Pheidole an entity of type: WikicatAntGenera
Pheidole és un gènere de formigues de la subfamília dels mirmicins, amb més de 1.000 espècies descrites.
دَوْكَمَة هو جنس من النمل ينتمي إلى فصيلة النمل وفُصيلَة نملاوات ثنائية الخصر. الجنس منتشر ومهيمن بيئيًا. ربما يشمل أكثر من 1000 نوع. تطور الجنس بادئ الأمر في الأمريكتين، ثم انتشر في نهاية المطاف في جميع أنحاء العالم. تقيم قراها في التربة أو في جذوع الأشجار
Pheidole ist eine Gattung der Ameisen (Formicidae) und gehört zur Unterfamilie der Knotenameisen (Myrmicinae). Neben Crematogaster und Camponotus gehört diese Gruppe zu den artenreichsten und individuenstärksten Ameisengattungen überhaupt. Die durch ihre Körpergröße üblicherweise klar abgrenzbaren „Major“-Arbeiterinnen haben der Gattung Pheidole im Englischen den Spitznamen „big headed ants“ („Großkopfameisen“) eingebracht.
Pheidole es un género de hormigas de la subfamilia Myrmicinae, con más de 1000 especies descritas.
Pheidole is a genus of ants that belongs to the ant subfamily Myrmicinae. The genus is widespread and ecologically dominant. It probably includes more than 1000 species. The genus first evolved in the Americas, eventually spreading across the globe.
Pheidole est un genre de fourmis de la sous-famille des Myrmicinae. Les fourmis Pheidole sont très répandues dans le monde, et dominent généralement leurs écosystèmes.
혹개미속은 두배자루마디개미아과에 속하는 개미의 종이다. 이 속은 널리 퍼져있으며 생태적으로 우점적이다. 1,000개 이상의 종을 포함한다. 이 속은 처음에는 아메리카 대륙에서 진화했으며, 이후 전 지구로 퍼져나갔다.
Pheidole Westwood, 1839 è un genere di formiche di piccole dimensioni, diffuse in tutto il mondo ed appartenenti alla sottofamiglia Myrmicinae.
Pheidole är ett släkte av myror. Pheidole ingår i familjen myror.
Pheidole (лат.) — род муравьёв трибы Attini (ранее в Pheidolini) из подсемейства Myrmicinae (Formicidae). Один из трёх крупнейших муравьиных родов, наряду с Camponotus и Crematogaster. Около 1000 видов.
Pheidole — рід мурашок підродини Myrmicinae.
Pheidole é um gênero de insetos, pertencente a família Formicidae.
大頭家蟻屬 (Pheidole ) 為家蟻亞科。世界廣布,各生態系皆有。 該屬起源於美洲,最後散佈全球。 大部分的物種工蟻雙型,有小工蟻和大工蟻,大工蟻常稱作兵蟻,兵蟻的頭部很大
Pheidole is een geslacht van mieren uit de onderfamilie Knoopmieren (Myrmicinae). De wetenschappelijke naam werd in 1840 gepubliceerd door John Obadiah Westwood. Hij benoemde als typesoort Pheidole providens, oorspronkelijk door Sykes in 1835 beschreven als Atta providens. De volgende soorten zijn in Europa aangetroffen:
* Pheidole anastasii
* Pheidole flavens
* Pheidole megacephala
* Pheidole pallidula
* Pheidole sinaitica
* Pheidole symbiotica
* Pheidole teneriffana
Pheidole – rodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Formicinae. Rodzaj kosmopolityczny. Należy tu ponad 1000 opisanych gatunków:
* Wilson & Taylor, 1967
* Mayr, 1868
* Forel, 1886
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wheeler, 1925
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* (Santschi, 1922)
* Wilson, 2003
* Naves, 1985
* Forel, 1894
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1923
* Forel, 1913
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1899
* Arnold, 1920
* Santschi, 1923
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1928
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1896
* Borgmeier, 1929
* Bingham, 1903
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Donisthorpe, 1941
* Wilson, 2003
* Karavaiev, 1930
* Forel, 1893
* Viehmeyer, 1914
* Emery, 1896
Westwood, 1839
Pheidole dentata
Many, see text
Pheidole és un gènere de formigues de la subfamília dels mirmicins, amb més de 1.000 espècies descrites.
دَوْكَمَة هو جنس من النمل ينتمي إلى فصيلة النمل وفُصيلَة نملاوات ثنائية الخصر. الجنس منتشر ومهيمن بيئيًا. ربما يشمل أكثر من 1000 نوع. تطور الجنس بادئ الأمر في الأمريكتين، ثم انتشر في نهاية المطاف في جميع أنحاء العالم. تقيم قراها في التربة أو في جذوع الأشجار
Pheidole ist eine Gattung der Ameisen (Formicidae) und gehört zur Unterfamilie der Knotenameisen (Myrmicinae). Neben Crematogaster und Camponotus gehört diese Gruppe zu den artenreichsten und individuenstärksten Ameisengattungen überhaupt. Die durch ihre Körpergröße üblicherweise klar abgrenzbaren „Major“-Arbeiterinnen haben der Gattung Pheidole im Englischen den Spitznamen „big headed ants“ („Großkopfameisen“) eingebracht.
Pheidole es un género de hormigas de la subfamilia Myrmicinae, con más de 1000 especies descritas.
Pheidole is a genus of ants that belongs to the ant subfamily Myrmicinae. The genus is widespread and ecologically dominant. It probably includes more than 1000 species. The genus first evolved in the Americas, eventually spreading across the globe.
Pheidole est un genre de fourmis de la sous-famille des Myrmicinae. Les fourmis Pheidole sont très répandues dans le monde, et dominent généralement leurs écosystèmes.
혹개미속은 두배자루마디개미아과에 속하는 개미의 종이다. 이 속은 널리 퍼져있으며 생태적으로 우점적이다. 1,000개 이상의 종을 포함한다. 이 속은 처음에는 아메리카 대륙에서 진화했으며, 이후 전 지구로 퍼져나갔다.
Pheidole Westwood, 1839 è un genere di formiche di piccole dimensioni, diffuse in tutto il mondo ed appartenenti alla sottofamiglia Myrmicinae.
Pheidole is een geslacht van mieren uit de onderfamilie Knoopmieren (Myrmicinae). De wetenschappelijke naam werd in 1840 gepubliceerd door John Obadiah Westwood. Hij benoemde als typesoort Pheidole providens, oorspronkelijk door Sykes in 1835 beschreven als Atta providens. De soorten uit dit geslacht kenmerken zich door een uitgesproken dimorfie bij de werksters; er zijn in een kolonie twee types van onvruchtbare werksters; de "minor"-werksters met een lichaamslengte van twee tot vier millimeter en een normale lichaamsbouw, en de "major"-werksters, die een erg grote kop en mandibels hebben in verhouding tot hun lichaamslengte van 2,5 tot 6 millimeter. In het Engels noemt men deze mieren daarom "big headed ants" (dikkopmieren). Het is een van de meest soortenrijke mierengeslachten, met ongeveer duizend beschreven soorten. Ze komen wereldwijd voor, vooral in tropische en subtropische gebieden en af en toe in gematigde streken. E.O. Wilson beschreef in zijn boek Pheidole in the New World: A Dominant, Hyperdiverse Ant Genus uit 2003 niet minder dan 341 Pheidole-soorten uit Noord-, Midden- en Zuid-Amerika die nieuw waren voor de wetenschap. De volgende soorten zijn in Europa aangetroffen:
* Pheidole anastasii
* Pheidole flavens
* Pheidole megacephala
* Pheidole pallidula
* Pheidole sinaitica
* Pheidole symbiotica
* Pheidole teneriffana
Pheidole är ett släkte av myror. Pheidole ingår i familjen myror.
Pheidole – rodzaj mrówek z podrodziny Formicinae. Rodzaj kosmopolityczny. Należy tu ponad 1000 opisanych gatunków:
* Wilson & Taylor, 1967
* Mayr, 1868
* Forel, 1886
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wheeler, 1925
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* (Santschi, 1922)
* Wilson, 2003
* Naves, 1985
* Forel, 1894
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1923
* Forel, 1913
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1899
* Arnold, 1920
* Santschi, 1923
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1928
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1896
* Borgmeier, 1929
* Bingham, 1903
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Donisthorpe, 1941
* Wilson, 2003
* Karavaiev, 1930
* Forel, 1893
* Viehmeyer, 1914
* Emery, 1896
* Santschi, 1930
* Wheeler, 1905
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1918
* Eguchi, 2001
* Forel, 1902
* Forel, 1893
* (Smith, 1858)
* Forel, 1912
* Zhou & Zheng, 1999
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1925
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1910
* (Bruch, 1932)
* Forel, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1911
* Forel, 1913
* Mayr, 1862
* Emery, 1895
* Emery, 1894
* Eguchi & Bui, 2005
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1915
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson & Taylor, 1967
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1896
* Mayr, 1887
* Forel, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* (Forel, 1922)
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1912
* Emery, 1894
* Forel, 1908
* Bharti, 2004
* Wheeler, 1908
* Forel, 1903
* Donisthorpe, 1938
* Wheeler, 1922
* Emery, 1911
* Wilson, 2003
* Mann, 1919
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1913
* Mayr, 1887
* Forel, 1891
* Mayr, 1870
* Mayr, 1870
* Forel, 1899
* Wilson, 2003
* Donisthorpe, 1941
* Longino, 2009
* Mayr, 1870
* (Karavaiev, 1935)
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1902
* Forel, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Kempf, 1964
* Forel, 1911
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Kempf, 1972
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1893
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Longino, 2009
* Forel, 1897
* Mayr, 1887
* Mayr, 1876
* Santschi, 1919
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1915
* Forel, 1914
* Wheeler, 1911
* Santschi, 1929
* Forel, 1908
* Mayr, 1901
* Smith, 1951
* Wilson, 2003
* Sarnat, 2008
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1913
* Emery, 1895
* Forel, 1902
* Mann, 1921
* Forel, 1901
* Mayr, 1870
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1887
* Wilson, 2003
* Kempf, 1972
* Emery, 1887
* Mayr, 1862
* Emery, 1906
* Wilson, 2003
* Mann, 1916
* Kusnezov, 1952
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1911
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Longino, 2009
* Naves, 1985
* Wheeler, 1908
* (Smith, 1858)
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1916
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1906
* Wheeler, 1915
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1914
* Wheeler, 1915
* Wheeler, 1904
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1900
* (Motschoulsky, 1863)
* Wheeler, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Donisthorpe, 1941
* Donisthorpe, 1941
* Mayr, 1862
* Forel, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* (Smith, 1857)
* Wilson, 2003
* (Emery, 1877)
* Santschi, 1925
* Gregg, 1969
* Gregg, 1950
* Eguchi, 2001
* Borgmeier, 1934
* Wheeler, 1908
* Borgmeier, 1934
* Mann, 1921
* Mann, 1916
* Eguchi, 2006
* Smith, 1858
* Forel, 1902
* Santschi, 1910
* Forel, 1902
* Wheeler, 1909
* Forel, 1902
* Wheeler, 1908
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* † Holl, 1829
* Mayr, 1868
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1916
* Emery, 1895
* Emery, 1895
* Gregg, 1955
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1900
* Mayr, 1862
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1910
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1924
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1936
* Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1905
* Santschi, 1921
* Longino, 2009
* Santschi, 1929
* Fischer & Fisher, 2013
* Forel, 1899
* Santschi, 1923
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1899
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1886
* Smith, 1927
* Kusnezov, 1952
* Forel, 1910
* Wheeler, 1906
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1908
* (Walker, 1859)
* (Jerdon, 1851)
* (Smith, 1858)
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1913
* (Forel, 1895)
* Donisthorpe, 1943
* Forel, 1899
* Wheeler, 1908
* Fischer & Fisher, 2013
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Masako Ogasawara/Sarnat et al.
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1911
* Wilson, 2003
* Bharti, 2001
* Santschi, 1923
* Gregg, 1969
* Kempf, 1972
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Menozzi, 1926
* (Wheeler, 1904)
* Donisthorpe, 1938
* Emery, 1900
* Eguchi, 2008
* Brown, 1968
* Forel, 1905
* Forel, 1897
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Longino, 2009
* Mann, 1919
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1910
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1896
* (Mayr, 1866)
* Mayr, 1862
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1884
* Wilson, 2003
* (Smith, 1858)
* Sharaf, 2007
* Mayr, 1870
* Chapman, 1963
* Bolton, 1995
* Emery, 1895
* Santschi, 1925
* Forel, 1902
* Smith, 1858
* Smith, 1874
* Roger, 1863
* Emery, 1890
* Wilson, 2003
* Roger, 1863
* Zhou & Zheng, 1999
* Mayr, 1887
* Wilson, 2003
* Viehmeyer, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1895
* Borgmeier, 1928
* Mayr, 1901
* Eguchi, 2006
* Longino, 2009
* Eguchi, 2006
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* LaPolla & Cover, 2005
* Wheeler, 1929
* Sarnat, 2008
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1900
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* Donisthorpe, 1948
* Wilson, 2003
* (Wheeler, 1927)
* Forel, 1901
* Clark, 1934
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1929
* Emery, 1896
* Forel, 1886
* Forel, 1902
* Emery, 1900
* Mayr, 1887
* Borgmeier, 1934
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Menozzi, 1935
* Wilson, 2003
* Creighton & Gregg, 1955
* Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1893
* Forel, 1895
* Eguchi, 2001
* Forel, 1886
* (Smith, 1860)
* (Motschoulsky, 1863)
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1899
* Wilson, 2003
* Pergande, 1896
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Smith, 1953
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1886
* (Fabricius, 1793)
* Wilson, 2003
* Longino, 2009
* Chen, Ye, Lu & Zhou, 2011
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1907
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1911
* Kusnezov, 1952
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1911
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012
* Donisthorpe, 1941
* Santschi, 1923
* Emery, 1896
* Santschi, 1932
* Forel, 1899
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1896
* Forel, 1899
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1928
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1913
* Wilson, 2003
* Smith, 1865
* Bingham, 1903
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1911
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1895
* Fernández, 2011
* Mayr, 1870
* Mayr, 1876
* Wilson, 2003
* (Smith, 1863)
* Mayr, 1870
* Viehmeyer, 1924
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1879
* Wheeler, 1928
* Santschi, 1939
* Mayr, 1870
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1923
* Mayr, 1866
* Menozzi, 1931
* Eguchi, 2001
* (Wheeler, 1903)
* Viehmeyer, 1916
* Forel, 1899
* Forel, 1901
* (Smith, 1858)
* Mann, 1919
* Forel, 1911
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1908
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1884
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1907
* Saulcy, 1874
* Forel, 1911
* Forel, 1885
* Forel, 1913
* Wilson, 2003
* Longino, 2009
* Longino, 2009
* Forel, 1907
* Eguchi, 2001
* Forel, 1910
* Mann, 1921
* (Emery, 1911)
* Mayr, 1901
* Fischer & Fisher, 2013
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2006
* Mayr, 1887
* Forel, 1908
* Eguchi, 2008
* Mayr, 1870
* Forel, 1901
* Longino, 2009
* Mann, 1916
* Forel, 1902
* Wheeler, 1901
* Emery, 1900
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 1984
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1916
* Roger, 1863
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1912
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1894
* Mayr, 1887
* (Kusnezov, 1952)
* Forel, 1910
* Cole, 1952
* Emery, 1900
* Fischer & Fisher, 2013
* Forel, 1913
* Mayr, 1876
* Emery, 1888
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1933
* (Latreille, 1802)
* Forel, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1891
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1895
* Eguchi, 2001
* Santschi, 1923
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1914
* Forel, 1905
* Wheeler, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1929
* Forel, 1892
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2006
* Emery, 1887
* Forel, 1886
* Viehmeyer, 1916
* (Jerdon, 1851)
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Mann, 1916
* Emery, 1897
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wheeler, 1908
* Arnold, 1920
* Forel, 1894
* Donisthorpe, 1941
* (Fabricius, 1793)
* Fischer & Fisher, 2013
* Li & Chen, 1992
* Forel, 1905
* Wilson, 2003
* Donisthorpe, 1943
* Wilson, 2003
* Mann, 1919
* Mann, 1919
* Santschi, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Longino, 2009
* Emery, 1895
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1928
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1915
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1915
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1923
* Mayr, 1901
* (Jerdon, 1851)
* Bernard, 1953
* Mayr, 1878
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1924
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1915
* Emery, 1900
* Wheeler, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 1999
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1886
* Wheeler, 1925
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1902
* Fernández & Wilson, 2008
* Wheeler, 1922
* Emery, 1894
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Hölldobler & Wilson, 1992
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1892
* Pheidole neokohli Wilson, 1984
* Brown, 1950
* Özdikmen, 2010
* LaPolla, 2006
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1901
* Emery, 1894
* Santschi, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* Bernard, 1953
* Bernard, 1953
* Mann, 1919
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1896
* Emery, 1888
* Viehmeyer, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* Smith, 1874
* Forel, 1905
* (Smith, 1858)
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1906
* Wheeler, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1925
* Naves, 1985
* Mayr, 1887
* Pergande, 1896
* André, 1890
* Mayr, 1866
* Zhou, 2001
* Eguchi, 2008
* (Emery, 1899)
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Mann, 1921
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1876
* Forel, 1901
* Forel, 1893
* Forel, 1891
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1908
* Gregg, 1959
* Wilson, 2003
* (Nylander, 1849)
* Santschi, 1929
* Wilson, 2003
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 1984
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1865
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Sarnat, 2008
* Emery, 1895
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Smith, 1863
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1916
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1894
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Longino, 2009
* Forel, 1910
* Emery, 1915
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* (Buckley, 1866)
* Emery, 1922
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1925
* (Roger, 1863)
* Wilson, 2003
* (Smith, 1858)
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Smith, 1860
* Eguchi, 2001
* Santschi, 1920
* Wilson, 2003
* Crawley, 1915
* Forel, 1899
* Forel, 1911
* Emery, 1894
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1908
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Roger, 1863
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1911
* † Baroni Urbani, 1995
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson, 2003
* (Sykes, 1835)
* Mayr, 1876
* Creighton & Gregg, 1955
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1887
* Dalla Torre, 1892
* Santschi, 1910
* Santschi, 1911
* Mayr, 1870
* Borgmeier, 1929
* Mayr, 1866
* Emery, 1897
* Longino, 2009
* Forel, 1911
* Wilson, 2003
* Clark, 1938
* Forel, 1900
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1900
* Smith, 1947
* (Smith, 1865)
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1925
* Eguchi, 2000
* Forel, 1913
* Mayr, 1884
* Fischer & Fisher, 2013
* † Dubovikoff, 2011
* Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012
* Forel, 1899
* Clouse, 2007
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1933
* Santschi, 1923
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Santschi, 1930
* Wheeler, 1908
* Forel, 1899
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1900
* Forel, 1892
* Santschi, 1911
* Forel, 1902
* Forel, 1912
* Emery, 1896
* Forel, 1902
* Santschi, 1925
* Mann, 1921
* Forel, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1906
* (Smith, 1861)
* Forel, 1908
* Emery, 1877
* Santschi, 1933
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Eguchi, 2008
* Smith, 1858
* Gregg, 1959
* Wilson, 2003
* Ogata, 1982
* Eguchi, 2000
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1911
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1905
* Wheeler, 1922
* Eguchi, 2001
* Gerstäcker, 1871
* Wilson, 2003
* Santschi, 1923
* Emery, 1894
* Eguchi, Hashimoto & Malsch, 2006
* Forel, 1913
* Forel, 1910
* Borgmeier, 1939
* Cole, 1955
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1908
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1896
* Forel, 1893
* Mayr, 1866
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1910
* Zhou, 2001
* Wilson, 2003
* Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012
* Forel, 1901
* Gregg, 1952
* Santschi, 1929
* Borgmeier, 1959
* Bingham, 1903
* Viehmeyer, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* Fischer, Hita Garcia & Peters, 2012
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1904
* Donisthorpe, 1948
* Mayr, 1870
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1891
* Wheeler, 1937
* Emery, 1893
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1925
* Sarnat, 2008
* Mayr, 1862
* Özdikmen, 2010
* Smith, 1863
* (Wu & Wang, 1992)
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1934
* Forel, 1902
* Forel, 1912
* Makhan, 2007
* Wheeler, 1908
* Forel, 1908
* Wheeler, 1915
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1877
* Forel, 1915
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2001
* Mayr, 1887
* (Smith, 1858)
* Forel, 1910
* Santschi, 1910
* Forel, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1917
* Forel, 1910
* Donisthorpe, 1947
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1886
* Wilson, 2003
* (Kusnezov, 1952)
* Mayr, 1884
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1894
* Wilson, 2003
* Roger, 1863
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1886
* Onoyama & Terayama, 1999
* Forel, 1902
* Wasmann, 1909
* Longino, 2009
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1921
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1928
* Forel, 1912
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1913
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1866
* Emery, 1906
* Eguchi, 2001
* Forel, 1902
* Eguchi, 2001
* Wheeler, 1922
* Forel, 1893
* Wilson, 2003
* Longino, 2009
* Donisthorpe, 1943
* Mayr, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Pergande, 1896
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1901
* Forel, 1904
* Bharti, 2001
* Wheeler & Mann, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* † Carpenter, 1930
* † Wilson, 1985
* Creighton, 1950
* Emery, 1897
* Forel, 1913
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1903
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Borgmeier, 1927
* Wheeler, 1934
* Wheeler, 1911
* Wheeler, 1903
* Forel, 1905
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1906
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1934
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1911
* Mayr, 1887
* Viehmeyer, 1914
* Santschi, 1914
* Donisthorpe, 1949
* Forel, 1886
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* (Smith, 1858)
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Eguchi, 2008
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1901
* Wilson, 2003
* Mayr, 1870
* Wilson, 2003
* Sarnat, 2008
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1913
* Mayr, 1870
* Wheeler, 1925
* Santschi, 1923
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1915
* Forel, 1901
* Forel, 1913
* Mayr, 1876
* Emery, 1892
* Mann, 1921
* Wilson, 2003
* Emery, 1887
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1891
* Santschi, 1929
* Forel, 1913
* Eguchi, 2008
* (Smith, 1858)
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1915
* Wilson, 2003
* Sarnat, Fischer & Economo, 2016
* Forel, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* (Fabricius, 1804)
* Fischer & Fisher, 2013
* Eguchi, 2006
* Mann, 1922
* Mann, 1916
* Wilson, 2003
* Forel, 1902
* Forel, 1910
* MacKay, 1988
* Wheeler, 1919
* Wheeler, 1919
* Mann, 1921
* Forel, 1908
* Forel, 1885
* Forel, 1902
* Emery, 1914
* Wilson, 2003
* Wheeler, 1908
* Forel, 1913
* Wilson, 2003
* Creighton & Gregg, 1955
* Forel, 1902
* Wilson, 2003
* Wilson, 2003
* Smith, 1947
* Li & Chen, 1992
* Santschi, 1925
* Wilson, 2003
Pheidole (лат.) — род муравьёв трибы Attini (ранее в Pheidolini) из подсемейства Myrmicinae (Formicidae). Один из трёх крупнейших муравьиных родов, наряду с Camponotus и Crematogaster. Около 1000 видов.
Pheidole — рід мурашок підродини Myrmicinae.
Pheidole é um gênero de insetos, pertencente a família Formicidae.
大頭家蟻屬 (Pheidole ) 為家蟻亞科。世界廣布,各生態系皆有。 該屬起源於美洲,最後散佈全球。 大部分的物種工蟻雙型,有小工蟻和大工蟻,大工蟻常稱作兵蟻,兵蟻的頭部很大
about 1,000 species