Philippines v. China an entity of type: Thing

Filipina v. Tiongkok (juga dikenal sebagai Arbitrase Laut Tiongkok Selatan) adalah sebuah kasus arbitrase yang dibawa oleh Republik Filipina di bawah ketentuan arbitrase Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Hukum Laut (UNCLOS) melawan Tiongkok terkait masalah-masalah di Laut Tiongkok Selatan termasuk legalitas yang diklaim Tiongkok atas Laut Tiongkok Selatan di bawah UNCLOS. Pada 19 Februari 2013, Tiongkok secara resmi menolak ikut dalam arbitrase tersebut karena, menurut Tiongkok, deklarasi 2006-nya yang berada di bawah artikel 298 menyoroti persengketaan yang dibawa oleh Filipina dan kasus tersebut menyinggung kedaulatan, serta menganggap tersebut tidak memiliki wewenang atas masalah tersebut. rdf:langString
필리핀 대 중국은 필리핀이 중화인민공화국을 스프래틀리 군도 및 스카버러 암초 관련된 15가지 사유로 2013년에 상설중재재판소에 제소한 사건이다. 2016년 7월 12일 상설중재재판소는 중화민국(타이완)이 지배중인 이투아바섬을 포함한 9개 섬이 암초나 간조노출지라고 판결했다. 가장 큰 섬도 암초이므로, 스프래틀리 군도의 모든 섬과 스카버러 암초는 영해와 EEZ의 기준이 되지 못함을 뜻한다. 또 중화인민공화국의 인공섬 건설은 불법이라고 규정했다. 중국이 역사적으로 남중국해 수역에서 조업해온 사실은 인정했으나, 다른나라의 어민들도 마찬가지로 해당 수역에서 역사적으로 조업을 해왔다고 결정했다. 이에 따라 구단선을 비롯한 중국의 영유권 주장이 무력화되었다. rdf:langString
南シナ海判決(みなみシナかいはんけつ)では、1982年の国連海洋法条約附属書VIIに基づく南シナ海問題に関するフィリピン共和国と中華人民共和国の仲裁裁判(英語: Matter of the South China Sea Arbitration before an Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Annex VII to the 1982 United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea between the Republic of the Philippines and the People's Republic of China)、通称、南シナ海仲裁裁判 (みなみシナかいちゅうさいさいばん、英: South China Sea Arbitration)の判決(裁定)について説明する。 この事件は、中華人民共和国が、海域や島々の領有権を有すると主張してきた、いわゆる九段線に囲まれた南シナ海の地域について、フィリピンが国連海洋法条約の違反や法的な根拠がない権益の確認を常設仲裁裁判所に対して申し立てた仲裁裁判である。 rdf:langString
Philippines v. China (PCA case number 2013–19), also known as the South China Sea Arbitration, was an arbitration case brought by the Republic of the Philippines against the People's Republic of China (PRC) under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS, ratified by the Philippines in 1984 and by the PRC in 1996) concerning certain issues in the South China Sea, including the nine-dash line introduced by the Republic of China (Taiwan) since as early as 1947. A tribunal of arbitrators appointed the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) as the registry for the proceedings. rdf:langString
南海仲裁案,指菲律賓共和國以中華人民共和國在南中國海(菲律賓称西菲律賓海)中菲争议海域基于“九段线”的海洋权益主張及近年的海洋执法和岛礁开发活动已違反《聯合國海洋法公約》(UNCLOS)为由向常设仲裁法院提出,再由时任庭长柳井俊二與菲律賓根据《联合国海洋法公约》附件七任命仲裁人並委請常设仲裁法院提供场地和秘书服务的临时仲裁庭对中华人民共和国提起的仲裁案。 2013年2月19日,中国正式拒绝参与仲裁案,称中国于2006年根据公约第298条作出的声明排除了该公约规定的争端处理机制在海域划界等问题上对中国的适用,并认为「此案所涉争端实质上是超出公约调整范围的领土主权和海域划界问题,故仲裁庭对此案无管辖权」。2014年12月7日,中国发表立场文件阐释在南海仲裁案管辖权问题上的立场。 2015年7月7日,仲裁庭舉行首次聽證會;而中華人民共和國外交部同時發表聲明,不承認仲裁庭對此案的司法管轄權,也拒絕菲律賓任何形式有關此案的和解提議。10月29日,仲裁庭正式裁定對此案菲律賓提出的7项诉求拥有管辖权,并将对菲律賓其他诉求的管辖权裁定留待审理时作出。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Filipina v. Tiongkok
rdf:langString 필리핀 대 중국
rdf:langString 南シナ海判決
rdf:langString Philippines v. China
rdf:langString 南海仲裁案
rdf:langString The Republic of the Philippines v. The People's Republic of China
xsd:integer 40879431
xsd:integer 1108900420
xsd:integer 1734
rdf:langString Registered with the Permanent Court of Arbitration
rdf:langString China's then eleven-dash line map of the South China Sea, circa 1947
rdf:langString PCA Case No. 2013-19
rdf:langString An arbitral tribunal constituted under Annex VII to the 1982 United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea
rdf:langString File:Permanent_Court_of_Arbitration_-_Cour_permanente_d%27arbitrage.svg
rdf:langString July 2016
rdf:langString An Arbitration before an arbitral tribunal constituted under Annex VII to the 1982 United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea between the Republic of the Philippines and the People's Republic of China
xsd:integer 1947
rdf:langString Carta Hydrographica y Chorographica de las Yslas Filipinas Dedicada al Rey Nuestro Señor por el Mariscal d. Campo D. Fernando Valdes Tamon Cavallº del Orden de Santiago de Govor. Y Capn.jpg
xsd:integer 150
rdf:langString Members:
rdf:langString Jean-Pierre Cot
rdf:langString Rüdiger Wolfrum
rdf:langString Stanisław Pawlak
rdf:langString Alfred H. Soons
rdf:langString Presiding Arbitrator:
rdf:langString Thomas A. Mensah
rdf:langString which ones?
xsd:integer 400
rdf:langString Philippines v. China (PCA case number 2013–19), also known as the South China Sea Arbitration, was an arbitration case brought by the Republic of the Philippines against the People's Republic of China (PRC) under Annex VII of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS, ratified by the Philippines in 1984 and by the PRC in 1996) concerning certain issues in the South China Sea, including the nine-dash line introduced by the Republic of China (Taiwan) since as early as 1947. A tribunal of arbitrators appointed the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) as the registry for the proceedings. On 19 February 2013, China declared that it would not participate in the arbitration. On 7 December 2014, it published a white paper to elaborate its position that, among other points, the tribunal lacks jurisdiction. In accordance with Article 3 of Annex VII of UNCLOS, the Philippines appointed 1 of the 5 arbitrators, while China did not appoint any. On 29 October 2015, the tribunal concluded that it had jurisdiction to consider seven of the Philippines' submissions, subject to certain conditions, and postponed the consideration of its jurisdiction on the other eight submissions to the merits phase. On 12 July 2016, the arbitral tribunal ruled in favor of the Philippines on most of its submissions. It clarified that while it would not "rule on any question of sovereignty ... and would not delimit any maritime boundary", China's historic rights claims over maritime areas (as opposed to land masses and territorial waters) within the "nine-dash line" have no lawful effect unless entitled to under UNCLOS. China has rejected the ruling, as has Taiwan. Eight governments have called for the ruling to be respected, 35 issued generally positive statements noting the verdict but not called for compliance, and eight rejected it. The United Nations itself "doesn't have a position on the legal and procedural merits of the case or on the disputed claims", and on 12 July the Secretary-General "expressed his hope that the continued consultations on a Code of Conduct between ASEAN and China under the framework of the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea will lead to increased mutual understanding among all the parties."
rdf:langString Filipina v. Tiongkok (juga dikenal sebagai Arbitrase Laut Tiongkok Selatan) adalah sebuah kasus arbitrase yang dibawa oleh Republik Filipina di bawah ketentuan arbitrase Konvensi Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang Hukum Laut (UNCLOS) melawan Tiongkok terkait masalah-masalah di Laut Tiongkok Selatan termasuk legalitas yang diklaim Tiongkok atas Laut Tiongkok Selatan di bawah UNCLOS. Pada 19 Februari 2013, Tiongkok secara resmi menolak ikut dalam arbitrase tersebut karena, menurut Tiongkok, deklarasi 2006-nya yang berada di bawah artikel 298 menyoroti persengketaan yang dibawa oleh Filipina dan kasus tersebut menyinggung kedaulatan, serta menganggap tersebut tidak memiliki wewenang atas masalah tersebut.
rdf:langString 필리핀 대 중국은 필리핀이 중화인민공화국을 스프래틀리 군도 및 스카버러 암초 관련된 15가지 사유로 2013년에 상설중재재판소에 제소한 사건이다. 2016년 7월 12일 상설중재재판소는 중화민국(타이완)이 지배중인 이투아바섬을 포함한 9개 섬이 암초나 간조노출지라고 판결했다. 가장 큰 섬도 암초이므로, 스프래틀리 군도의 모든 섬과 스카버러 암초는 영해와 EEZ의 기준이 되지 못함을 뜻한다. 또 중화인민공화국의 인공섬 건설은 불법이라고 규정했다. 중국이 역사적으로 남중국해 수역에서 조업해온 사실은 인정했으나, 다른나라의 어민들도 마찬가지로 해당 수역에서 역사적으로 조업을 해왔다고 결정했다. 이에 따라 구단선을 비롯한 중국의 영유권 주장이 무력화되었다.
rdf:langString 南シナ海判決(みなみシナかいはんけつ)では、1982年の国連海洋法条約附属書VIIに基づく南シナ海問題に関するフィリピン共和国と中華人民共和国の仲裁裁判(英語: Matter of the South China Sea Arbitration before an Arbitral Tribunal constituted under Annex VII to the 1982 United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea between the Republic of the Philippines and the People's Republic of China)、通称、南シナ海仲裁裁判 (みなみシナかいちゅうさいさいばん、英: South China Sea Arbitration)の判決(裁定)について説明する。 この事件は、中華人民共和国が、海域や島々の領有権を有すると主張してきた、いわゆる九段線に囲まれた南シナ海の地域について、フィリピンが国連海洋法条約の違反や法的な根拠がない権益の確認を常設仲裁裁判所に対して申し立てた仲裁裁判である。
rdf:langString 南海仲裁案,指菲律賓共和國以中華人民共和國在南中國海(菲律賓称西菲律賓海)中菲争议海域基于“九段线”的海洋权益主張及近年的海洋执法和岛礁开发活动已違反《聯合國海洋法公約》(UNCLOS)为由向常设仲裁法院提出,再由时任庭长柳井俊二與菲律賓根据《联合国海洋法公约》附件七任命仲裁人並委請常设仲裁法院提供场地和秘书服务的临时仲裁庭对中华人民共和国提起的仲裁案。 2013年2月19日,中国正式拒绝参与仲裁案,称中国于2006年根据公约第298条作出的声明排除了该公约规定的争端处理机制在海域划界等问题上对中国的适用,并认为「此案所涉争端实质上是超出公约调整范围的领土主权和海域划界问题,故仲裁庭对此案无管辖权」。2014年12月7日,中国发表立场文件阐释在南海仲裁案管辖权问题上的立场。 2015年7月7日,仲裁庭舉行首次聽證會;而中華人民共和國外交部同時發表聲明,不承認仲裁庭對此案的司法管轄權,也拒絕菲律賓任何形式有關此案的和解提議。10月29日,仲裁庭正式裁定對此案菲律賓提出的7项诉求拥有管辖权,并将对菲律賓其他诉求的管辖权裁定留待审理时作出。 2016年7月12日,在中国缺席的情況下,仲裁庭公布仲裁结果,支持菲律宾在此案相关问题上的几乎全部诉求。仲裁庭5名仲裁员一致裁定,在《聯合國海洋法公約》下中国对南海自然资源不享有基于“九段线”的历史性权利。仲裁庭还認定中国在南海的填海造陆“给环境造成了不可挽回的损失”,并要求中国停止在南海的活动。
xsd:date 2016-07-12
rdf:langString United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
xsd:integer 5
rdf:langString *China's historic rights claims over maritime areas inside the "nine-dash line" have no lawful effect if they exceed what is entitled to under UNCLOS *There was no legal basis for China to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within "nine-dash line" *UNCLOS does not provide for a group of islands such as the Spratly Islands to generate maritime zones collectively as a unit *China had breached its obligations under the convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and Article 94 of UNCLOS concerning maritime safety *China violated its obligations to refrain from aggravating or extending the parties disputes during the pendency of the settlement process
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 99830

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