Pinchbeck (alloy) an entity of type: WikicatCopperAlloys
Cóimhiotal copair is since, le códán níos lú since ná mar atá i bprás. Ainmníodh í as déantóir uaireadóirí as Londain, Christopher Pinchbeck (1670-1732), a bhain úsáid aisti chun cur i gcéill gur ór a bhí ann. Tugtar ór bréige uirthi freisin.
Il princisbecco è una lega metallica costituita da ottone con inclusioni di stagno dal colore simile all'oro. Il rapporto tra rame e zinco è variabile: Cu da 89% a 93% e Zn da 11% a 7%. Deve il suo nome all'inventore Christopher Pinchbeck (1670-1732) orologiaio inglese. Tale lega è stata usata principalmente per tutte quelle lavorazioni di poco valore ma appariscenti. Successivamente fu utilizzata da orefici disonesti al posto dell'oro e, con il passare del tempo, la parola è diventata sinonimo di falso, di bassa lega, non di valore.
Pinsback, engelska pinchbeck, är en guldfärgad legering av ungefär 90 % koppar och 10 % zink. Uppkallad efter den engelske urmakaren Christopher Pinchbeck (1670-1732). Han tillverkade klockspel till de europeiska kungahusen, men uppfann även den guldliknande mässingslegeringen, med vilken han kunde framställa billiga smycken. Det engelska ordet pinchbeck har därför med tiden fått betydelsen billigt skräp liksom oäkta och falskt. På 1700-talet lät rika damer göra kopior av sin dyra juveler i pinsback för att ta med på resor. Legeringen föll ur bruk i mitten av 1800-talet.
Pinchbeck is a form of brass, an alloy of copper and zinc mixed in proportions so that it closely resembles gold in appearance. It was invented in the early 18th century by Christopher Pinchbeck (died 1732), a London clock- and watch-maker. Since gold was only sold in 18-carat quality at that time, the development of pinchbeck allowed ordinary people to buy gold 'effect' jewellery on a budget. The inventor allegedly made pinchbeck jewellery clearly labelled as such. Pinchbeck jewellery was used in places like stagecoaches where there was a risk of theft. The original Pinchbeck was made by Christopher Pinchbeck and his descendants until the 1830s. Later dishonest jewellers passed pinchbeck off as gold; over the years the name came to mean a cheap and tawdry imitation of gold. Today, dependi
Pinchbeck (alloy)
Cóimhiotal copair is since, le códán níos lú since ná mar atá i bprás. Ainmníodh í as déantóir uaireadóirí as Londain, Christopher Pinchbeck (1670-1732), a bhain úsáid aisti chun cur i gcéill gur ór a bhí ann. Tugtar ór bréige uirthi freisin.
Pinchbeck is a form of brass, an alloy of copper and zinc mixed in proportions so that it closely resembles gold in appearance. It was invented in the early 18th century by Christopher Pinchbeck (died 1732), a London clock- and watch-maker. Since gold was only sold in 18-carat quality at that time, the development of pinchbeck allowed ordinary people to buy gold 'effect' jewellery on a budget. The inventor allegedly made pinchbeck jewellery clearly labelled as such. Pinchbeck jewellery was used in places like stagecoaches where there was a risk of theft. The original Pinchbeck was made by Christopher Pinchbeck and his descendants until the 1830s. Later dishonest jewellers passed pinchbeck off as gold; over the years the name came to mean a cheap and tawdry imitation of gold. Today, depending on the dealer, "Pinchbeck" can mean original Pinchbeck or any gilt metal. Pinchbeck fell out of use in the second half of the 19th century, being replaced by low-carat gold which had been legalised in 1854. Pinchbeck is typically composed of copper and zinc in ratios of 89% copper to 11% zinc; or 93% copper to 7% zinc.
Il princisbecco è una lega metallica costituita da ottone con inclusioni di stagno dal colore simile all'oro. Il rapporto tra rame e zinco è variabile: Cu da 89% a 93% e Zn da 11% a 7%. Deve il suo nome all'inventore Christopher Pinchbeck (1670-1732) orologiaio inglese. Tale lega è stata usata principalmente per tutte quelle lavorazioni di poco valore ma appariscenti. Successivamente fu utilizzata da orefici disonesti al posto dell'oro e, con il passare del tempo, la parola è diventata sinonimo di falso, di bassa lega, non di valore.
Pinsback, engelska pinchbeck, är en guldfärgad legering av ungefär 90 % koppar och 10 % zink. Uppkallad efter den engelske urmakaren Christopher Pinchbeck (1670-1732). Han tillverkade klockspel till de europeiska kungahusen, men uppfann även den guldliknande mässingslegeringen, med vilken han kunde framställa billiga smycken. Det engelska ordet pinchbeck har därför med tiden fått betydelsen billigt skräp liksom oäkta och falskt. På 1700-talet lät rika damer göra kopior av sin dyra juveler i pinsback för att ta med på resor. Legeringen föll ur bruk i mitten av 1800-talet.