Prima ballerina assoluta an entity of type: WikicatBalletOccupations
Le titre de « prima ballerina assoluta ((it)première ballerine absolue) était originellement inspiré par les maîtres du ballet italien du début du Romantisme, et désignait une ballerine considérée comme douée de talents exceptionnels, comme étant au-dessus du niveau des autres principales ballerines.
Prima ballerina assoluta è un titolo assegnato alle ballerine più importanti. Essere riconosciute come "prima ballerina assoluta" è un grande onore, tradizionalmente riservato solo a ballerine eccezionali nella loro generazione.
프리마 발레리나 압솔루타(Prima ballerina assoluta)는 세계를 대표하는 여성 발레리나를 가리킨다. 흔히들 발레를 하는 사람들을 ‘발레리나(ballerina)’라고 부르는데, 사실 발레리나라는 용어는 혼자 솔리스트로 춤을 출 때에만 붙어질 수 있는 것이다. 발레단을 대표하는 주요 무용수가 발레리나이다. 반면 프리마 발레리나(prima-ballerina)는 국가를 대표하는 발레리나를 이르는 말이다.
プリマ・バレリーナ・アッソルータ(伊:Prima ballerina assoluta、プリマ・バレリーナ・アソルータとも)は、バレリーナの最高位の肩書きとされ、非常に稀である。 以下の表は、プリマ・バレリーナ・アッソルータの称号を授与されたバレリーナの一覧である。
Primaballerina assoluta – tytuł przyznawany jest niezwykłym tancerkom, które wniosły ogromny wkład w rozwój i promocję baletu na świecie. Zaledwie kilka razy w ciągu historii tańca tytuł ten został przyznany, otrzymała go Matylda Krzesińska i Helena Cholewicka.
Primaballerina assoluta ist die „absolut größte Ballerina ihrer Zeit“. Zum ersten Mal wurde der Titel Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts vom Zaren an die herausragendste Ballerina des Kaiserlichen Balletts in Sankt Petersburg vergeben. Die erste Titelträgerin war die Italienerin Pierina Legnani (1868–1930). Die zweite, und letzte durch den Zaren ernannte, war Mathilda-Maria Kschessinskaja (1872–1971). In der Sowjetunion wurde der Titel an Galina Ulanowa (1910–1998) vergeben. 1945 wurde Melinda Ottrubay (1920–2014) zur Primaballerina assoluta der Budapester Oper ernannt.
Prima ballerina assoluta is a title awarded to the most notable of female ballet dancers. To be recognised as a prima ballerina assoluta is a rare honour, traditionally reserved only for the most exceptional dancers of their generation. Originally inspired by the Italian ballet masters of the early Romantic ballet, and literally meaning absolute first ballerina, the title was bestowed on a prima ballerina who was considered to be exceptionally talented, above the standard of other leading ballerinas. The title is very rarely used today and recent uses have typically been symbolic, either in recognition of a prestigious international career, or for exceptional service to a particular ballet company. There is no universal procedure for designating who may receive the title, which has led to
Primaballerina assoluta
Prima ballerina assoluta
Prima ballerina assoluta
프리마 발레리나 압솔루타
Prima ballerina assoluta
Primaballerina assoluta
Primaballerina assoluta ist die „absolut größte Ballerina ihrer Zeit“. Zum ersten Mal wurde der Titel Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts vom Zaren an die herausragendste Ballerina des Kaiserlichen Balletts in Sankt Petersburg vergeben. Die erste Titelträgerin war die Italienerin Pierina Legnani (1868–1930). Die zweite, und letzte durch den Zaren ernannte, war Mathilda-Maria Kschessinskaja (1872–1971). In der Sowjetunion wurde der Titel an Galina Ulanowa (1910–1998) vergeben. 1945 wurde Melinda Ottrubay (1920–2014) zur Primaballerina assoluta der Budapester Oper ernannt. Die amerikanische Tänzerin Eva Evdokimova (1948–2009) wurde 1973 vom Berliner Senat zur Primaballerina gekürt. Zur Primaballerina assoluta wurde sie nach einem Gastauftritt mit dem Kirow-Ballett in Leningrad ernannt. Das Royal Ballet ernannte Margot Fonteyn (1919–1991) im Jahr 1979 zur Primaballerina assoluta.
Prima ballerina assoluta is a title awarded to the most notable of female ballet dancers. To be recognised as a prima ballerina assoluta is a rare honour, traditionally reserved only for the most exceptional dancers of their generation. Originally inspired by the Italian ballet masters of the early Romantic ballet, and literally meaning absolute first ballerina, the title was bestowed on a prima ballerina who was considered to be exceptionally talented, above the standard of other leading ballerinas. The title is very rarely used today and recent uses have typically been symbolic, either in recognition of a prestigious international career, or for exceptional service to a particular ballet company. There is no universal procedure for designating who may receive the title, which has led to dispute in the ballet community over who can legitimately claim it. It is usually a ballet company that bestows the title, however some dancers have had the title officially sanctioned by a government or head of state, sometimes for political rather than artistic reasons. Less common is for a dancer to become identified as a prima ballerina assoluta as a result of public and critical opinion.
Le titre de « prima ballerina assoluta ((it)première ballerine absolue) était originellement inspiré par les maîtres du ballet italien du début du Romantisme, et désignait une ballerine considérée comme douée de talents exceptionnels, comme étant au-dessus du niveau des autres principales ballerines.
Prima ballerina assoluta è un titolo assegnato alle ballerine più importanti. Essere riconosciute come "prima ballerina assoluta" è un grande onore, tradizionalmente riservato solo a ballerine eccezionali nella loro generazione.
프리마 발레리나 압솔루타(Prima ballerina assoluta)는 세계를 대표하는 여성 발레리나를 가리킨다. 흔히들 발레를 하는 사람들을 ‘발레리나(ballerina)’라고 부르는데, 사실 발레리나라는 용어는 혼자 솔리스트로 춤을 출 때에만 붙어질 수 있는 것이다. 발레단을 대표하는 주요 무용수가 발레리나이다. 반면 프리마 발레리나(prima-ballerina)는 국가를 대표하는 발레리나를 이르는 말이다.
プリマ・バレリーナ・アッソルータ(伊:Prima ballerina assoluta、プリマ・バレリーナ・アソルータとも)は、バレリーナの最高位の肩書きとされ、非常に稀である。 以下の表は、プリマ・バレリーナ・アッソルータの称号を授与されたバレリーナの一覧である。
Primaballerina assoluta – tytuł przyznawany jest niezwykłym tancerkom, które wniosły ogromny wkład w rozwój i promocję baletu na świecie. Zaledwie kilka razy w ciągu historii tańca tytuł ten został przyznany, otrzymała go Matylda Krzesińska i Helena Cholewicka.