Prostanthera incisa an entity of type: WikicatCropsOriginatingFromAustralia

Prostanthera incisa es una especie de planta arbustiva del género Prostanthera en la familia Lamiaceae. Es un endemismo del este de Australia (Estados de Nueva Gales del Sur oriental y, muy puntualmente, de Victoria y Tasmania).​ rdf:langString
Prostanthera incisa, commonly known as cut-leaf mint-bush or native thyme, is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae and is endemic to south-eastern continental Australia. It is an erect, strongly aromatic, openly branched shrub with hairy, densely glandular branches, egg-shaped to oblong leaves, and pale mauve to mauve flowers. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisa
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisa
rdf:langString Cut-leaved mint-bush
xsd:integer 6501733
xsd:integer 1100927193
rdf:langString Prostanthera
rdf:langString Near Bega
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisaDistA45.png
rdf:langString Occurrence data from AVH
rdf:langString incisa
rdf:langString Prostanthera violacea var. albiflora (auct. non Benth.: Ewart, A.J. )
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisa var. sieberi ( C.Moore & Betche)
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisa (Benth. nom. inval., pro syn.)
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisa (R.Br.) var. incisa
rdf:langString Prostanthera sieberi (Benth.)
rdf:langString Prostanthera sp. aff. melissifolia
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisa var. pubescens (F.Muell. ex Benth.)
rdf:langString Prostanthera violacea (auct. non R.Br.: Ewart, A.J. )
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisa es una especie de planta arbustiva del género Prostanthera en la familia Lamiaceae. Es un endemismo del este de Australia (Estados de Nueva Gales del Sur oriental y, muy puntualmente, de Victoria y Tasmania).​
rdf:langString Prostanthera incisa, commonly known as cut-leaf mint-bush or native thyme, is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae and is endemic to south-eastern continental Australia. It is an erect, strongly aromatic, openly branched shrub with hairy, densely glandular branches, egg-shaped to oblong leaves, and pale mauve to mauve flowers.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6343

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