Pacific School of Religion an entity of type: Thing
Тихоокеанская школа религии (англ. Pacific School of Religion) — экуменическая семинария в г. Беркли, Калифорния. Входит в Аспирантский богословский союз. Аффилирована с Объединённой церковью Христа, Объединённой методистской церковью и «Учениками Христа». К этим трём деноминациям принадлежит более половины студентов семинарии. В Тихоокеанской школе религии проходят обучение служители культа самых разных религиозных традиций и деноминаций: буддизма, иудаизма, язычества, пятидесятничества и католицизма.
Die Pacific School of Religion ist ein theologisches Seminar in Berkeley in Kalifornien. Es bildet Absolventen für die United Church of Christ, die United Methodist Church, die Disciples of Christ und andere christliche Denominationen aus. 1866 wurde das Pacific Theological Seminary gegründet. Zu ihm gehört das Badè Museum of Biblical Archaeology mit einem umfangreichen Bestand von Artefakten vor allem von archäologischen Ausgrabungen in Tell en-Nasbeh bei Jerusalem von 1926 bis 1935. Es besitzt über 300 historische Bibeln und bis 2015 einige Oxyrhynchus-Papyri (u. a. P. Oxy. XV 1596).
The Pacific School of Religion (PSR) is a private Protestant seminary in Berkeley, California. It maintains covenantal relationships with the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church, and the Disciples of Christ, ensuring the school provides the necessary requirements for candidates to seek ordination within these denominations. These three denominations account for approximately half of the student population of PSR. The school has also maintained close relationships with the Unitarian Universalist Association, the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, as well as other denominations. Over the years PSR has provided training for clergy and leaders from a wide range of religious traditions including Buddhists, Jews, Paga
Pacific School of Religion (PSR) adalah sebuah seminari ekumenis terletak di Berkeley, California, Amerika Serikat. Sekolah ini memelihara hubungan perjanjian dengan United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church dan Disciples of Christ, menjamin bahwa sekolah ini menyediakan pemenuhan persyaratan bagi calon-calon yang berniat menjalani penahbisan dalam denominasi-denominasi tersebut. Tiga denominasi ini mengirimkan sekitar setengah dari populasi mahasiswa PSR. Sekolah ini juga telah mempertahankan hubungan dekat dengan Unitarian Universalist Association, Universal Persekutuan Gereja Metropolitan Community, African Methodist Episcopal Church, serta denominasi lain. Selama bertahun-tahun PSR telah memberikan pelatihan bagi ulama dari berbagai tradisi agama, termasuk umat Buddha, orang-or
Pacific School of Religion
Pacific School of Religion
Pacific School of Religion
Тихоокеанская школа религии
Pacific School of Religion
Pacific School of Religion
United States
Susan Abraham
Pacific Theological Seminary
PSR Logo
PSR Gradient Horizontal.jpg
Unafraid Since 1866
David Vásquez-Levy
37.876594 -122.263301
Die Pacific School of Religion ist ein theologisches Seminar in Berkeley in Kalifornien. Es bildet Absolventen für die United Church of Christ, die United Methodist Church, die Disciples of Christ und andere christliche Denominationen aus. 1866 wurde das Pacific Theological Seminary gegründet. Zu ihm gehört das Badè Museum of Biblical Archaeology mit einem umfangreichen Bestand von Artefakten vor allem von archäologischen Ausgrabungen in Tell en-Nasbeh bei Jerusalem von 1926 bis 1935. Es besitzt über 300 historische Bibeln und bis 2015 einige Oxyrhynchus-Papyri (u. a. P. Oxy. XV 1596). Präsident ist David Vásquez-Levy.
The Pacific School of Religion (PSR) is a private Protestant seminary in Berkeley, California. It maintains covenantal relationships with the United Church of Christ, the United Methodist Church, and the Disciples of Christ, ensuring the school provides the necessary requirements for candidates to seek ordination within these denominations. These three denominations account for approximately half of the student population of PSR. The school has also maintained close relationships with the Unitarian Universalist Association, the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches, the African Methodist Episcopal Church, as well as other denominations. Over the years PSR has provided training for clergy and leaders from a wide range of religious traditions including Buddhists, Jews, Pagans, Pentecostals, and Roman Catholics.
Pacific School of Religion (PSR) adalah sebuah seminari ekumenis terletak di Berkeley, California, Amerika Serikat. Sekolah ini memelihara hubungan perjanjian dengan United Church of Christ, United Methodist Church dan Disciples of Christ, menjamin bahwa sekolah ini menyediakan pemenuhan persyaratan bagi calon-calon yang berniat menjalani penahbisan dalam denominasi-denominasi tersebut. Tiga denominasi ini mengirimkan sekitar setengah dari populasi mahasiswa PSR. Sekolah ini juga telah mempertahankan hubungan dekat dengan Unitarian Universalist Association, Universal Persekutuan Gereja Metropolitan Community, African Methodist Episcopal Church, serta denominasi lain. Selama bertahun-tahun PSR telah memberikan pelatihan bagi ulama dari berbagai tradisi agama, termasuk umat Buddha, orang-orang Yahudi, penganut Paganisme, orang-orang Pentakosta, dan Katolik Roma.
Тихоокеанская школа религии (англ. Pacific School of Religion) — экуменическая семинария в г. Беркли, Калифорния. Входит в Аспирантский богословский союз. Аффилирована с Объединённой церковью Христа, Объединённой методистской церковью и «Учениками Христа». К этим трём деноминациям принадлежит более половины студентов семинарии. В Тихоокеанской школе религии проходят обучение служители культа самых разных религиозных традиций и деноминаций: буддизма, иудаизма, язычества, пятидесятничества и католицизма.
A Multi-Denominational Seminary of the United Church of Christ with historic ties to the United Methodist Church and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Pacific Theological Seminary (until 1916)
Unafraid Since 1866
POINT(-122.26329803467 37.876594543457)