Reog an entity of type: Agent

Reog (aksara Jawa: ꦫꦺꦪꦺꦴꦒ꧀, Réyog) adalah tarian tradisional dari Ponorogo, Jawa Timur dalam arena terbuka yang berfungsi sebagai hiburan rakyat, mengandung unsur magis, penari utama adalah orang berkepala singa dengan hiasan bulu merak, dengan berat topeng mencapai 50–60 kg. Ditambah beberapa penari bertopeng dan berkuda lumping dan Reog asli dari Indonesia rdf:langString
虎面孔雀羽冠舞 或 虎頭面具舞(爪哇語:ꦫꦺꦪꦺꦴꦒ꧀,印尼語:)是印尼傳統舞蹈,在露天舞台上作為民間娛樂活動,蘊含魔幻元素,主要舞者為獅子頭,飾有孔雀羽毛裝飾,外加多位蒙面舞者和庫達可潘。虎面孔雀羽冠舞是一種表演藝術,從西北地區東爪哇和波諾羅戈縣(英文:Ponorogo)就是虎面孔雀羽冠舞起源的區域。波諾羅戈縣的城門上裝飾有warok和gemblak,這兩個角色執行表演虎面孔雀羽冠舞時的演出。虎面孔雀羽冠舞是印度尼西亞文化之一,仍然非常具有神秘元素和神秘主義。 在2013年,波諾羅戈虎面孔雀羽冠舞(英文:REOG Ponorogo)傳統被認為是印尼的國家級非物質文化遺產及印尼教育、文化、研究和技術部。 rdf:langString
Reog or Réyog (Javanese: ꦫꦺꦪꦺꦴꦒ꧀) is a traditional Indonesian dance in an open arena that serves as folk entertainment, contains magical elements, the main dancer is a lion-headed person with a peacock feather decoration, plus several masked dancers and Kuda Lumping. Reog is one of the performing arts from the northwestern region of East Java and Ponorogo is the region where Reog originated. The city gate of Ponorogo is decorated with warok and gemblak, two characters who were present at the time when Reog is performed. Reog is one of Indonesia culture that is still very strong with mystical elements and mysticism. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Reog
rdf:langString Reog
rdf:langString 虎面孔雀羽冠舞
rdf:langString Reog
xsd:integer 24068226
xsd:integer 1122559709
rdf:langString Reog dance performance in Ponorogo, Eastern Java
xsd:integer 200
rdf:langString East Java , Indonesia
rdf:langString Reog or Réyog (Javanese: ꦫꦺꦪꦺꦴꦒ꧀) is a traditional Indonesian dance in an open arena that serves as folk entertainment, contains magical elements, the main dancer is a lion-headed person with a peacock feather decoration, plus several masked dancers and Kuda Lumping. Reog is one of the performing arts from the northwestern region of East Java and Ponorogo is the region where Reog originated. The city gate of Ponorogo is decorated with warok and gemblak, two characters who were present at the time when Reog is performed. Reog is one of Indonesia culture that is still very strong with mystical elements and mysticism. In 2013, Reog Ponorogo tradition is recognized as National Intangible Cultural Heritage of Indonesia by the Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture.
rdf:langString Reog (aksara Jawa: ꦫꦺꦪꦺꦴꦒ꧀, Réyog) adalah tarian tradisional dari Ponorogo, Jawa Timur dalam arena terbuka yang berfungsi sebagai hiburan rakyat, mengandung unsur magis, penari utama adalah orang berkepala singa dengan hiasan bulu merak, dengan berat topeng mencapai 50–60 kg. Ditambah beberapa penari bertopeng dan berkuda lumping dan Reog asli dari Indonesia
rdf:langString 虎面孔雀羽冠舞 或 虎頭面具舞(爪哇語:ꦫꦺꦪꦺꦴꦒ꧀,印尼語:)是印尼傳統舞蹈,在露天舞台上作為民間娛樂活動,蘊含魔幻元素,主要舞者為獅子頭,飾有孔雀羽毛裝飾,外加多位蒙面舞者和庫達可潘。虎面孔雀羽冠舞是一種表演藝術,從西北地區東爪哇和波諾羅戈縣(英文:Ponorogo)就是虎面孔雀羽冠舞起源的區域。波諾羅戈縣的城門上裝飾有warok和gemblak,這兩個角色執行表演虎面孔雀羽冠舞時的演出。虎面孔雀羽冠舞是印度尼西亞文化之一,仍然非常具有神秘元素和神秘主義。 在2013年,波諾羅戈虎面孔雀羽冠舞(英文:REOG Ponorogo)傳統被認為是印尼的國家級非物質文化遺產及印尼教育、文化、研究和技術部。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 19873

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