Restigouche River an entity of type: Thing

Der Restigouche (englisch Restigouche River; französisch Rivière Ristigouche) ist ein Fluss, der zwischen der kanadischen Provinz New Brunswick und dem Südosten Québecs fließt. Der Fluss fließt von seinem Ursprung in den Appalachen stark mäandrierend 125 km in nordöstlicher Richtung zum Anfang seiner Mündung bei (New Brunswick). Die nun folgende gezeitenbedingte Trichtermündung besitzt viele große Inseln im Delta. Sie endet nach einem Süßwasser führenden Küstensee bei Campbellton nach 25 km Länge bei Dalhousie in der Baie des Chaleurs. Der Fluss ist an seiner langen Mündung ein unter Naturschutz stehendes wichtiges Vogelschutzgebiet, während der Zugzeit. rdf:langString
La rivière Ristigouche ou Restigouche est une rivière située au nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick au Canada et coule en direction du nord-est pour se jeter dans la baie des Chaleurs. Cette rivière est reconnue mondialement comme rivière à saumon et fait partie du patrimoine canadien. rdf:langString
Il Restigouche, in francese Ristigouche è un fiume canadese, che nasce dall'unione dei fiumi e , scorre poi nella e, dopo circa 200 chilometri, sfocia nel Golfo di San Lorenzo in corrispondenza della Baia dei Calori. rdf:langString
Restigouche River är ett vattendrag i Kanada. Det ligger i provinsen New Brunswick, i den östra delen av landet, 800 km öster om huvudstaden Ottawa. Inlandsklimat råder i trakten. Årsmedeltemperaturen i trakten är 2 °C. Den varmaste månaden är juli, då medeltemperaturen är 16 °C, och den kallaste är januari, med −14 °C. Genomsnittlig årsnederbörd är 1 333 millimeter. Den regnigaste månaden är december, med i genomsnitt 149 mm nederbörd, och den torraste är mars, med 86 mm nederbörd. rdf:langString
O Rio Restigouche é um rio canadense que estende-se do noroeste da província de New Brunswick até o sudeste da província de Quebec, sendo que a sua maior parte está em New Brunswick. Tem cerca de 200 km de extensão. rdf:langString
The Restigouche River (French: Rivière Ristigouche) is a river that flows across the northwestern part of the province of New Brunswick and the southeastern part of Quebec. The river flows in a northeasterly direction from its source in the Appalachian Mountains of northwestern New Brunswick to Chaleur Bay. Its meander length is approximately 200 kilometres (120 mi). The Restigouche is fed by several tributaries flowing south from Quebec's Notre Dame Mountains on the western edge of the Gaspé Peninsula (Kedgwick River, Gounamitz River, Patapédia River, and Matapedia River) as well as the Upsalquitch River flowing north from New Brunswick's Chaleur Uplands. rdf:langString
Restigouche River (ang.) / Rivière Ristigouche (fr.) – rzeka w kanadyjskiej prowincjach Nowy Brunszwik i Quebec. Źródła Ristigouche znajdują się w nowo-brunszwickich Appalachach, 35 km na północny wschód od Edmundston. Płynie na północny wschód przez Nowy Brunszwik, natomiast ujścia do niej Patapédii stanowi granicę naturalną między Nowym Brunszwikiem i Quebekiem. Jako rzeka graniczna płynie dalej na wschód, od gwałtownie poszerza się tworząc estuarium, ostatecznie uchodzi do zatoki Baie des Chaleurs w okolicach nowo-brunszwickiego i quebeckiego . Główne dopływy rzeki to: rdf:langString
Рестигуш (англ. Restigouche River) — река на северо-западе провинции Нью-Брансуик, Канада. Исток находится в Аппалачских горах. В верховьях течёт в юго-восточном направлении, затем поворачивает на северо-восток, у Кэмпбелтона разливается и образует широкий эстуарий длиной 25 километров, впадает в залив Шалёр у города Далхузи. В нижнем течении образует границу между провинциями Нью-Брансуик и Квебек. В 1998 году верхняя часть реки длиной 55 км включена в Список охраняемых рек Канады. Название реки происходит от микмакского слова Listuguj (что означает «Пять пальцев»). rdf:langString
rdf:langString Restigouche River
rdf:langString Restigouche
rdf:langString Restigouche
rdf:langString Rivière Ristigouche
rdf:langString Restigouche River / Rivière Ristigouche
rdf:langString Рестигуш (река)
rdf:langString Rio Restigouche
rdf:langString Restigouchefloden
rdf:langString Restigouche River
rdf:langString Restigouche River
xsd:float 47.66444396972656
xsd:float -67.49111175537109
xsd:integer 1273105
xsd:integer 1124034856
rdf:langString Confluence of Little Main Restigouche River and Kedgwick River
rdf:langString In Québec: Escuminac River, ruisseau Harrison, rivière du Loup (Restigouche), Kempt River, ruisseau Fraser, ruisseau Flatland, Matapédia, ruisseau Brandy, ruisseau Chaine de Rocher, ruisseau Chamberland, ruisseau du Pin Rouge, ruisseau Fergunson, Patapédia; in New-Brunswick: ruisseau Tracy Brook, Kedgwick River, Gounamitz River.
rdf:langString In New-Brunswick: Walker Brook, Black Brook, Upsalquitch River, Wyers Brook, Cheuters Brook, Lower Grindstone Brook, Lower Two Brooks, Upper Two Brooks, Upper Thorn Point Brook, White Brook, Stillwater Brook, Hailes Brook, Five Finger Brook, Lower Four Mile Brook, Jardine Brook, Boston Brook, Little Main Restigouche River.
rdf:langString The Restigouche River at Matapédia
rdf:langString Cities
rdf:langString Country
xsd:string 47.66444444444444 -67.49111111111111
rdf:langString Der Restigouche (englisch Restigouche River; französisch Rivière Ristigouche) ist ein Fluss, der zwischen der kanadischen Provinz New Brunswick und dem Südosten Québecs fließt. Der Fluss fließt von seinem Ursprung in den Appalachen stark mäandrierend 125 km in nordöstlicher Richtung zum Anfang seiner Mündung bei (New Brunswick). Die nun folgende gezeitenbedingte Trichtermündung besitzt viele große Inseln im Delta. Sie endet nach einem Süßwasser führenden Küstensee bei Campbellton nach 25 km Länge bei Dalhousie in der Baie des Chaleurs. Der Fluss ist an seiner langen Mündung ein unter Naturschutz stehendes wichtiges Vogelschutzgebiet, während der Zugzeit.
rdf:langString La rivière Ristigouche ou Restigouche est une rivière située au nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick au Canada et coule en direction du nord-est pour se jeter dans la baie des Chaleurs. Cette rivière est reconnue mondialement comme rivière à saumon et fait partie du patrimoine canadien.
rdf:langString The Restigouche River (French: Rivière Ristigouche) is a river that flows across the northwestern part of the province of New Brunswick and the southeastern part of Quebec. The river flows in a northeasterly direction from its source in the Appalachian Mountains of northwestern New Brunswick to Chaleur Bay. Its meander length is approximately 200 kilometres (120 mi). The Restigouche is fed by several tributaries flowing south from Quebec's Notre Dame Mountains on the western edge of the Gaspé Peninsula (Kedgwick River, Gounamitz River, Patapédia River, and Matapedia River) as well as the Upsalquitch River flowing north from New Brunswick's Chaleur Uplands. Located mostly in New Brunswick, the river forms the inter-provincial boundary between the two provinces from its confluence with the Patapédia River to its mouth at Dalhousie, New Brunswick and Miguasha, Quebec where it discharges into Chaleur Bay. The estuary is 25 kilometres (16 mi) in length, extending from the river's discharge point at Dalhousie in the east to Tide Head, New Brunswick in the west and is an important stopover for sea ducks, especially black scoters and surf scoters, during migration. This estuary has been designated an Important Bird Area by the Canadian Wildlife Service. The Royal Canadian Navy has named two warships after this river: HMCS Restigouche (H00) and HMCS Restigouche (DDE 257). The source of Restigouche River is located at the confluence of the Little Main Restigouche River and Kedgwick River. This confluence is located: * 11.2 kilometres (7.0 mi) West of the village center of Kedgwick, New Brunswick; * 20.7 kilometres (12.9 mi) South of the confluence of the Patapédia River, which is located at the border between Quebec and New Brunswick; * 74.4 kilometres (46.2 mi) Southwest of Campbellton, New Brunswick, crossing the Restigouche River. From the confluence of the Little Main Restigouche River and Kedgwick River (in New Brunswick), the Restigouche river flows on 140.5 kilometres (87.3 mi) up to the confluence, distributed according to the following segments: Higher Courses of the Restigouche River (upstream of the Kedgwick River)(segment of 31.4 kilometres (19.5 mi)) * 4.8 kilometres (3.0 mi) to the Northeast, forming a curve to the Northwest, to the Soldiers Creek (from the east); * 8.1 kilometres (5.0 mi) North, in a curve to the East, until UpperDowns Gulch (from the southwest); * 3.6 kilometres (2.2 mi) to the Northeast, to Tracy Brook (from the West); * 2.6 kilometres (1.6 mi) to the Southeast until Haffords Brook (from the South); * 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) Eastward, forming a curve oriented toward the southeast until Stillwater Brook (from the east); * 10.8 kilometres (6.7 mi) North, to the confluence of the Patapedia River (from the West) which forms the boundary between the Quebec and New Brunswick. Middle course of the river (upstream of the Patapédia River) (segment of 50.0 kilometres (31.1 mi)) From the confluence of the Patapédia River, the Restigouche river flows: * 4.5 kilometres (2.8 mi) to the northeast, to the stream of Wild Chalet (from the north or from the Quebec); * 2.0 kilometres (1.2 mi) eastward, forming a detour to the north, up to the limit of Eldon Parish, New Brunswick; * 5.8 kilometres (3.6 mi) to the northeast, forming a wide curve towards the north, to Marshall Brook (from the Northwest or the Quebec); * 3.0 kilometres (1.9 mi) to the east, then north, until Fergunson stream (from the north or from the Quebec); * 5.2 kilometres (3.2 mi) to the Southeast, to Ruisseau du Pin Rouge (from the north or from the Quebec); * 5.9 kilometres (3.7 mi) to the southeast, to the limit of (Quebec); * 1.3 kilometres (0.81 mi) eastward until Cheuters Brook (from the southeast, either (New Brunswick); * 8.3 kilometres (5.2 mi) to the northeast, into Stream Rocks String (from the north or from the Quebec); * 3.8 kilometres (2.4 mi) to the Northeast, to Brandy Creek (from the north or from the Quebec); * 10.2 kilometres (6.3 mi) to the South-East, to the Upsalquitch River (from the south or from the New Brunswick). Lower course of the river (segment of 59.1 kilometres (36.7 mi)) From the confluence of the Upsalquitch, the Restigouche river flows: * 2.1 kilometres (1.3 mi) north, in a curve to the east, until Rafting Ground Brook (from the East or from the New Brunswick); * 8.0 kilometres (5.0 mi) to the West, then North, to the confluence of the Matapedia River (from the West); * 1.1 kilometres (0.68 mi) to the Northeast, up to the railway bridge Canadian National Railway; * 0.6 kilometres (0.37 mi) to the Northeast, up to the highway bridge (route 11) running on Bell Island (New Brunswick); * 1.1 kilometres (0.68 mi) to Northeast, up to the limit of the Eldon Parish, New Brunswick; * 2.8 kilometres (1.7 mi) to Northeast, the northern limit of the Addington Parish, New Brunswick (New Brunswick) up to the beginning of Archipelago confluence of the Restigouche river; * 8.6 kilometres (5.3 mi) Eastward up to the eastern limit of the archipelago (New Brunswick); * 6.0 kilometres (3.7 mi) Eastward up to the bridge connecting Pointe-à-la-Croix, Quebec to Campbellton (New Brunswick), or the "Road Gaspé Highway"; * 12.2 kilometres (7.6 mi) to Northeast, up to the height of "Pointe a la Garde" (Quebec) and (New Brunswick); * 16.6 kilometres (10.3 mi) to Northeast, crossing the Escuminac Bay up to the height of Pointe Miguasha (Quebec) and (New Brunswick).
rdf:langString Il Restigouche, in francese Ristigouche è un fiume canadese, che nasce dall'unione dei fiumi e , scorre poi nella e, dopo circa 200 chilometri, sfocia nel Golfo di San Lorenzo in corrispondenza della Baia dei Calori.
rdf:langString Restigouche River (ang.) / Rivière Ristigouche (fr.) – rzeka w kanadyjskiej prowincjach Nowy Brunszwik i Quebec. Źródła Ristigouche znajdują się w nowo-brunszwickich Appalachach, 35 km na północny wschód od Edmundston. Płynie na północny wschód przez Nowy Brunszwik, natomiast ujścia do niej Patapédii stanowi granicę naturalną między Nowym Brunszwikiem i Quebekiem. Jako rzeka graniczna płynie dalej na wschód, od gwałtownie poszerza się tworząc estuarium, ostatecznie uchodzi do zatoki Baie des Chaleurs w okolicach nowo-brunszwickiego i quebeckiego . Główne dopływy rzeki to: * , * , * , * , * .
rdf:langString Restigouche River är ett vattendrag i Kanada. Det ligger i provinsen New Brunswick, i den östra delen av landet, 800 km öster om huvudstaden Ottawa. Inlandsklimat råder i trakten. Årsmedeltemperaturen i trakten är 2 °C. Den varmaste månaden är juli, då medeltemperaturen är 16 °C, och den kallaste är januari, med −14 °C. Genomsnittlig årsnederbörd är 1 333 millimeter. Den regnigaste månaden är december, med i genomsnitt 149 mm nederbörd, och den torraste är mars, med 86 mm nederbörd.
rdf:langString O Rio Restigouche é um rio canadense que estende-se do noroeste da província de New Brunswick até o sudeste da província de Quebec, sendo que a sua maior parte está em New Brunswick. Tem cerca de 200 km de extensão.
rdf:langString Рестигуш (англ. Restigouche River) — река на северо-западе провинции Нью-Брансуик, Канада. Исток находится в Аппалачских горах. В верховьях течёт в юго-восточном направлении, затем поворачивает на северо-восток, у Кэмпбелтона разливается и образует широкий эстуарий длиной 25 километров, впадает в залив Шалёр у города Далхузи. В нижнем течении образует границу между провинциями Нью-Брансуик и Квебек. В 1998 году верхняя часть реки длиной 55 км включена в Список охраняемых рек Канады. Название реки происходит от микмакского слова Listuguj (что означает «Пять пальцев»). В 1760 году в устье реки произошла между флотами Англии и Франции, заключительная морская битва Семилетней войны, закончившаяся победой англичан. В результате поражения в Семилетней войне Франция потеряла Канаду. Река славится своей рыбалкой на атлантического лосося. Многие известные люди со всего мира рыбачили здесь, в том числе Эдуард VIII, Уоллис Симпсон, Хьюберт Хамфри, лорд Бивербрук, Бинг Кросби, Луи Лоран, Морис Ришар, Норман Шварцкопф, Джордж Буш старший и Брайан Малруни.
xsd:double 0.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 18836
xsd:double 200000.0
<Geometry> POINT(-67.491111755371 47.664443969727)

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