
http://dbpedia.org/resource/Ostrich an entity of type: Thing

Struthio és l'únic gènere viu d'ocells de la família dels estruciònids (Struthionidae), que pertany a l'ordre dels estrucioniformes (Struthioniformes). Aquestes aus reben el nom comú d'estruços i són les més grans entre les aus vivents a tot el món. Pròpies de planures obertes, són originàries d'Àfrica i també d'Àsia Occidental, on es van extingir durant el segle xx. rdf:langString
Pštros (Struthio) je jeden z dvou rodů ptáků z čeledi pštrosovití, do které patří také vymřelý Palaeotis. Do tohoto rodu patří mnoho druhů, z toho dva recentní. V Africe se vyskytuje pštros dvouprstý (Struthio camelus) a od roku 2015 odlišený druh pštros somálský (Struthio molybdophanes), dříve poddruh pštrosa dvouprstého. rdf:langString
Struthio es un género de aves estrutioniformes de la familia Struthionidae.​ rdf:langString
Struthio( Pour les articles homonymes, voir Autruche (homonymie). ) Struthio Autruches d'Afrique, mâle et femelle Genre StruthioLinnaeus, 1758 Les autruches, qui forment le genre Struthio, sont des oiseaux de la famille des Struthionidae. Le mot dérive de l'italien ostruce, lui-même issu du latin avis struthio, d'après le grec ancien στρουθίων. Au XXIe siècle, il ne reste plus dans ce genre que deux espèces vivantes, voire une seule selon que les auteurs considèrent l'Autruche de Somalie comme étant une espèce distincte ou une simple sous-espèce de l'Autruche d'Afrique. rdf:langString
Struisvogels (Struthio) vormen een geslacht van Loopvogels. Het is het enige geslacht uit de familie Struthionidae en de orde Struthioniformes. In sommige indelingen omvatten de Struthioniformes ook de andere loopvogels. rdf:langString
타조속(駝鳥属, Struthio)은 아프리카의 날지 못하는 새 속으로 타조과에 속하는 현존하는 유일한 속이다. 2014년에 가 타조의 아종이 아닌 가까운 종이라는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 따라서 현존하는 2개의 종을 포함한다. 그외에 여러 멸종한 타조 종들이 있다. rdf:langString
Struthio – rodzaj dużego ptaka z rodziny strusiów (Struthionidae). rdf:langString
Struthio Linnaeus, 1758 è un genere di uccelli, unico genere della famiglia Struthionidae e dell'ordine Struthioniformes. rdf:langString
Struthio é o único gênero atual da família Struthionidae, que compõe o avestruz-comum, S. camelus, e o avestruz-somali, S. molybdophanes, as únicas espécies sobreviventes desta família até hoje. rdf:langString
Африка́нские стра́усы (лат. Struthio) — род птиц из семейства страусовых (Struthionidae) отряда страусообразных. rdf:langString
Страус (Struthio) — рід нелітаючих птахів родини страусових (Struthionidae). rdf:langString
鴕鳥屬(學名:Struthio),是鴕鳥目下的一個屬,包含2種現存物種-鴕鳥及索马里鸵鸟。 rdf:langString
Ostriches are large flightless birds of the genus Struthio in the order Struthioniformes, part of the infra-class Palaeognathae, a diverse group of flightless birds also known as ratites that includes the emus, rheas, and kiwis. There are two living species of ostrich: the common ostrich, native to large areas of sub-Saharan Africa and the Somali ostrich, native to the Horn of Africa. The common ostrich was also historically native to the Arabian Peninsula, and ostriches were present across Asia as far east as Mongolia during the Late Pleistocene and possibly into the Holocene. They lay the largest eggs of any living land animal. With the ability to run at 70 km/h (43.5 mph), they are the fastest birds on land. They are farmed worldwide, particularly for their feathers as they are used as rdf:langString
rdf:langString Ostrich
rdf:langString Struthio
rdf:langString Pštros
rdf:langString Struthio
rdf:langString Autruche
rdf:langString Struthio
rdf:langString ダチョウ属
rdf:langString 타조속
rdf:langString Struisvogels
rdf:langString Struthio
rdf:langString Struthio
rdf:langString Африканские страусы
rdf:langString 鴕鳥屬
rdf:langString Страус (рід)
xsd:integer 985834
xsd:integer 1122459978
rdf:langString Linnaeus, 1758
rdf:langString Miocene–Holocene,
rdf:langString Montage of two living species, from left to right: common ostrich and Somali ostrich
rdf:langString * ?†S. anderssoni * ?†S. barbarus * ?†S. chersonensis (Short-toed ostrich) * ?†S. epoasticus * ?†S. kakesiensis * ?†S. karingarabensis * †S. asiaticus (Asian ostrich) * †S. brachydactylus * †S. coppensi * †S. oldawayi * †S. orlovi * †S. wimani * S. molybdophanes (Somali ostrich) * S. camelus (Common ostrich)
rdf:langString Species
rdf:langString * †Autruchon (Temminick 1840 fide Gray, 1841 ) * †Struthiolithus (Brandt 1873) * †Megaloscelornis (Lydekker 1879) * †Palaeostruthio (Burchak-Abramovich 1953)
rdf:langString Struthio
rdf:langString Struthio camelus
rdf:langString Linnaeus, 1758
rdf:langString Struthio és l'únic gènere viu d'ocells de la família dels estruciònids (Struthionidae), que pertany a l'ordre dels estrucioniformes (Struthioniformes). Aquestes aus reben el nom comú d'estruços i són les més grans entre les aus vivents a tot el món. Pròpies de planures obertes, són originàries d'Àfrica i també d'Àsia Occidental, on es van extingir durant el segle xx.
rdf:langString Pštros (Struthio) je jeden z dvou rodů ptáků z čeledi pštrosovití, do které patří také vymřelý Palaeotis. Do tohoto rodu patří mnoho druhů, z toho dva recentní. V Africe se vyskytuje pštros dvouprstý (Struthio camelus) a od roku 2015 odlišený druh pštros somálský (Struthio molybdophanes), dříve poddruh pštrosa dvouprstého.
rdf:langString Struthio es un género de aves estrutioniformes de la familia Struthionidae.​
rdf:langString Struthio( Pour les articles homonymes, voir Autruche (homonymie). ) Struthio Autruches d'Afrique, mâle et femelle Genre StruthioLinnaeus, 1758 Les autruches, qui forment le genre Struthio, sont des oiseaux de la famille des Struthionidae. Le mot dérive de l'italien ostruce, lui-même issu du latin avis struthio, d'après le grec ancien στρουθίων. Au XXIe siècle, il ne reste plus dans ce genre que deux espèces vivantes, voire une seule selon que les auteurs considèrent l'Autruche de Somalie comme étant une espèce distincte ou une simple sous-espèce de l'Autruche d'Afrique.
rdf:langString Ostriches are large flightless birds of the genus Struthio in the order Struthioniformes, part of the infra-class Palaeognathae, a diverse group of flightless birds also known as ratites that includes the emus, rheas, and kiwis. There are two living species of ostrich: the common ostrich, native to large areas of sub-Saharan Africa and the Somali ostrich, native to the Horn of Africa. The common ostrich was also historically native to the Arabian Peninsula, and ostriches were present across Asia as far east as Mongolia during the Late Pleistocene and possibly into the Holocene. They lay the largest eggs of any living land animal. With the ability to run at 70 km/h (43.5 mph), they are the fastest birds on land. They are farmed worldwide, particularly for their feathers as they are used as decoration and feather dusters. Their skin is also used for leather products. They are the heaviest living birds.
rdf:langString Struisvogels (Struthio) vormen een geslacht van Loopvogels. Het is het enige geslacht uit de familie Struthionidae en de orde Struthioniformes. In sommige indelingen omvatten de Struthioniformes ook de andere loopvogels.
rdf:langString 타조속(駝鳥属, Struthio)은 아프리카의 날지 못하는 새 속으로 타조과에 속하는 현존하는 유일한 속이다. 2014년에 가 타조의 아종이 아닌 가까운 종이라는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 따라서 현존하는 2개의 종을 포함한다. 그외에 여러 멸종한 타조 종들이 있다.
rdf:langString Struthio – rodzaj dużego ptaka z rodziny strusiów (Struthionidae).
rdf:langString Struthio Linnaeus, 1758 è un genere di uccelli, unico genere della famiglia Struthionidae e dell'ordine Struthioniformes.
rdf:langString Struthio é o único gênero atual da família Struthionidae, que compõe o avestruz-comum, S. camelus, e o avestruz-somali, S. molybdophanes, as únicas espécies sobreviventes desta família até hoje.
rdf:langString Африка́нские стра́усы (лат. Struthio) — род птиц из семейства страусовых (Struthionidae) отряда страусообразных.
rdf:langString Страус (Struthio) — рід нелітаючих птахів родини страусових (Struthionidae).
rdf:langString 鴕鳥屬(學名:Struthio),是鴕鳥目下的一個屬,包含2種現存物種-鴕鳥及索马里鸵鸟。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 17564

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