Rogue (video game) an entity of type: Thing
Rogue [ɹəʊg] ist ein 1980 veröffentlichtes und an der Universität von Berkeley, Kalifornien, entwickeltes rundenbasiertes Computer-Rollenspiel mit ASCII-Grafik.
Rogue es un juego de mazmorras para ordenador creado en 1980. Inspiró toda una clase de juegos derivados denominados colectivamente como roguelikes (lit. parecidos al rogue). Algunos de los juegos más populares de este género son Hack, NetHack, , Moria, ADOM y Angband.
Rogue est un jeu vidéo datant de 1980, conçu par , et pour les terminaux Unix.
로그(Rouge, 정식 제목: Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom)는 마이클 토이와 글렌 위치먼의 던전 탐험 비디오 게임으로, 나중에 가 기여에 참여하였다. 로그는 원래 1980년 즈음에 처음 유닉스 기반 메인프레임 시스템용으로 자유 배포 실행 파일로서 개발되었다. 나중에 공식 BSD 4.2 운영 체제(4.2BSD)에 포함되었다. 개인용 컴퓨터용의 상용 게임 포팅판은 A.I. 디자인이라는 기업 밑에서 토이, 위치먼, 존 레인에 의해 개발되었으며 라는 소프트웨어 배급사에 의해 상업적인 지원을 받았다. 이 게임의 현재의 오픈 소스 코드를 이용하여 다른 단체들에 의해 현대 시스템의 추가 포팅이 개발되고 있다.
『ローグ』 (Rogue) は、ダンジョン探索型のコンピュータRPGである。その初版が公表されたのは1980年とコンピュータRPGの黎明期であり、最初期のコンピュータRPGの内の1つである。
Rogue è un videogioco per computer di esplorazione del sottosuolo, apparso nel 1980 circa sui mainframe Unix, poi riedito in versione definitiva nel 1983 e votato da PC World Magazine come il sesto miglior gioco per PC di tutti i tempi, nonostante abbia la grafica composta unicamente da caratteri di testo e codice ASCII. Ha ispirato una classe di giochi derivati noti collettivamente come roguelike ovvero "stile Rogue", "alla Rogue". Alcuni dei membri di questo genere di gioco includono Hack e il suo successore NetHack, , Moria, ADOM e Angband.
Rogue (/ˈɹoʊ̯ɡ/ ) — компьютерная игра, написанная в 1980 году. Её основной темой является исследование подземелий. Она была необычайно популярной на университетских Unix-системах в начале 1980-х годов и породила целый жанр, известный как «Roguelike» (Rogue-подобные игры, т.н. «Рогалики»). Самыми заметными представителями этого жанра являются Moria, NetHack, Angband, ADOM, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
Rogue – komputerowa gra fabularna z lat 80. opracowana w instytucie Berkeley na systemy uniksowe. Gracz porusza się po zbudowanym w trybie tekstowym ciągu pokoi i korytarzy, walcząc z potworami, zbierając skarby i usiłując odnaleźć legendarny Amulet Yendoru. Mechanika gry została luźno oparta na systemie Dungeons & Dragons. Rogue cechuje się interfejsem tekstowym (tzn. wszystko w grze jest znakami w standardzie ASCII), a niemal wszystkie elementy lochu są generowane losowo.
Rogue (з англ. Rogue — «Розбійник», д·і) — однокористувацька комп'ютерна гра, створена у 1980 році Майклом Тоєм та Ґленном Вічманом для операційної системи Unix. Rogue вважаєтся першою у світі грою в жанрі Roguelike, i вона стала попередницею багатьох ігор, таких як NetHack, Moria тощо, хоча в технічному плані її випередила гра Beneath Apple Manor, створена двома роками раніше.
Rogue (juga dikenal sebagai Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom) adalah permainan video dungeon crawl oleh Michael Toy dan dan kontribusi selanjutnya oleh Ken Arnold. Rogue awalnya dikembangkan sekitar tahun 1980 untuk sistem mainframe berbasis Unix sebagai executable yang didistribusikan secara bebas (perangkat lunak domain publik). Itu kemudian dimasukkan dalam sistem operasi 4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution resmi (4.2BSD).
Rogue (also known as Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom) is a dungeon crawling video game by Michael Toy and Glenn Wichman with later contributions by Ken Arnold. Rogue was originally developed around 1980 for Unix-based mainframe systems as a freely distributed executable. It was later included in the official Berkeley Software Distribution 4.2 operating system (4.2BSD). Commercial ports of the game for a range of personal computers were made by Toy, Wichman, and Jon Lane under the company A.I. Design and financially supported by the Epyx software publishers. Additional ports to modern systems have been made since by other parties using the game's now-open source code.
Rogue (Computerspiel)
Rogue (permainan video)
Rogue (jeu vidéo)
Rogue (videogioco)
로그 (비디오 게임)
Rogue (video game)
Rogue (відеогра)
Ken Arnold
Michael Toy
Jon Lane
Glenn Wichman
A.I. Design
Interview with Glenn Wichman
Rogue [ɹəʊg] ist ein 1980 veröffentlichtes und an der Universität von Berkeley, Kalifornien, entwickeltes rundenbasiertes Computer-Rollenspiel mit ASCII-Grafik.
Rogue es un juego de mazmorras para ordenador creado en 1980. Inspiró toda una clase de juegos derivados denominados colectivamente como roguelikes (lit. parecidos al rogue). Algunos de los juegos más populares de este género son Hack, NetHack, , Moria, ADOM y Angband.
Rogue (juga dikenal sebagai Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom) adalah permainan video dungeon crawl oleh Michael Toy dan dan kontribusi selanjutnya oleh Ken Arnold. Rogue awalnya dikembangkan sekitar tahun 1980 untuk sistem mainframe berbasis Unix sebagai executable yang didistribusikan secara bebas (perangkat lunak domain publik). Itu kemudian dimasukkan dalam sistem operasi 4.2 Berkeley Software Distribution resmi (4.2BSD). Port komersial permainan untuk berbagai komputer pribadi dibuat oleh Toy, Wichman, dan Jon Lane di bawah perusahaan A.I. Desain dan didukung secara finansial oleh penerbit perangkat lunak Epyx. Port tambahan ke sistem modern telah dibuat karena oleh pihak lain menggunakan kode sumber sekarang-terbuka game.
Rogue (also known as Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom) is a dungeon crawling video game by Michael Toy and Glenn Wichman with later contributions by Ken Arnold. Rogue was originally developed around 1980 for Unix-based mainframe systems as a freely distributed executable. It was later included in the official Berkeley Software Distribution 4.2 operating system (4.2BSD). Commercial ports of the game for a range of personal computers were made by Toy, Wichman, and Jon Lane under the company A.I. Design and financially supported by the Epyx software publishers. Additional ports to modern systems have been made since by other parties using the game's now-open source code. In Rogue, players control a character as they explore several levels of a dungeon seeking the Amulet of Yendor located in the dungeon's lowest level. The player-character must fend off an array of monsters that roam the dungeons. Along the way, players can collect treasures that can help them offensively or defensively, such as weapons, armor, potions, scrolls, and other magical items. Rogue is turn-based, taking place on a square grid represented in ASCII or other fixed character set, allowing players to have time to determine the best move to survive. Rogue implements permadeath as a design choice to make each action by the player meaningful — should one's player-character lose all his health via combat or other means, that player-character is simply dead. The player must then restart with a fresh character as the dead character cannot respawn, or be brought back by reloading from a saved state. Moreover, no game is the same as any previous one, as the dungeon levels, monster encounters, and treasures are procedurally generated for each playthrough. Rogue was inspired by text-based computer games such as the 1971 Star Trek game and Colossal Cave Adventure released in 1976, along with the high fantasy setting from Dungeons & Dragons. Toy and Wichman, both students at University of California, Santa Cruz, worked together to create their own text-based game but looked to incorporate elements of procedural generation to create a new experience each time the user played the game. Toy later worked at University of California, Berkeley where he met Arnold, the lead developer of the curses programming library that Rogue was dependent on to mimic a graphical display. Arnold helped Toy to optimize the code and incorporate additional features to the game. The commercial ports were inspired when Toy met Lane while working for the Olivetti company, and Toy engaged with Wichman again to help with designing graphics and various ports. Rogue became popular in the 1980s among college students and other computer-savvy users in part due to its inclusion in 4.2BSD. It inspired programmers to develop a number of similar titles such as Hack (1982/1984) and Moria (1983), though as Toy, Wichman, and Arnold had not released the source code at this time, these new games introduced different variations atop Rogue. A long lineage of games grew out from these titles. While Rogue was not the first dungeon-crawling game with procedural generation features, it introduced the subgenre of roguelike RPG procedurally generated dungeon crawlers with Dungeons-and-Dragons-like items (armor, weapons, potions, and magic scrolls) that also had permadeath (permanent death) and an overhead graphical view — albeit via ASCII drawings, as opposed to text descriptions in natural language such as in Adventure/Colossal Cave and the original Zork games.
Rogue est un jeu vidéo datant de 1980, conçu par , et pour les terminaux Unix.
로그(Rouge, 정식 제목: Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom)는 마이클 토이와 글렌 위치먼의 던전 탐험 비디오 게임으로, 나중에 가 기여에 참여하였다. 로그는 원래 1980년 즈음에 처음 유닉스 기반 메인프레임 시스템용으로 자유 배포 실행 파일로서 개발되었다. 나중에 공식 BSD 4.2 운영 체제(4.2BSD)에 포함되었다. 개인용 컴퓨터용의 상용 게임 포팅판은 A.I. 디자인이라는 기업 밑에서 토이, 위치먼, 존 레인에 의해 개발되었으며 라는 소프트웨어 배급사에 의해 상업적인 지원을 받았다. 이 게임의 현재의 오픈 소스 코드를 이용하여 다른 단체들에 의해 현대 시스템의 추가 포팅이 개발되고 있다.
『ローグ』 (Rogue) は、ダンジョン探索型のコンピュータRPGである。その初版が公表されたのは1980年とコンピュータRPGの黎明期であり、最初期のコンピュータRPGの内の1つである。
Rogue è un videogioco per computer di esplorazione del sottosuolo, apparso nel 1980 circa sui mainframe Unix, poi riedito in versione definitiva nel 1983 e votato da PC World Magazine come il sesto miglior gioco per PC di tutti i tempi, nonostante abbia la grafica composta unicamente da caratteri di testo e codice ASCII. Ha ispirato una classe di giochi derivati noti collettivamente come roguelike ovvero "stile Rogue", "alla Rogue". Alcuni dei membri di questo genere di gioco includono Hack e il suo successore NetHack, , Moria, ADOM e Angband.
Rogue (/ˈɹoʊ̯ɡ/ ) — компьютерная игра, написанная в 1980 году. Её основной темой является исследование подземелий. Она была необычайно популярной на университетских Unix-системах в начале 1980-х годов и породила целый жанр, известный как «Roguelike» (Rogue-подобные игры, т.н. «Рогалики»). Самыми заметными представителями этого жанра являются Moria, NetHack, Angband, ADOM, Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.
Rogue – komputerowa gra fabularna z lat 80. opracowana w instytucie Berkeley na systemy uniksowe. Gracz porusza się po zbudowanym w trybie tekstowym ciągu pokoi i korytarzy, walcząc z potworami, zbierając skarby i usiłując odnaleźć legendarny Amulet Yendoru. Mechanika gry została luźno oparta na systemie Dungeons & Dragons. Rogue cechuje się interfejsem tekstowym (tzn. wszystko w grze jest znakami w standardzie ASCII), a niemal wszystkie elementy lochu są generowane losowo.
Rogue (з англ. Rogue — «Розбійник», д·і) — однокористувацька комп'ютерна гра, створена у 1980 році Майклом Тоєм та Ґленном Вічманом для операційної системи Unix. Rogue вважаєтся першою у світі грою в жанрі Roguelike, i вона стала попередницею багатьох ігор, таких як NetHack, Moria тощо, хоча в технічному плані її випередила гра Beneath Apple Manor, створена двома роками раніше.