Ralph Penza
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ralph_Penza an entity of type: Thing
ラルフ・ペンザ(Ralph Penza, 1932年11月22日 - 2007年2月16日)はアメリカ合衆国の報道記者。ニューヨークの「WNBC」(アメリカNBC系列のフラッグシップ局)で特派員やキャスターを務めた。 1980年にWNBCに入社。1995年に一度退社するが、1997年10月に復帰した。この間に、6つのエミー賞を受賞するなど、多くの賞を受賞している。 WNBC入社前は、ワシントンで「」のキャスターやレポーターを務めたり、フィラデルフィアで「WCAU」のキャスターを務めた。また、「WCBS」や「WABC」ではプロデューサー、キャスター、レポーターとして働いた。 2007年2月16日、長い闘病生活を終えて亡くなった。74歳だった。
Ralph Penza (November 22, 1932 – February 16, 2007) was a senior correspondent and substitute anchor for WNBC in New York City. He first joined WNBC in 1980, left the station in 1995 and rejoined it in October 1997. Among his many honors are six Emmy Awards and two New York Press Club Gold Typewriter awards. He is credited by peers within the journalism community with introducing the 'walking head shot' whereby the reporter literally walked the audience through the scene of the crime, event, etc. The technique has been widely emulated and is currently taught at Columbia University and NYU.
Ralph Penza
Ralph Penza (November 22, 1932 – February 16, 2007) was a senior correspondent and substitute anchor for WNBC in New York City. He first joined WNBC in 1980, left the station in 1995 and rejoined it in October 1997. Among his many honors are six Emmy Awards and two New York Press Club Gold Typewriter awards. He is credited by peers within the journalism community with introducing the 'walking head shot' whereby the reporter literally walked the audience through the scene of the crime, event, etc. The technique has been widely emulated and is currently taught at Columbia University and NYU. Penza had done reporting in Coatesville, Pennsylvania and Waterloo, Iowa. Prior to joining WNBC, Penza worked as news director at WSAV-TV in Savannah, Georgia, anchor and reporter at WDVM in Washington, D.C., an anchor at WCAU in Philadelphia, a producer, reporter and anchor at WCBS, and a producer at WABC. While in high school Penza served as a copy boy for Walter Winchell. Penza graduated from New York University, where he was a member of Alpha Phi Delta, with a bachelor's degree in radio and television. Previous to that he had graduated from Valley Stream Central High School in Valley Stream, New York. He lived most of his adult life in Malverne, immediately adjacent to his boyhood hometown in Valley Stream. In February 1998, while covering Pope John Paul II's trip to Cuba, Penza located Joanne Chesimard, who was convicted of killing New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster 24 years earlier. She was sentenced to life in prison but escaped in 1979 and fled to Cuba for political asylum. She spoke to Penza in an interview where she maintained her innocence and recounted the night of the shooting. Penza's coverage of the Pope's visit to the Holy Land earned him an Emmy Award in 2000.
ラルフ・ペンザ(Ralph Penza, 1932年11月22日 - 2007年2月16日)はアメリカ合衆国の報道記者。ニューヨークの「WNBC」(アメリカNBC系列のフラッグシップ局)で特派員やキャスターを務めた。 1980年にWNBCに入社。1995年に一度退社するが、1997年10月に復帰した。この間に、6つのエミー賞を受賞するなど、多くの賞を受賞している。 WNBC入社前は、ワシントンで「」のキャスターやレポーターを務めたり、フィラデルフィアで「WCAU」のキャスターを務めた。また、「WCBS」や「WABC」ではプロデューサー、キャスター、レポーターとして働いた。 2007年2月16日、長い闘病生活を終えて亡くなった。74歳だった。