Oxford Union murals

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Oxford_Union_murals an entity of type: WikicatMurals

Els Murals de l'Oxford Union (1857–1859) són una sèrie d'ornaments en forma de murals que es troben a l'edifici de la biblioteca Oxford Union. La sèrie va ser executada per un equip d'artistes prerafaelites com Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris i Edward Burne-Jones. Les pintures representen escenes del mite artúric. El 1906 en William Holman Hunt, company prerafaelita de Rossetti, que no havia participat directament en aquesta obra, va escriure un llibre sobre la història de les decoracions. rdf:langString
The Oxford Union murals (1857–1859) are a series of mural decorations in the Oxford Union library building. The series was executed by a team of Pre-Raphaelite artists including Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones. The paintings depict scenes from Arthurian myth. Jane Burden, who would later marry William Morris, first appears as a model in the Oxford murals. Burden was noticed by Rossetti and Burne-Jones when she was visiting an Oxford theatre with her sister. Struck by Jane's beauty, they sought her to model for them. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Murals de l'Oxford Union
rdf:langString Oxford Union murals
xsd:integer 24045323
xsd:integer 1120548447
rdf:langString Els Murals de l'Oxford Union (1857–1859) són una sèrie d'ornaments en forma de murals que es troben a l'edifici de la biblioteca Oxford Union. La sèrie va ser executada per un equip d'artistes prerafaelites com Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris i Edward Burne-Jones. Les pintures representen escenes del mite artúric. Els murals van ser encarregats per John Ruskin i el tema probablement va ser triat com a resultat de l'interès dels prerafaelites en temes artúrics, com les il·lustracions de l'edició de Tennyson de 1857 d'. A més de Rossetti, Morris i Burne-Jones, diversos artistes van acceptar contribuir-hi. Aquests van ser els pintors , Arthur Hughes, , i l'escultor Alexander Munro. El procés de pintar els murals era notòriament caòtic. Ruskin va dir que els artistes estaven "una mica bojos i que és molt difícil manejar-los". Com que els murals eren pintats directament a la paret sense guix ni una pintura subterrània adequada, van començar a deteriorar-se molt ràpidament. William Morris va tornar a pintar completament el seu disseny per al sostre. L'obra principal de Rossetti va ser La Visió del Sant Grial de Sir Lancelot. Burne-Jones va pintar Nimue porta Sir Peleus a Ettarde després de la seva disputa. Morris va executar La gelosia de Sir Palomides de Sir Tristrany i Isolda, tot i que el seu treball s'ha descrit com "maldestrament i torpement pintat, però amb el fons de les fulles i les flors" va revelar les seves habilitats en el disseny. Jane Burden, qui més tard es casaria amb William Morris, apareix per primera vegada com a model als murals d'Oxford. Rossetti i Burne-Jones van notar la presència d'aquesta model quan visitaven el teatre d'Oxford amb la seva germana. Impulsats i atrapats per la bellesa de Jane, van buscar-la perquè els fes de model, i per poder convertir-la en la seva musa. El 1906 en William Holman Hunt, company prerafaelita de Rossetti, que no havia participat directament en aquesta obra, va escriure un llibre sobre la història de les decoracions.
rdf:langString The Oxford Union murals (1857–1859) are a series of mural decorations in the Oxford Union library building. The series was executed by a team of Pre-Raphaelite artists including Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones. The paintings depict scenes from Arthurian myth. The murals were commissioned by John Ruskin and the subject was probably chosen as a result of earlier Pre-Raphaelite interest in Arthurian themes, such as the illustrations to Edward Moxon's 1857 edition of Tennyson. In addition to Rossetti, Morris and Burne-Jones, several other artists agreed to contribute. These were the painters Val Prinsep, Arthur Hughes, J. H. Pollen, John Roddam Spencer Stanhope and the sculptor Alexander Munro. The process of painting the murals was notoriously chaotic. Ruskin said that the artists were "all the least bit crazy and it's very difficult to manage them." As the murals were painted directly onto the wall without plaster or adequate underpainting they began to suffer decay very quickly. William Morris later completely repainted his design for the ceiling. Rossetti's main work was Sir Lancelot's Vision of the Holy Grail. Burne-Jones painted Nimue brings Sir Peleus to Ettarde after their Quarrel. Morris executed Sir Palomides' jealousy of Sir Tristram and Iseult, though his work has been described as “poorly and clumsily painted, but the background of leaves and flowers” revealed his skills in design. Jane Burden, who would later marry William Morris, first appears as a model in the Oxford murals. Burden was noticed by Rossetti and Burne-Jones when she was visiting an Oxford theatre with her sister. Struck by Jane's beauty, they sought her to model for them. In 1906 Rossetti's Pre-Raphaelite colleague William Holman Hunt, who had not been directly involved, wrote a book on the history of the decorations.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 3643

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