Ribbon synapse
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ribbon_synapse an entity of type: Thing
Ribbon synapse je typ pásové fascikulární synapse[zdroj?] využívající exocytózu a endoocytózu řízenou membránovým potenciálem vedoucí k přesným, rychlým a mohutným uvolnění neurotransmitterů.
緞帶突觸(ribbon synapse)是突觸類型之一,具有特化的特徵。例如神經遞質的快速釋放與不斷的循環以及在膜電位梯度變化的反應中的。緞帶突觸已被發現存在於視網膜上的感光細胞、內耳前庭器官的受器、耳蝸的毛細胞與視網膜的雙極細胞之間。 所謂的「緞帶」或者說是「突觸前緻密體」是一個在突觸活動區裡的特化構造,它只盤旋在在突觸前的細胞膜上幾奈米處並拴住了100個或更多的突觸囊泡。而每一個突觸前細胞都能有10到100條「緞帶」來拴住它,使得能拴住的囊泡數增加到1000至10000個。 新型的蛋白質皮卡丘素(Pikachurin)已經在2008年於緞帶突觸中被描繪出來,並且暫時地被推測與緞帶突觸的獨特特性有所關連。
The ribbon synapse is a type of neuronal synapse characterized by the presence of an electron-dense structure, the synaptic ribbon, that holds vesicles close to the active zone. It is characterized by a tight vesicle-calcium channel coupling that promotes rapid neurotransmitter release and sustained signal transmission. Ribbon synapses undergo a cycle of exocytosis and endocytosis in response to graded changes of membrane potential. It has been proposed that most ribbon synapses undergo a special type of exocytosis based on coordinated multivesicular release. This interpretation has recently been questioned at the inner hair cell ribbon synapse, where it has been instead proposed that exocytosis is described by uniquantal (i.e., univesicular) release shaped by a flickering vesicle fusion p
Ribbon synapse
Ribbon synapse
Ribbon synapse
Ribbon synapse je typ pásové fascikulární synapse[zdroj?] využívající exocytózu a endoocytózu řízenou membránovým potenciálem vedoucí k přesným, rychlým a mohutným uvolnění neurotransmitterů.
The ribbon synapse is a type of neuronal synapse characterized by the presence of an electron-dense structure, the synaptic ribbon, that holds vesicles close to the active zone. It is characterized by a tight vesicle-calcium channel coupling that promotes rapid neurotransmitter release and sustained signal transmission. Ribbon synapses undergo a cycle of exocytosis and endocytosis in response to graded changes of membrane potential. It has been proposed that most ribbon synapses undergo a special type of exocytosis based on coordinated multivesicular release. This interpretation has recently been questioned at the inner hair cell ribbon synapse, where it has been instead proposed that exocytosis is described by uniquantal (i.e., univesicular) release shaped by a flickering vesicle fusion pore. These unique features specialize the ribbon synapse to enable extremely fast, precise and sustained neurotransmission, which is critical for the perception of complex senses such as vision and hearing. Ribbon synapses are found in retinal photoreceptor cells, vestibular organ receptors, cochlear hair cells, retinal bipolar cells, and pinealocytes. The synaptic ribbon is a unique structure at the active zone of the synapse. It is positioned several nanometers away from the pre-synaptic membrane and tethers 100 or more synaptic vesicles. Each pre-synaptic cell can have from 10 to 100 ribbons tethered at the membrane, or a total number of 1000–10000 vesicles in close proximity to active zones. The ribbon synapse was first identified in the retina as a thin, ribbon-like presynaptic projection surrounded by a halo of vesicles using transmission electron microscopy in the 1950s, as the technique was gaining mainstream usage.
緞帶突觸(ribbon synapse)是突觸類型之一,具有特化的特徵。例如神經遞質的快速釋放與不斷的循環以及在膜電位梯度變化的反應中的。緞帶突觸已被發現存在於視網膜上的感光細胞、內耳前庭器官的受器、耳蝸的毛細胞與視網膜的雙極細胞之間。 所謂的「緞帶」或者說是「突觸前緻密體」是一個在突觸活動區裡的特化構造,它只盤旋在在突觸前的細胞膜上幾奈米處並拴住了100個或更多的突觸囊泡。而每一個突觸前細胞都能有10到100條「緞帶」來拴住它,使得能拴住的囊泡數增加到1000至10000個。 新型的蛋白質皮卡丘素(Pikachurin)已經在2008年於緞帶突觸中被描繪出來,並且暫時地被推測與緞帶突觸的獨特特性有所關連。
synapsis fasciolaris