Permissible stress design
La tensione ammissibile è, secondo il metodo alle tensioni ammissibili utilizzato in ingegneria civile ed in ingegneria meccanica per il progetto di costruzioni, la massima tensione a cui un materiale può essere sottoposto con sicurezza nelle condizioni operative. Essa si ottiene dalla tensione di rottura (nei materiali fragili) oppure da quella di snervamento (per i materiali duttili) dividendo per un opportuno coefficiente di sicurezza.
تصميم الإجهاد المسموح به هو فلسفة التصميم المستخدمة من قبل المهندسين المدنيين. يضمن المصمم أن الضغوط التي تم تطويرها في هيكل بسبب أحمال الخدمة لا تتجاوز الحد المرن. وعادة ما يتم تحديد هذا الحد من خلال ضمان أن تبقى الضغوط داخل الحدود من خلال استخدام عوامل السلامة. استبدل نهج تصميم الإجهاد المسموح به عموما دوليًا من قبل تصميم الدولة الحد (المعروف أيضا باسم تصميم الإجهاد النهائي، أو في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، الحمل وتصميم عامل المقاومة، LRFD) بقدر ما تعتبر الهندسة الإنشائية، باستثناء بعض الحالات المعزولة.
Permissible stress design is a design philosophy used by mechanical engineers and civil engineers. The civil designer ensures that the stresses developed in a structure due to service loads do not exceed the elastic limit. This limit is usually determined by ensuring that stresses remain within the limits through the use of factors of safety. The permissable stress method is also known in some national standards as the working stress method because the predicted stresses are the unfactored stresses expected during operation of the equipment (e.g. AS1210, AS3990).
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تصميم الإجهاد المسموح به
Tensione ammissibile
Permissible stress design
تصميم الإجهاد المسموح به هو فلسفة التصميم المستخدمة من قبل المهندسين المدنيين. يضمن المصمم أن الضغوط التي تم تطويرها في هيكل بسبب أحمال الخدمة لا تتجاوز الحد المرن. وعادة ما يتم تحديد هذا الحد من خلال ضمان أن تبقى الضغوط داخل الحدود من خلال استخدام عوامل السلامة. استبدل نهج تصميم الإجهاد المسموح به عموما دوليًا من قبل تصميم الدولة الحد (المعروف أيضا باسم تصميم الإجهاد النهائي، أو في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، الحمل وتصميم عامل المقاومة، LRFD) بقدر ما تعتبر الهندسة الإنشائية، باستثناء بعض الحالات المعزولة. في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية البناء، تصميم الإجهاد المسموح به (ASD) لم يتم إلا في حالة الجسور المعلقة، والتي تغيرت من تصميم الإجهاد المسموح للحد من تصميم الدولة في 1960. الخشب والصلب وغيرها من المواد لا تزال مصممة في كثير من الأحيان باستخدام تصميم الإجهاد المسموح بها، على الرغم من أنه ربما يتم تدريس LRFD أكثر شيوعًا في نظام جامعة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
Permissible stress design is a design philosophy used by mechanical engineers and civil engineers. The civil designer ensures that the stresses developed in a structure due to service loads do not exceed the elastic limit. This limit is usually determined by ensuring that stresses remain within the limits through the use of factors of safety. In structural engineering, the permissible stress design approach has generally been replaced internationally by limit state design (also known as ultimate stress design, or in USA, Load and Resistance Factor Design, LRFD) as far as structural engineering is considered, except for some isolated cases. In USA structural engineering construction, allowable stress design (ASD) has not yet been completely superseded by limit state design except in the case of Suspension bridges, which changed from allowable stress design to limit state design in the 1960s. Wood, steel, and other materials are still frequently designed using allowable stress design, although LRFD is probably more commonly taught in the USA university system. In mechanical engineering design such as design of pressure equipment, the method uses the actual loads predicted to be experienced in practice to calculate stress and deflection. Such loads may include pressure thrusts and the weight of materials. The predicted stresses and deflections are compared with allowable values that have a "factor" against various failure mechanisms such as leakage, yield, ultimate load prior to plastic failure, buckling, brittle fracture, fatigue, and vibration/harmonic effects. However, the predicted stresses almost always assumes the material is linear elastic. The "factor" is sometimes called a factor of safety, although this is technically incorrect because the factor includes allowance for matters such as local stresses and manufacturing imperfections that are not specifically calculated; exceeding the allowable values is not considered to be good practice (i.e is not "safe"). The permissable stress method is also known in some national standards as the working stress method because the predicted stresses are the unfactored stresses expected during operation of the equipment (e.g. AS1210, AS3990). This mechanical engineering approach differs from an ultimate design approach which factors up the predicted loads for comparison with an ultimate failure limit. One method factors up the predicted load, the other method factors down the failure stress.
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La tensione ammissibile è, secondo il metodo alle tensioni ammissibili utilizzato in ingegneria civile ed in ingegneria meccanica per il progetto di costruzioni, la massima tensione a cui un materiale può essere sottoposto con sicurezza nelle condizioni operative. Essa si ottiene dalla tensione di rottura (nei materiali fragili) oppure da quella di snervamento (per i materiali duttili) dividendo per un opportuno coefficiente di sicurezza.