Robin Mark an entity of type: Thing
روبن مارك (بالإنجليزية: Robin Mark) هو مغن مؤلف بريطاني، ولد في 1969.
Robin Mark je severoirský křesťanský zpěvák a skladatel původem z Belfastu. Mark napsal několik písní, které jsou celosvětově známé. Mezi jeho nejznámější songy patří: „Days of Elijah“, „Revival“, „All for Jesus“, „The Wonder of The Cross“, „Not by Might“ a další. Vydal celkem 13 desek a po celém světě prodal více než 2 miliony kopií. Obdržel mezinárodní ocenění organizace (Gospel Music Association). Mark navštěvuje křesťanské společenství Christian Fellowship Church Strandtown v Belfastu.
Robin Mark (born 1957) is a Northern Irish Christian singer, songwriter, worship leader, and recording artist based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Mark may be known best for "Days of Elijah", "Revival", "All for Jesus", "The Wonder of The Cross", and "Not by Might" amongst the many songs he has written and which are sung throughout the world. He has released thirteen albums in total, with sales of over two million worldwide, and has won the GMA's international award. Robin Mark is also the worship leader in his home church, Christian Fellowship Church (CFC) in East Belfast.
روبن مارك
Robin Mark
Robin Mark
Robin Mark
Robin Mark
Vocals, piano, acoustic guitar
Singer, musician, songwriter
Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Robin Mark je severoirský křesťanský zpěvák a skladatel původem z Belfastu. Mark napsal několik písní, které jsou celosvětově známé. Mezi jeho nejznámější songy patří: „Days of Elijah“, „Revival“, „All for Jesus“, „The Wonder of The Cross“, „Not by Might“ a další. Vydal celkem 13 desek a po celém světě prodal více než 2 miliony kopií. Obdržel mezinárodní ocenění organizace (Gospel Music Association). Počátkem 90. let 20. století je Mark znám ve Velké Británii, Kanadě a Evropě. Široce znám je až od r. 1999, kdy vydává album Revival In Belfast. Je znám především ve Spojených státech amerických a Austrálii, ale samozřejmě i ve zbytku světa. Song se stal jedním z nejhranějších worship songů vůbec a jeho deska Revival In Belfast se stala celosvětovým bestsellerem. Mark navštěvuje křesťanské společenství Christian Fellowship Church Strandtown v Belfastu.
روبن مارك (بالإنجليزية: Robin Mark) هو مغن مؤلف بريطاني، ولد في 1969.
Robin Mark (born 1957) is a Northern Irish Christian singer, songwriter, worship leader, and recording artist based in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Mark may be known best for "Days of Elijah", "Revival", "All for Jesus", "The Wonder of The Cross", and "Not by Might" amongst the many songs he has written and which are sung throughout the world. He has released thirteen albums in total, with sales of over two million worldwide, and has won the GMA's international award. Though known within the United Kingdom and throughout Canada and Europe from the early 1990s, it was not until his 1999 live album Revival in Belfast that Mark became known well in the United States, Australia, and the rest of the world. His signature song, "Days of Elijah", has proven popular since 1996. Mark's album Revival in Belfast, released in 1999, remained high in both the Christian retail charts and Billboard charts for many years. It was still at No. 39 on the Billboard Top Christian Albums chart in 2004. When the follow up album, Come Heal This Land, was released in 2001, it went straight to No. 1 in the Christian Retail Charts in the United States. Robin became the first artist from the UK to accomplish this feat. Robin Mark is also the worship leader in his home church, Christian Fellowship Church (CFC) in East Belfast.