Reginald Sutcliffe an entity of type: Thing
Reginald Cockcroft Sutcliffe ( Gal·les, 16 de novembre del 1904 – , 1991) va ser un meteoròleg britànic. Nascut a Wrexham, però educat al Yorkshire, obtingué una beca per a estudiar a la universitat de Leeds, on es distingí en l'estudi de les matemàtiques. Entrà al l'any 1927.
Reginald Cockcroft Sutcliffe FRS (16 November 1904 – 28 May 1991) was a British meteorologist. Born in Wrexham but raised in Yorkshire, where his father was a shop manager, he won a scholarship to the University of Leeds, where he gained first class honours in mathematics. After studying for a PhD with William Berwick he joined the Meteorological Office in 1927. During and after the war, Sutcliffe also worked on the theory of meteorology, and his most important contribution was to use pressure instead of height as vertical co-ordinate in the atmosphere.
Reginald Cockcroft Sutcliffe
Reginald Sutcliffe
Reginald Cockcroft Sutcliffe ( Gal·les, 16 de novembre del 1904 – , 1991) va ser un meteoròleg britànic. Nascut a Wrexham, però educat al Yorkshire, obtingué una beca per a estudiar a la universitat de Leeds, on es distingí en l'estudi de les matemàtiques. Entrà al l'any 1927. El seu nom començà a sonar quan publicà el llibre Meteorology for Aviators (1939), que esdevingué una lectura essencial per als pilots de la RAF durant la Segona Guerra Mundial. En començar la contesa havia estat destacat a França per fer prediccions meteorològiques per a missions en cels europeus, i en la desfeta anglo-francesa va ser un dels darrers militars britànics a abandonar la França que els alemanys ocupaven. Posteriorment, Sutcliffe fou destinat al , fent prediccions per als bombardeigs sobre Alemanya. Durant el transcurs de la guerra i en el període posterior, Sutcliffe continuà treballant en teoria de la meteorologia; la seva contribució més valuosa fou l'ús de la pressió, en comptes de l'alçada, com a coordenada vertical en l'atmosfera. A banda de ser membre de l'Oficina Meteorològica, també tingué molts altres càrrecs, com a president de la (1955-1957), i de l' entre 1967 i 1971. Va ser elegit membre de la Royal Society l'any 1957, un fet que hom va veure com un reconeixement explícit de la meteorologia com a ciència. Reginald Sutcliffe es retirà de la Met Office el 1965, però això no posà fi a una brillant carrera. Conscient de la manca de formació universitària en meteorologia, fundà un departament en aquesta disciplina a la universitat de Reading, el primer curs de pre-grau en el Regne Unit. Es jubilà de la vida acadèmica el 1970 i morí a , Buckinghamshire el 1991.
Reginald Cockcroft Sutcliffe FRS (16 November 1904 – 28 May 1991) was a British meteorologist. Born in Wrexham but raised in Yorkshire, where his father was a shop manager, he won a scholarship to the University of Leeds, where he gained first class honours in mathematics. After studying for a PhD with William Berwick he joined the Meteorological Office in 1927. Sutcliffe first made a major impact with the publication in 1939 of his book Meteorology for Aviators, which became essential reading for RAF pilots during the Second World War. During the beginning of the war he was posted to France with the BEF to make forecasts for flying operations over Europe, and with the final collapse was one of the last British servicemen to escape from France. Later in the war he worked for Bomber Command, playing an important role in forecasting for air raids over Germany. During and after the war, Sutcliffe also worked on the theory of meteorology, and his most important contribution was to use pressure instead of height as vertical co-ordinate in the atmosphere. Sutcliffe retired from the Met Office in 1965, but did not end his career. Noting the lack of university-level education in meteorology in the UK, he founded a new meteorological department at the University of Reading, offering Britain's first undergraduate course with meteorology as its principal subject. He retired from academic life in 1970, and died at Cadmore End in 1991.