Posting style an entity of type: Thing

이메일, 인터넷 포럼, 유즈넷에 메시지를 답변할 때 각기 다른 포스팅 스타일(posting style)로 원문이 포함되거나 인용될 수 있다. rdf:langString
在电子邮件、网络论坛或者Usenet回覆文章时,经常会引用原始文字。在实践中存在着多种回帖风格。 主要的风格包括:上回覆(Top-posting),即在原文上方攥写回覆;下回覆(Bottom-posting),即在原文下方回覆;以及交织回覆(Interleaved-posting)。不同的虚拟社区对何种风格是适当的有不同的看法。在一个社区中使用“错误”的风格,可能被视作严重违反网络礼仪,从而遭致社区成员的激烈反应。 由于比较先进的邮件客户端和邮件服务(如Gmail)会按照主题将邮件组织在一起,各种回帖风格的差异就显得不那么重要了。 rdf:langString
When a message is replied to in e-mail, Internet forums, or Usenet, the original can often be included, or "quoted", in a variety of different posting styles. The main options are interleaved posting (also called inline replying, in which the different parts of the reply follow the relevant parts of the original post), bottom-posting (in which the reply follows the quote) or top-posting (in which the reply precedes the quoted original message). For each of those options, there is also the issue of whether trimming of the original text is allowed, required, or preferred. rdf:langString
rdf:langString 포스팅 스타일
rdf:langString Posting style
rdf:langString 回帖风格
xsd:integer 399630
xsd:integer 1112252248
rdf:langString When a message is replied to in e-mail, Internet forums, or Usenet, the original can often be included, or "quoted", in a variety of different posting styles. The main options are interleaved posting (also called inline replying, in which the different parts of the reply follow the relevant parts of the original post), bottom-posting (in which the reply follows the quote) or top-posting (in which the reply precedes the quoted original message). For each of those options, there is also the issue of whether trimming of the original text is allowed, required, or preferred. For a long time the traditional style was to post the answer below as much of the quoted original as was necessary to understand the reply (bottom or inline). Many years later, when email became widespread in business communication, it became a widespread practice to reply above the entire original and leave it (supposedly untouched) below the reply. While each online community differs on which styles are appropriate or acceptable, within some communities the use of the "wrong" method risks being seen as a breach of netiquette, and can provoke vehement response from community regulars.
rdf:langString 이메일, 인터넷 포럼, 유즈넷에 메시지를 답변할 때 각기 다른 포스팅 스타일(posting style)로 원문이 포함되거나 인용될 수 있다.
rdf:langString 在电子邮件、网络论坛或者Usenet回覆文章时,经常会引用原始文字。在实践中存在着多种回帖风格。 主要的风格包括:上回覆(Top-posting),即在原文上方攥写回覆;下回覆(Bottom-posting),即在原文下方回覆;以及交织回覆(Interleaved-posting)。不同的虚拟社区对何种风格是适当的有不同的看法。在一个社区中使用“错误”的风格,可能被视作严重违反网络礼仪,从而遭致社区成员的激烈反应。 由于比较先进的邮件客户端和邮件服务(如Gmail)会按照主题将邮件组织在一起,各种回帖风格的差异就显得不那么重要了。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 38918

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