Parkia javanica an entity of type: Climber113102409

Parkia javanica är en ärtväxtart som först beskrevs av Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Elmer Drew Merrill. Parkia javanica ingår i släktet och familjen ärtväxter. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. rdf:langString
Parkia javanica Lam., syn. Parkia roxburghii G. Don. (Indonesian: kedaung, Javanese: kedhawung, Filipino: cupang) is a plant of the genus Parkia in the family Mimosaceae.Description- Plant- A middle-sized unarmed tree (up to 30 m) with spreading branches, twig brown, pubescent. Inflorescence- Racemose in dense clavate, long peduncled heads with sterile flowers lower down, peduncle 30–40 cm long; receptacle of the inflorescence narrowed into 2.5–3 cm long stalk. Corolla- Petals 5, polypetalous, connate below into a short tube, cleft halfway down, pale yellow, valvate. Identification- Genus- Parkia rdf:langString
rdf:langString Parkia javanica
rdf:langString Parkia javanica
xsd:integer 31455752
xsd:integer 1061487459
rdf:langString January 2020
rdf:langString Parkia
rdf:langString At Wahiawa Botanical Garden, Hawaii
rdf:langString The formatting needs to be rewritten to match other wikipedia articles.
rdf:langString javanica
rdf:langString * Parkia javanica ( Merr. 1918) * Gleditsia javanica (Lamk. 1788) * Acacia javanica (DC. 1825) * Mimosa biglobosa (Roxb. 1832, non Jacq.) * Parkia roxburghii (G. Don 1832)
rdf:langString Parkia javanica Lam., syn. Parkia roxburghii G. Don. (Indonesian: kedaung, Javanese: kedhawung, Filipino: cupang) is a plant of the genus Parkia in the family Mimosaceae.Description- Plant- A middle-sized unarmed tree (up to 30 m) with spreading branches, twig brown, pubescent. Leaves- Alternate, compound, bipinnate, petiolate, petiole long with gland below and lower pair of pinnae and a few between the upper pinna; pinna 8-30 pairs, opposite; leaflets 40–80 pairs close set, sessile, linear-oblong, fulcate (sickle or scythe shaped), truncate at the base (as it cut off by a straight transverse line; blunt) ; stipulate, leaf base frequently swollen forming pulvinus. Inflorescence- Racemose in dense clavate, long peduncled heads with sterile flowers lower down, peduncle 30–40 cm long; receptacle of the inflorescence narrowed into 2.5–3 cm long stalk. Flower- Small, bractate, bracts spathulate, silky pubescent outside; complete, bisexual, regular, actinomorphic, hypogynus, pentamerous, thallamus slightly cup shaped, pale yellow. Calyx- Sepals 5, gamosepalous, tubular,tube short and cylindrical, glabrous, 5 cleft, lobes pilose, imbricate (though the sepals of Mimosaceae are valvate, the only exception is Parkia in which sepals are imbricate.) Corolla- Petals 5, polypetalous, connate below into a short tube, cleft halfway down, pale yellow, valvate. Androecium- Stamen 10, monadelphous, filaments filliform and united in the lower part with each other, exserted; anthers narrow, without apical glands, versatile. Gynoecium- Pistil monocarpellary, ovary free from the hypantheum, superior, 1 chambered, many ovules along with the ventral sutter, placentation marginal; style one, filliform ; stigma one, minute, capitate. Fruit- Linear subsucculant pod, fiat, strap-shaped, 25–50* 3.5–4 cm; glabrous; top rounded, base narrowed into a long pedicel. Flowering time- October–December. Fruiting time- December–April. Distribution- India to Taimur. Occurrence- Throughout Tripura ; scarce Identification- Genus- Parkia I) Stamens 10. II) Flowers in heads. III) Flowers without apical glands. IV) Unarmed mid-sized trees. V) Monadelphous; Flowers pale yellow.
rdf:langString Parkia javanica är en ärtväxtart som först beskrevs av Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck, och fick sitt nu gällande namn av Elmer Drew Merrill. Parkia javanica ingår i släktet och familjen ärtväxter. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 4836

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