PDGA World Championships
http://dbpedia.org/resource/PDGA_World_Championships an entity of type: SportsEvent
The PDGA World Championship is one of several major championships in the sport of disc golf, along with the United States Disc Golf Championship. Held annually since 1982, the event crowns world champions in several divisions in the professional disc golf fields. Since 1983, male and female competitors have played at the same venue every year.
PDGA World Championships (ibland även PDGA Worlds) är, tillsammans med United States Disc Golf Championship, en av de mest prestigefyllda discgolfturneringarna. Turneringen har hållits årligen sedan 1982. Vinnarna utses till världsmästare i discgolf för den klass personen ställt upp i. Sedan 1983 har turneringen för män och kvinnor hållits på samma bana.
PDGA World Championships
PDGA World Championships
The PDGA World Championship is one of several major championships in the sport of disc golf, along with the United States Disc Golf Championship. Held annually since 1982, the event crowns world champions in several divisions in the professional disc golf fields. Since 1983, male and female competitors have played at the same venue every year. There have been 18 different Champions in the Men's event with an average field of 155 competitors, and 17 different Champions in the Women's event with an average field of 26. The event has been held in 19 US states as well as 1987 Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Starting in 2017 the Open Men's and Women's divisions began playing in one tournament, while the age-based divisions will play in a separate World Championships. Thus allowing the potential to be the world champion in both Open and an age-based division. In 2017, the "Final 9" round was eliminated from the Championship format. This was a card of the top 4 competitors, occasionally more, playing a 9-hole final round without any other competitors in the field. The 2020 PDGA World Championships were cancelled on June 1, 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This included the PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships in Odgen, Utah, the PDGA Junior Disc Golf World Championships in Emporia, Kansas, the PDGA Amateur Disc Golf Championships in Orlando, Florida, and the PDGA Professional Master Disc Golf Championships in Johnson City, Tennessee. "All four events will run in the same host cities in 2021, with previously awarded 2021 World Championship bids moving back to 2022," announced the PDGA, citing international travel concerns, the inability to allow spectators, the member experience, and the difficulty of postponing the events as reasons for this decision. "Rescheduling events now, with only two to three months of lead time to make these new arrangements and execute required contracts, puts a considerable strain on our partners. Pushing these decisions out by an additional month or more, with no clear end dates on international travel restrictions, will further hinder our hosts' abilities to successfully run these events."
PDGA World Championships (ibland även PDGA Worlds) är, tillsammans med United States Disc Golf Championship, en av de mest prestigefyllda discgolfturneringarna. Turneringen har hållits årligen sedan 1982. Vinnarna utses till världsmästare i discgolf för den klass personen ställt upp i. Sedan 1983 har turneringen för män och kvinnor hållits på samma bana. Genom åren har det krönts 18 olika manliga världsmästare, fälten har i snitt bestått av 155 deltagare. 17 kvinnor kvinnor har korats som världsmästare med ett genomsnittligt deltagarantal på 26. Tävlingen har gått av stapeln i 19 olika delstater i USA, samt Ontario i Kanada. Sedan 2017 spelars turneringarna för män och kvinnor separat från de åldersbaserade divisionerna. Detta för att öppna för deltagande i både Open-klasserna och de åldersbaserade divisionerna 2017 spelades de sista 9 hålen för de fyra bästa spelarna i turneringen separat från restarande fält, utan andra tävlande på banan. År 2020 ställdes PDGA Worlds in på grund av den pågående COVID-19-pandemin. De inställda arrangemangen inkluderade PDGA Professional Disc Golf World Championships i Odgen, Utah, PDGA Junior Disc Golf World Championships i Emporia, Kansas, PDGA Amateur Disc Golf Championships i Orlando, Florida och PDGA Professional Master Disc Golf Championships i Johnson City, Tennessee. Alla fyra evenemang beslutades att hållas på samma orter under 2021 och de orter som skulle hålla mästerskapen 2021 beslutades bli värdar år 2022 istället. PDGA hänvisade till problem med internationella resor, oförmågan att tillåta åskådare, medlemmars erfarenheter under inledningen av pandemin och problem som ett uppskjutet evenemang skulle medföra för sponsorer och arrangörer som anledning till de inställda tävlingarna.