Platform for Change, Unity and Democracy,_Unity_and_Democracy an entity of type: Band

Plataforma para a Mudança, Unidade e Democracia (em francês: Socle pour le Changement, l'Unité et la Démocratie, abreviada como SCUD) é um grupo rebelde do Chade que foi formado em outubro de 2005 por ex-membros das Forças Armadas do Chade que desertaram e uniram-se sob fundadores e líderes e seu irmão. O objetivo principal do grupo é derrubar o governo do presidente chadiano Idriss Déby. O grupo, liderado por membros do próprio clã de Deby (os Zaghawa), possuía bases no leste do Chade e na região de Darfur, no Sudão. Em 18 de dezembro de 2005, o SCUD, junto com membros do grupo rebelde Agrupamento para a Democracia e a Liberdade (RDL), atacou as tropas chadianas estacionadas na cidade de . rdf:langString
Die Plattform für Wandel, Einheit und Demokratie, abgekürzt als S.C.U.D. (englisch Platform for Change, Unity and Democracy, französisch Socle pour le Changement, l'Unité et la Démocratie) ist eine tschadische Rebellengruppe, die im Oktober 2005 von ehemaligen Angehörigen der tschadischen Streitkräfte gegründet wurde, welche desertierten und sich unter den Gründern und Anführern, dem 30 Jahre alten und seinem Bruder, vereinigten. rdf:langString
Platform for Change, Unity and Democracy, abbreviated as S.C.U.D. (Socle pour le Changement, l'Unité et la Démocratie in French), is a Chadian rebel group that was formed in October 2005 by former members of the Military of Chad who deserted and united under founders and current leaders, 30-year-old Yaya Dillo Djérou and his brother. The group's main objective is to oust the government of the current Chadian president, and uncle of Djérou and his brother, Idriss Déby. [1] SCUD has bases in eastern Chad and in the Darfur region of Sudan. On December 18, 2005, SCUD, along with members of the Rally for Democracy and Liberty (RDL) rebel group, attacked Chadian troops stationed in the city of Adré, sparking the Chadian-Sudanese conflict. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Plattform für Wandel, Einheit und Demokratie
rdf:langString Platform for Change, Unity and Democracy
rdf:langString Plataforma para a Mudança, Unidade e Democracia
xsd:integer 3564380
xsd:integer 1038969102
rdf:langString Die Plattform für Wandel, Einheit und Demokratie, abgekürzt als S.C.U.D. (englisch Platform for Change, Unity and Democracy, französisch Socle pour le Changement, l'Unité et la Démocratie) ist eine tschadische Rebellengruppe, die im Oktober 2005 von ehemaligen Angehörigen der tschadischen Streitkräfte gegründet wurde, welche desertierten und sich unter den Gründern und Anführern, dem 30 Jahre alten und seinem Bruder, vereinigten. Das Hauptziel der Gruppe ist es, die Regierung des derzeitigen Präsidenten und Onkel von Djérou und seinem Bruder, Idriss Déby, zu stürzen. Die SCUD hat Basen im östlichen Tschad und in der Darfur-Region des Sudan. Im Dezember 2005 attackierte die SCUD gemeinsam mit Mitgliedern der Sammlung für Demokratie und Freiheit tschadische Truppen, welche in stationiert waren, an. Dadurch lösten sie den tschadisch-sudanesischen Konflikt aus. von der Cooperazione Internazionale sagt: "Déby is said to have got to the point of offering the rebels 400 million CFA francs (about €600,000) to put down their arms... but it’s not a question of money. Déby has acquired too much power in recent years and the have decided to get rid of him."
rdf:langString Platform for Change, Unity and Democracy, abbreviated as S.C.U.D. (Socle pour le Changement, l'Unité et la Démocratie in French), is a Chadian rebel group that was formed in October 2005 by former members of the Military of Chad who deserted and united under founders and current leaders, 30-year-old Yaya Dillo Djérou and his brother. The group's main objective is to oust the government of the current Chadian president, and uncle of Djérou and his brother, Idriss Déby. [1] SCUD has bases in eastern Chad and in the Darfur region of Sudan. On December 18, 2005, SCUD, along with members of the Rally for Democracy and Liberty (RDL) rebel group, attacked Chadian troops stationed in the city of Adré, sparking the Chadian-Sudanese conflict. Massimo Giovanola of Cooperazione Internazionale said, "Déby is said to have got to the point of offering the rebels 400 million CFA francs (about €600,000) to put down their arms... but it’s not a question of money. Déby has acquired too much power in recent years and the Zaghawa have decided to get rid of him."
rdf:langString Plataforma para a Mudança, Unidade e Democracia (em francês: Socle pour le Changement, l'Unité et la Démocratie, abreviada como SCUD) é um grupo rebelde do Chade que foi formado em outubro de 2005 por ex-membros das Forças Armadas do Chade que desertaram e uniram-se sob fundadores e líderes e seu irmão. O objetivo principal do grupo é derrubar o governo do presidente chadiano Idriss Déby. O grupo, liderado por membros do próprio clã de Deby (os Zaghawa), possuía bases no leste do Chade e na região de Darfur, no Sudão. Em 18 de dezembro de 2005, o SCUD, junto com membros do grupo rebelde Agrupamento para a Democracia e a Liberdade (RDL), atacou as tropas chadianas estacionadas na cidade de .
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 1565

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