Revenue Act of 1916
The United States Revenue Act of 1916, (ch. 463, 39 Stat. 756, September 8, 1916) raised the lowest income tax rate from 1% to 2% and raised the top rate to 15% on taxpayers with incomes above $2 million ($49.8 million in 2021 dollars). Previously, the top rate had been 7% on income above $500,000 ($12.5 million in 2021 dollars). The Act also instituted the federal estate tax. The entry of the United States into World War I greatly increased the need for revenue. An excess profits tax was introduced and the modern estate tax was imposed. The act was applicable to incomes for 1916.
Revenue Act of 1916
The United States Revenue Act of 1916, (ch. 463, 39 Stat. 756, September 8, 1916) raised the lowest income tax rate from 1% to 2% and raised the top rate to 15% on taxpayers with incomes above $2 million ($49.8 million in 2021 dollars). Previously, the top rate had been 7% on income above $500,000 ($12.5 million in 2021 dollars). The Act also instituted the federal estate tax. The entry of the United States into World War I greatly increased the need for revenue. An excess profits tax was introduced and the modern estate tax was imposed. The act was applicable to incomes for 1916.