Relevance theory an entity of type: WikicatTheoriesOfLanguage
Die Relevanztheorie ist eine sprachwissenschaftlich geprägte Kognitionstheorie, die von Dan Sperber und im Jahre 1986 entwickelt wurde. Sie baut auf der Konversationsmaxime der Relevanz von Paul Grice auf, verzichtet jedoch auf sein Kooperationsprinzip und stellt stattdessen zwei eigene Relevanzprinzipien auf. Wie die Theorie von Paul Grice liefert die Relevanztheorie ein Inferenzmodell für kommunikative Abläufe.
La théorie de la pertinence, à l'origine une des maximes gricéennes, pose qu'il existe un principe d'économie dans le langage, visant à ne dire que ce qui est pertinent.
적합성의 원리(適合性의原理) 또는 관련성 원리(Relevance theory) 또는 적합성 이론은 '적합성의 의사소통적 원리'로도 불리며 언어학 특히 화용론에서 모든 발화는 나름대로 가장 적절한 적합성을 추정하게 한다는 화용적 원리이다. 발화의 의미 처리에 기호 해독 이상으로 추론이 개입해서 가장 적합한 의미를 결정한다고 본다.
Relevance theory is a framework for understanding the interpretation of utterances. It was first proposed by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson, and is used within cognitive linguistics and pragmatics. The theory was originally inspired by the work of Paul Grice and developed out of his ideas, but has since become a pragmatic framework in its own right. The seminal book, Relevance, was first published in 1986 and revised in 1995. Relevance theory also attempts to explain figurative language such as hyperbole, metaphor and irony.
La teoria della pertinenza o teoria della rilevanza, elaborata dall'antropologo cognitivo francese e dalla linguista britannica , è una teoria della cognizione e della comunicazione.Imperniata su una definizione del concetto di pertinenza cui seguono due principi generali, uno cognitivo ed uno comunicativo, la teoria della pertinenza mira a rendere conto del comportamento umano negli scambi comunicativi in maniera unitaria, cognitivamente plausibile ed empiricamente testabile.Si può considerare la teoria della pertinenza come lo sviluppo più importante di una delle idee fondamentali di Paul Grice, ossia l'idea che il carattere essenziale della comunicazione è l'espressione ed il riconoscimento di intenzioni. In questo senso, essa rappresenta un modello inferenziale della comunicazione che
Teoria relewancji – teoria stworzona przez Dana Sperbera i w 1986 roku. Doszli oni do wniosku, że wszystkie maksymy Grice'a można sprowadzić do jednej: mów do rzeczy, czyli tyle, ile trzeba, na temat, mów prawdę itd. Zadali sobie dwa pytania:
Relevance theory
Teoria della pertinenza
Théorie de la pertinence
적합성의 원리
Teoria relewancji
The relevance-theoretic comprehension procedure
Follow a path of least effort in computing cognitive effects: test interpretive hypotheses in order of accessibility, and stop when your expectations of relevance are satisfied.
Die Relevanztheorie ist eine sprachwissenschaftlich geprägte Kognitionstheorie, die von Dan Sperber und im Jahre 1986 entwickelt wurde. Sie baut auf der Konversationsmaxime der Relevanz von Paul Grice auf, verzichtet jedoch auf sein Kooperationsprinzip und stellt stattdessen zwei eigene Relevanzprinzipien auf. Wie die Theorie von Paul Grice liefert die Relevanztheorie ein Inferenzmodell für kommunikative Abläufe.
La théorie de la pertinence, à l'origine une des maximes gricéennes, pose qu'il existe un principe d'économie dans le langage, visant à ne dire que ce qui est pertinent.
Relevance theory is a framework for understanding the interpretation of utterances. It was first proposed by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson, and is used within cognitive linguistics and pragmatics. The theory was originally inspired by the work of Paul Grice and developed out of his ideas, but has since become a pragmatic framework in its own right. The seminal book, Relevance, was first published in 1986 and revised in 1995. The theory takes its name from the principle that "every utterance conveys the information that it is relevant enough for it to be worth the addressee's effort to process it", that is, if I say something to you, you can safely assume that I believe that the conveyed information is worthwhile your effort to listen to and comprehend it; and also that it is "the most relevant one compatible with the communicator's abilities and preferences", that is, I tried to make the utterance as easy to understand as possible, given its information content and my communicative skills. Other key ingredients of relevance theory are that utterances are ostensive (they draw their addressees' attention to the fact that the communicator wants to convey some information) and inferential (the addressee has to infer what the communicator wanted to convey, based on the utterance's "literal meaning" along with the addressee's real-world knowledge, sensory input, and other information). Inferences that are intended by the communicator are categorised into explicatures and implicatures. The explicatures of an utterance are what is explicitly said, often supplemented with contextual information: thus, "Susan told me that her kiwis were too sour" might under certain circumstances explicate "Susan told the speaker that the kiwifruit she, Susan, grew were too sour for the judges at the fruit grower's contest". Implicatures are conveyed without actually stating them: the above utterance might for example implicate "Susan needs to be cheered up" and "The speaker wants the addressee to ring Susan and cheer her up". Relevance theory also attempts to explain figurative language such as hyperbole, metaphor and irony. Critics have stated that relevance, in the specialised sense used in this theory, is not defined well enough to be measured. Other criticisms include that the theory is too reductionist to account for the large variety of pragmatic phenomena.
적합성의 원리(適合性의原理) 또는 관련성 원리(Relevance theory) 또는 적합성 이론은 '적합성의 의사소통적 원리'로도 불리며 언어학 특히 화용론에서 모든 발화는 나름대로 가장 적절한 적합성을 추정하게 한다는 화용적 원리이다. 발화의 의미 처리에 기호 해독 이상으로 추론이 개입해서 가장 적합한 의미를 결정한다고 본다.
La teoria della pertinenza o teoria della rilevanza, elaborata dall'antropologo cognitivo francese e dalla linguista britannica , è una teoria della cognizione e della comunicazione.Imperniata su una definizione del concetto di pertinenza cui seguono due principi generali, uno cognitivo ed uno comunicativo, la teoria della pertinenza mira a rendere conto del comportamento umano negli scambi comunicativi in maniera unitaria, cognitivamente plausibile ed empiricamente testabile.Si può considerare la teoria della pertinenza come lo sviluppo più importante di una delle idee fondamentali di Paul Grice, ossia l'idea che il carattere essenziale della comunicazione è l'espressione ed il riconoscimento di intenzioni. In questo senso, essa rappresenta un modello inferenziale della comunicazione che si oppone al tradizionale modello della comunicazione come trasferimento di informazione codificata.
Teoria relewancji – teoria stworzona przez Dana Sperbera i w 1986 roku. Doszli oni do wniosku, że wszystkie maksymy Grice'a można sprowadzić do jednej: mów do rzeczy, czyli tyle, ile trzeba, na temat, mów prawdę itd. Zadali sobie dwa pytania: 1.
* Co się komunikuje? (znaczenia, informacje, sądy, myśli, idee, przekonania, postawy, emocje) 2.
* Co zatem jest przedmiotem komunikacji? 3.
* myśli – czyli pojęciowe reprezentacje (w przeciwieństwie do reprezentacji umysłowych lub stanów emocji), mają one charakter językowy; 4.
* – czyli inaczej: przeświadczenia, założenia, przesłanki 5.
* fakty – są związane z modalnością aletyczną; 6.
* informacje – są związane z modalnością epistemiczną.