Repeating firearm
Broń wielostrzałowa – broń przystosowana do zmechanizowanego lub automatycznego przeładowania kolejnymi nabojami, które są umieszczone w magazynku lub taśmie nabojowej. W broni wielostrzałowej magazynek w zależności od rodzaju broni może posiadać od kilku do kilkudziesięciu nabojów. Jest to broń automatyczna, powtarzalna oraz półautomatyczna. Wyposażona jest w zmechanizowany układ zasilania.
Arma de repetição (ou repetidora, para abreviar), é qualquer arma de fogo, seja uma pistola ou uma arma longa (espingarda, rifle, metralhadora, etc.), que seja capaz de disparar repetidamente antes de precisar recarregar manualmente a nova munição na arma.
A repeating firearm or repeater is any firearm (either a handgun or long gun) that is capable of being fired repeatedly before having to manually reload new ammunition into the weapon. Unlike single-shot firearms, which can only hold and fire one round, a repeating firearm can store multiple cartridges inside a magazine (either internal or detachable), a cylinder (as in revolvers) or a belt (as in machine guns), and uses a moving action to manipulate each cartridge into, and out of, battery position (within the chamber and in alignment with the bore). This allows the weapon to be discharged repeatedly, in relatively quick succession, before a manual ammunition reload is needed.
连发枪械(repeating firearm 或repeater)是任何单次手工装弹后可以连续射击多次的枪械。与最早出现的只能“装一发,打一发”的单发枪械不同,连发枪械能使用弹仓/弹匣、弹巢或弹链等蓄弹装置向枪内一次装填多发子弹,然后通过操作可动的枪机将枪内存储的子弹依次送入待发位置(即供弹,也称“上膛”,指子弹进入膛室内并与枪膛轴线对齐),继而做到在必须要换弹前能进行连续多次的射击。 德林加手枪、转管手枪、双管霰弹枪/复合枪、排放枪等多管枪械虽然也能一次装弹后发射多发子弹,但因为没有严格意义上的蓄弹装置和可动枪机,所以不能算是真正的连发枪械,只能算相当于多个单发枪管被绑合在一体。而类似加特林机枪的旋管枪械虽然不是单管枪械,但因为仍然使用弹匣/弹链和可动枪机,所以在严格意义上符合连发枪械的定义。 最早被军队采用的连发枪械其实是一款意大利人在1779年设计的气枪——基然都尼气步枪(schioppo a vento Gilardoni),曾在1780~1815年间在奥地利陆军中服役,外号“风之枪”(德語:Windbüchse),也曾在刘易斯与克拉克远征中大显身手。这款气步枪也是最早使用管式弹仓的枪械之一。
Broń wielostrzałowa
Repeating firearm
Arma de repetição
A repeating firearm or repeater is any firearm (either a handgun or long gun) that is capable of being fired repeatedly before having to manually reload new ammunition into the weapon. Unlike single-shot firearms, which can only hold and fire one round, a repeating firearm can store multiple cartridges inside a magazine (either internal or detachable), a cylinder (as in revolvers) or a belt (as in machine guns), and uses a moving action to manipulate each cartridge into, and out of, battery position (within the chamber and in alignment with the bore). This allows the weapon to be discharged repeatedly, in relatively quick succession, before a manual ammunition reload is needed. Typically the term "repeaters" refers to the more ubiquitous single-barreled variants. Multiple-barrel firearms such as derringers, pepperbox guns, double-barreled rifles, double-barreled shotguns, combination guns, and volley guns can also hold and fire more than one cartridges (one in each barrel) before needing reloads, but do not use magazines for ammunition storage and also lack any moving actions to facilitate ammo-feeding, which makes them technically just bundled assemblies of multiple single-shot barrels fired in succession or simultaneously, therefore not true repeating firearms despite the functional resemblance. On the contrary, rotary-barrel firearms (e.g. Gatling guns), though also multi-barreled, do use belts/magazines with moving actions for feeding ammunition, which allow each barrel to fire repeatedly just like any single-barreled repeater, and therefore still qualify as repeating firearms from a technical point of view. Although repeating flintlock breechloading firearms (e.g. the Lorenzóni/Cookson repeater and Kalthoff repeater) had been invented as early as the 17th century, the first repeating firearms that received widespread use were revolvers and lever-action repeating rifles in the 19th century. These were a significant advance over the preceding single-shot breechloading guns, as they allowed a much greater rate of fire as well as a longer interval between reloads for more sustained firing, and the widespread use of metallic cartridges also made reloading these weapons quicker and more convenient. Revolvers became very popular sidearms since its introduction by the Colt's Patent Firearms Manufacturing Company in the late 1830s, and repeating rifles saw use in the early 1860s during the American Civil War. Repeating pistols were invented during the 1880s, and became widely adopted after design contributions from inventors such as John Browning and Georg Luger were introduced in the early 20th century. The first repeating gun to see military service was actually not a firearm, but an airgun. The Girardoni air rifle, designed by Italian inventor Bartolomeo Girardoni circa 1779 and more famously associated with the Lewis and Clark Expedition into western North America during the early 1800s, was one of the first guns to make use of a tubular magazine.
Broń wielostrzałowa – broń przystosowana do zmechanizowanego lub automatycznego przeładowania kolejnymi nabojami, które są umieszczone w magazynku lub taśmie nabojowej. W broni wielostrzałowej magazynek w zależności od rodzaju broni może posiadać od kilku do kilkudziesięciu nabojów. Jest to broń automatyczna, powtarzalna oraz półautomatyczna. Wyposażona jest w zmechanizowany układ zasilania.
Arma de repetição (ou repetidora, para abreviar), é qualquer arma de fogo, seja uma pistola ou uma arma longa (espingarda, rifle, metralhadora, etc.), que seja capaz de disparar repetidamente antes de precisar recarregar manualmente a nova munição na arma.
连发枪械(repeating firearm 或repeater)是任何单次手工装弹后可以连续射击多次的枪械。与最早出现的只能“装一发,打一发”的单发枪械不同,连发枪械能使用弹仓/弹匣、弹巢或弹链等蓄弹装置向枪内一次装填多发子弹,然后通过操作可动的枪机将枪内存储的子弹依次送入待发位置(即供弹,也称“上膛”,指子弹进入膛室内并与枪膛轴线对齐),继而做到在必须要换弹前能进行连续多次的射击。 德林加手枪、转管手枪、双管霰弹枪/复合枪、排放枪等多管枪械虽然也能一次装弹后发射多发子弹,但因为没有严格意义上的蓄弹装置和可动枪机,所以不能算是真正的连发枪械,只能算相当于多个单发枪管被绑合在一体。而类似加特林机枪的旋管枪械虽然不是单管枪械,但因为仍然使用弹匣/弹链和可动枪机,所以在严格意义上符合连发枪械的定义。 虽然在17世纪就有以意大利罗伦佐尼连发枪(fucile a ripetizione Lorenzóni)以及后续的丹麦(Kalthoff repeater)、英国(Cookson repeater)和清初戴梓连珠铳为代表的后装连发燧发枪被发明了出来,最早真正做到被广泛接受的连发火器是转轮手枪和杆动步枪,因为这些连发枪械的射速远远优于之前为主流的单发枪械。转轮手枪在1830年代被塞缪尔·柯尔特改进并申请专利后,很快在北美成为了极其受欢迎的随身兵器;杆动连发枪则在南北战争期间被联邦军骑兵部分使用,成为了最早被军队使用的连发步枪。半自动手枪则在1880年代被发明,并在约翰·勃朗宁和格奥尔格·鲁格等人改进后在20世纪初取代转轮手枪成为了主流的连发手枪。 最早被军队采用的连发枪械其实是一款意大利人在1779年设计的气枪——基然都尼气步枪(schioppo a vento Gilardoni),曾在1780~1815年间在奥地利陆军中服役,外号“风之枪”(德語:Windbüchse),也曾在刘易斯与克拉克远征中大显身手。这款气步枪也是最早使用管式弹仓的枪械之一。