Committee bulegoen sutean galdu zen 1890eko hamarkadan. Hala ere, teoriarik sonatuenak dio hasierako baloia exekuzio batean moztutako burua izan zitekeela. Kirol honetan nahi duenak parte har dezake jokalari kopuru mugaturik ez dagoelako, araudian ikus daitekeen bezala.
rdf:langString The Royal Shrovetide Football Match is a "medieval football" game played annually on Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday in the town of Ashbourne in Derbyshire, England. Shrovetide ball games have been played in England since at least the 12th century from the reign of Henry II (1154–89). The Ashbourne game also known as "hugball" has been played from at least c.1667 although the exact origins of the game are unknown due to a fire at the Royal Shrovetide Committee office in the 1890s which destroyed the earliest records. One of the most popular origin theories suggests the macabre notion that the 'ball' was originally a severed head tossed into the waiting crowd following an execution. Although this may have happened, it is more likely that games such as the , reputedly played during the Hundred Years' War with France, were adaptations of an original ball game intended to show contempt for the enemy. One of the earliest references to football in the county of Derbyshire comes in a poem called "Burlesque upon the Great Frost" from 1683, written after the English Civil War by Charles Cotton, cousin to Aston Cockayne, Baronet of Ashbourne (1608–84): Two towns, that long that war had ragedBeing at football now engagedFor honour, as both sides pretend,Left the brave trial to be endedTill the next thaw for they were frozenOn either part at least a dozen,With a good handsome space between 'emLike Rollerich stones, if you've seen 'emAnd could no more run, kick, or trip yeThan I can quaff off Aganippe. — Charles Cotton (1630–87) Shrovetide football played between "Two towns" in Derby is often credited with being the source of the term "local derby". A more widely accepted origin theory is The Derby horse race. Whatever the origins the "local derby" is now a recognised term for a football game played between local rivals and a Derby is a horse race. A previously unknown tentative link between Royal Shrovetide football and La soule played in Tricot, Picardy was established in 2012 by history and sociology of sport lecturer Laurent Fournier from the Universite de Nantes. Whilst undertaking a study of "folk football", he noticed that the Coat of arms of the Cockayne family (seated in Ashbourne from the 12th century) painted on a 1909 Shrovetide ball displayed in the window of the Ashbourne Telegraph office contained three cockerels in its heraldic design. He recognised this matched the emblem of Tricot (also carrying three cockerels) where La soule is played on the first Sunday of Lent and Easter Monday. He was welcomed to Ashbourne by the Royal Shrovetide Committee and was a guest at the Shrovetide luncheon. Research into Royal Shrovetide Football's lost history is ongoing (August 2012).
rdf:langString La Royal Shrovetide Football è una partita di (solo vagamente simile al Calcio storico fiorentino) che si tiene ogni anno ad Ashbourne una piccola cittadina del Derbyshire, in Inghilterra. La competizione si svolge ogni anno il martedì grasso e il mercoledì delle ceneri. Le due squadre si chiamano Up’ards e Down’ards, ovvero squadre composte dagli abitanti di Ashbourne rispettivamente nati a nord o a sud del .
rdf:langString シュローヴタイド・フットボール(Shrovetide Football)とは、イングランド・ダービーシャー州において1年に一度、告解の火曜日と灰の水曜日の2日間行われている祭りである。フットボールの起源とも言われている。Royal Shrovetide Footballとも呼ばれる。
rdf:langString Royal Shrovetide Football – coroczny mecz odbywający się w miejscowości Ashbourne w Derbyshire w Anglii, rozgrywany w Środę Popielcową oraz w poprzedzający ją wtorek. Rozgrywka polega na przeniesieniu piłki do swojej bramki, bierze w niej udział całe miasto. Mecz jest rozgrywany od co najmniej XII wieku, choć jego początki są nieznane z uwagi na pożar pod koniec XIX wieku, który zniszczył dokumenty na ten temat. Jedna z najbardziej popularnych teorii na temat genezy tej zabawy sugeruje, że pierwotnie "piłkami" były odcięte głowy skazańców.
rdf:langString Королевский масленичный футбол (англ. Royal Shrovetide Football) — старинный английский командный вид спорта, возникший в XII веке. Матч традиционно проводится раз в год в канун Великого поста у специального постамента в центре городка (графство Дербишир, Англия.)
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 49838

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