Regional Federal Courts an entity of type: ArchitecturalStructure
The Regional Federal Courts (in Portuguese, Tribunais Regionais Federais, commonly called TRFs) are the courts of appeal of Federal Courts of Brazil. They represent the second instance courts of the Brazilian Federal Justice system and are responsible not only for appeal processes against trial court decisions, but also for writs of security, Habeas corpus, and Habeas data against acts by federal judges, motions to set aside judgments, criminal revisions, and conflicts of jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the Federal Regional Courts is defined in Article 108 of the Brazilian Constitution.
Os Tribunais Regionais Federais (TRF) são a segunda instância da Justiça Federal do Brasil. Instituídos pela Constituição de 1988, atualmente há seis Tribunais Regionais Federais, com a principal atribuição de julgar, em grau de recurso, as decisões proferidas pelos juízes federais e pelos juízes de Direito, quando estes exercerem atribuições de competência federal. Também possuem competência original para processar determinadas demandas; o julgamento de juízes federais, por exemplo. Suas decisões são recorríveis ao Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF).
Regional Federal Courts
Tribunais Regionais Federais
The Regional Federal Courts (in Portuguese, Tribunais Regionais Federais, commonly called TRFs) are the courts of appeal of Federal Courts of Brazil. They represent the second instance courts of the Brazilian Federal Justice system and are responsible not only for appeal processes against trial court decisions, but also for writs of security, Habeas corpus, and Habeas data against acts by federal judges, motions to set aside judgments, criminal revisions, and conflicts of jurisdiction. The jurisdiction of the Federal Regional Courts is defined in Article 108 of the Brazilian Constitution. The Federal Regional Courts have a varied composition, with the number of judges defined by law, where one fifth are chosen by lawyers with 10 years experience or more, as well as by members of the Public Prosecutor’s Office with 10 years experience or more. The rest of the judges are appointed through the promotion of federal judges with over five years experience, by longest service time and by merit, alternately. In each tribunal, there is an Internal Affairs of the Federal Justice office, responsible for corrections, inspections, and investigations at first instance. The internal affairs offices are also in charge of hiring processes, and instruction towards a uniformization of jurisdictional activity and forensic service. They are each run by a Regional Director, with a possible Vice-Director.
Os Tribunais Regionais Federais (TRF) são a segunda instância da Justiça Federal do Brasil. Instituídos pela Constituição de 1988, atualmente há seis Tribunais Regionais Federais, com a principal atribuição de julgar, em grau de recurso, as decisões proferidas pelos juízes federais e pelos juízes de Direito, quando estes exercerem atribuições de competência federal. Também possuem competência original para processar determinadas demandas; o julgamento de juízes federais, por exemplo. Suas decisões são recorríveis ao Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) e ao Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF). Os magistrados que compõem os Tribunais Regionais Federais são chamados de desembargadores federais. Eles são nomeados pelo presidente da República mediante lista prévia de juízes federais, advogados e membros do Ministério Público Federal. Não há mandato fixo, mas a idade para aposentadoria compulsória é de 75 anos. Ao todo, há 214 desembargadores, sendo o TRF-1 o com maior número de magistrados (43) e o TRF-6 o com o menor (18).