Orophernes of Cappadocia

http://dbpedia.org/resource/Orophernes_of_Cappadocia an entity of type: Person

O Οροφέρνης ο Νικηφόρος (έζησε τον 2ο αι. π.Χ.) από τη Δυναστεία των Αριαραθιδών ήταν διεκδικητής βασιλιάς της Καππαδοκίας (βασ. 160-156), σε αντιπαράθεση με τον αδελφό του Αριαράθη Ε΄ (βασ. 163-130). Τον αναφέρουν μερικοί συγγραφείς, χωρίς όμως οι αναφορές τους να συγκλίνουν στις λεπτομέρειες. rdf:langString
Orophernes Nikephoros (altgriechisch Ὀροφέρνης Νικηφόρος Orophérnēs Nikēphóros) war zwischen 158 und 157 v. Chr. alleiniger Herrscher Kappadokiens, danach zeitweise Mitregent seines Bruders Ariarathes V. Eusebes Philopator. rdf:langString
Orophernès ou Oropherne de Cappadoce est un anti-roi de Cappadoce ayant régné de 159 à 157 av. J.-C. rdf:langString
Oroferne Niceforo (in greco: Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς; ... – ...; fl. II secolo a.C.) fu un re della Cappadocia. Oggi Oroferne è noto principalmente per una poesia scritta dal celebre poeta greco Costantino Kavafis nel 1915; meditando su una tetradracma trovata a Priene, il poeta scrisse "Oroferne", ispirata alla sua vita avventurosa e di pretendente. rdf:langString
Orofernes Nikeforos (gr. Oρoφέρνης , Orophernēs) – król Kapadocji w latach 159-157 p.n.e. Syn króla Kapadocji Ariaratesa IV Eusebesa i królowej Antiochis, córki Antiocha III Wielkiego, króla państwa Seleucydów. rdf:langString
Ороферн Нікіфор (*Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς, д/н — бл. 156 до н. е.) — цар Каппадокії у 160—156 роках до н. е. rdf:langString
Orofernes, també Olofernes i Holofernes (en llatí Olophernes o Orophernes, en grec antic ̓Ολοφερνης, ̓Οροφέρνης, ̓Ορροφέρνης) va ser rei usurpador de Capadòcia de l'any 158 aC al 157 aC. Ariarates IV de Capadòcia (224 aC-163 aC) inicialment no va tenir fills de la seva dona Antioquis i ella, pensant que era estèril i volent assegurar la successió, en va presentar amb enganys dos d'il·legítims, de noms Artiarates (o Ariarates) i aquest Olofernes. Va passar el temps i Antioquis va tenir fills, primer dues filles, però després un fill amb el nom de Mitridates, que més tard, quan va pujar al tron, va prendre el d'Ariarates V. La reina va informar al rei de la veritat i els dos fills no autèntics van ser apartats de la successió. Ariarates va ser enviat a Roma i Olofernes a Jònia, per tal d'evi rdf:langString
Orofernes (en griego antiguo, Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς, Orofernes Niceforo) fue un usurpador que ocupó el trono de Capadocia en el año 157 a. C. Fue uno de los dos falsos hijos que Antióquida, la esposa de Ariarates IV, trató de imponer a su marido. Con el nacimiento del hijo verdadero, el futuro Ariarates V, Orofernes, que ya no podía aspirar al trono, fue enviado a Jonia. Cuando Ariarates V rehusó casarse con la hermana de Demetrio I Sóter, éste apoyó las aspiraciones de Orofernes al trono de Capadocia. rdf:langString
Orophernes Nicephorus (in Greek Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς, also known as Olophernes) was one of the two sons Antiochis (the daughter of Antiochus III the Great) pretended to have had with Ariarathes IV, the king of Cappadocia because she failed to have children (the name of the other was Ariarathes). However, she then did bear a child, Mithridates, and told her husband about the fake sons. These were sent to Rome and Ionia respectively to avoid a succession dispute with the legitimate son, whose name was changed to Ariarathes and who succeeded his father as Ariarathes V in 163 BC. A few years later Orophernes deposed him with the help of Demetrius I Soter, who became the king of the Syria-based Seleucid Empire in 161 BC when he overthrew Antiochus V, an underage king, and his regent, Lysias. The rdf:langString
歐洛斐涅斯(持有勝利者)(古希臘語:Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς,前二世紀人物),是卡帕多細亞國王阿里阿拉特四世其中一個冒牌兒子,他被王后介紹給阿里阿拉特四世,並謊稱是她的兒子。在安條尼絲真的生下阿里阿拉特四世的兒子米特里達梯,即後來的阿里阿拉特五世後她才主動揭穿這個謊言,於是為了不讓冒牌王子繼承王位,歐洛斐涅斯被送到愛奧尼亞。 後來阿里阿拉特五世繼承王位,他拒絕了塞琉古國王德米特里一世姊妹的婚事,這使德米特里一世決定扶持歐洛斐涅斯成為卡帕多細亞國王,引發內戰。前157年,阿里阿拉特五世被迫流亡羅馬共和國,企圖讓羅馬展開干預,歐洛斐涅斯派遣兩位大使第歐根尼和提謨修斯(Timotheus)前去羅馬城,與德米特里一世使者對付阿里阿拉特五世的計畫。結果,羅馬決定讓阿里阿拉特五世和歐洛斐涅斯一同治理王國。 從已知的資料中,歐洛斐涅斯他的統治時間並沒有很長,並且他被認為違反前幾任先王的樸素風格,而以奢華誇張的方式替代。為了支持他的鋪張浪費,他極力壓迫他的臣民,並藉由處死需多人來沒收他們的財富。為了以防萬一,他甚至把400塔蘭同存在普里耶涅,但後來普里耶涅的公民回退了這筆錢。當歐洛斐涅斯的財政吃緊後,他開始擔心他的士兵會因為沒得到該有的軍餉而不滿,於是他收刮一所古代宙斯神廟,作為軍費。 rdf:langString
rdf:langString Orofernes
rdf:langString Orophernes Nikephoros
rdf:langString Οροφέρνης της Καππαδοκίας
rdf:langString Orofernes
rdf:langString Orophernès de Cappadoce
rdf:langString Oroferne di Cappadocia
rdf:langString Orophernes of Cappadocia
rdf:langString Orofernes Nikeforos
rdf:langString 卡帕多細亞的歐洛斐涅斯
rdf:langString Ороферн Нікіфор
xsd:integer 2641369
xsd:integer 1098936498
rdf:langString Orofernes, també Olofernes i Holofernes (en llatí Olophernes o Orophernes, en grec antic ̓Ολοφερνης, ̓Οροφέρνης, ̓Ορροφέρνης) va ser rei usurpador de Capadòcia de l'any 158 aC al 157 aC. Ariarates IV de Capadòcia (224 aC-163 aC) inicialment no va tenir fills de la seva dona Antioquis i ella, pensant que era estèril i volent assegurar la successió, en va presentar amb enganys dos d'il·legítims, de noms Artiarates (o Ariarates) i aquest Olofernes. Va passar el temps i Antioquis va tenir fills, primer dues filles, però després un fill amb el nom de Mitridates, que més tard, quan va pujar al tron, va prendre el d'Ariarates V. La reina va informar al rei de la veritat i els dos fills no autèntics van ser apartats de la successió. Ariarates va ser enviat a Roma i Olofernes a Jònia, per tal d'evitar qualsevol aspiració al tron. Olofernes, més tard va passar a la cort selèucida. L'any 163 aC el seu germà Mitridates va ser proclamat rei sota el nom d'Ariarates V. Quan Ariarates es va negar a casar-se amb la germana de Demetri I Sòter, perquè els romans li van desaconsellar, Demetri va recolzar les pretensions d'Orofernes al tron de Capadòcia. Però Orofernes havia entrat a formar part d'una conspiració per derrocar Demetri, que va descobrir els fets i el va carregar de cadenes. Més tard el va alliberar, perquè volia que li servís contra Ariarates V. Demetri va envair Capadòcia on va instal·lar al tron al príncep Orofernes protegit per soldats selèucides. Ariarates va fugir a Roma on va demanar al senat ser restaurat, però Olofernes també va poder enviar dos emissaris sense escrúpols, Timoteu i Diògenes, juntament amb els que havia enviat Demetri, per oposar-se al seu suposat germà. Segons Apià, el senat va acordar el repartiment del títol reial entre els dos candidats, amb Orofernes com associat. Aquesta associació, de ser certa, va ser breu, ja que Olofernes s'havia destacat en el seu regnat abans d'aquesta decisió del senat, per les seves mesures opressives, els elevats impostos i la introducció de costums jòniques. Va saquejar el temple de Zeus per pagar als soldats, ja que va témer un motí perquè no els havia pagat la soldada. Va veure que no tenia cap suport i no era res sense la presència dels soldats selèucides. Ariarates va ser restaurat al tron i va quedar com a únic governant i ja no es tenen més notícies d'Orofernes. En parlen, a més d'Apià, Diodor de Sicília, Foci, Polibi i Justí.
rdf:langString O Οροφέρνης ο Νικηφόρος (έζησε τον 2ο αι. π.Χ.) από τη Δυναστεία των Αριαραθιδών ήταν διεκδικητής βασιλιάς της Καππαδοκίας (βασ. 160-156), σε αντιπαράθεση με τον αδελφό του Αριαράθη Ε΄ (βασ. 163-130). Τον αναφέρουν μερικοί συγγραφείς, χωρίς όμως οι αναφορές τους να συγκλίνουν στις λεπτομέρειες.
rdf:langString Orophernes Nikephoros (altgriechisch Ὀροφέρνης Νικηφόρος Orophérnēs Nikēphóros) war zwischen 158 und 157 v. Chr. alleiniger Herrscher Kappadokiens, danach zeitweise Mitregent seines Bruders Ariarathes V. Eusebes Philopator.
rdf:langString Orofernes (en griego antiguo, Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς, Orofernes Niceforo) fue un usurpador que ocupó el trono de Capadocia en el año 157 a. C. Fue uno de los dos falsos hijos que Antióquida, la esposa de Ariarates IV, trató de imponer a su marido. Con el nacimiento del hijo verdadero, el futuro Ariarates V, Orofernes, que ya no podía aspirar al trono, fue enviado a Jonia. Cuando Ariarates V rehusó casarse con la hermana de Demetrio I Sóter, éste apoyó las aspiraciones de Orofernes al trono de Capadocia. En el año 157 a. C., cuando Ariarates V ya había sido depuesto y había escapado a Roma, Orofernes envió dos embajadores a esta ciudad, para unirse a los de Demetrio y oponerse a su hermano. Según Apiano, los romanos decidieron que los dos pretendientes debían compartir el trono. Sin embargo, Orofernes no se mantuvo durante mucho tiempo, debido a que se apartó de las costumbres de sus antecesores y se dedicó a un libertinaje sistemático. Para satisfacer sus extravagantes despilfarros, oprimió y saqueó a sus súbditos, llegando a asesinar a muchos y a confiscar sus propiedades. Cuando su estrella declinó, temeroso de que sus soldados se amotinaran por falta de pago, saqueó un antiguo templo de Zeus para poder pagarles. Finalmente se vio obligado a renunciar al trono y volver a Siria, donde se vio envuelto en una conspiración contra Demetrio I, siendo encarcelado, pero su vida fue respetada.​
rdf:langString Orophernès ou Oropherne de Cappadoce est un anti-roi de Cappadoce ayant régné de 159 à 157 av. J.-C.
rdf:langString Orophernes Nicephorus (in Greek Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς, also known as Olophernes) was one of the two sons Antiochis (the daughter of Antiochus III the Great) pretended to have had with Ariarathes IV, the king of Cappadocia because she failed to have children (the name of the other was Ariarathes). However, she then did bear a child, Mithridates, and told her husband about the fake sons. These were sent to Rome and Ionia respectively to avoid a succession dispute with the legitimate son, whose name was changed to Ariarathes and who succeeded his father as Ariarathes V in 163 BC. A few years later Orophernes deposed him with the help of Demetrius I Soter, who became the king of the Syria-based Seleucid Empire in 161 BC when he overthrew Antiochus V, an underage king, and his regent, Lysias. The reign of Orophernes was short-lived. The Romans restored Ariarathes V. The information we have about Orophernes comes from Justin, Diodorus Siculus and Polybius, whose works have survived in fragments. Therefore, this information is incomplete. We also have very brief references to Orophernes in Appian and Zonaras. According to Justin, when Ariarathes V refused to marry the sister of Demetrius I, the latter welcomed Orophernes, who had come to him as a suppliant, and supported his claim to the throne of Cappadocia. For Demetrius this was a pretext for war as he wanted to enlarge his kingdom and increase his power by waging war on his neighbours. However, Orophernes plotted with the disgruntled people of Antioch to expel him. The conspiracy was discovered. Demetrius spared his life so that he could still pursue the war against Ariarathes V. He captured him and imprisoned at Seleucia, in his kingdom. The people of Antioch persisted with their rebellion. They were attacked by Demetrius, but they were supported by Ptolemy VI, the king of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, Attalus II, the king of Pergamon, and Ariarathes V. They sent Balas, a young man, to pretend that he was the brother of Antiochus V and claim the throne by force. They called him Alexander (see Alexander Balas). The people believed him. He defeated Demetrius, who died in battle. Justin's brief account did not mention the deposition of Ariarathes V. This is recorded in the Periochae of Livy where an entry for book 47 says that "King Ariarathes of Cappadocia, who had been expelled from his kingdom on the initiative and with troops of king Demetrius..." Appian wrote that Demetrius deposed Ariarathes V and gave the throne of Cappadocia to Olophernes, who gave Demetrius 1000 talents for this. Diodorus Siculus wrote that Orophernes overthrew Ariarathes V and did not try to gain popular support. He raised money through forced contributions. He put many people to death. He gave Timotheus a gift of 50 talents and Demetrius a gift of 70 talents in addition to having paid him 600 talents and still owing him 400 talents (this is probably the money Appian said he paid Demetrius to overthrow Ariarathes). He began to make exactions on all his subjects and to confiscate the property of men "of the highest distinction." It is at this point that Balas (Diodorus did not give his name and only says that he was a youth who resembled Antiochus V) was sent to challenge Demetrius. In this account he was from Smyrna and he was sent by Attalus II, who was aggrieved by the expulsion of Ariarathes V and also had reasons for wanting to keep Demetrius in check. He gave him royal insignia and sent him to Zenophanes, a Cilician who had had a dispute with Demetrius and had been helped by Eumenes II, Attalus' father. This man spread the word that the youth wanted to reclaim his father's throne. In Polybius's account, Ariarathes V arrived in Rome in the summer of 158 BC. After the consuls for 157 BC, Sextus Julius Caesar and Lucius Aurelius Orestes, entered office he did some lobbying. He and his retinue dressed modestly to highlight his distressed situation. Miltiades arrived as an envoy of Demetrius to defend Demetrius and speak against Ariarathes. Orophernes sent a delegation headed by Timotheus and Diogenes to plead Orophernes' case and accuse Ariarathes V. They brought a crown dedicated to Rome, which was a way of pledging allegiance to Rome, and asked to renew Cappadocia's alliance with Rome. The lobbying of this delegation made a greater impression because it outnumbered Ariarathes, it appeared more prosperous and it disregarded truth. Since there was no one to refute falsehoods, it gained the day. However, in another passage, Polybius wrote that Ariobarzanes was restored and left Italy. Orophernes and Theotimus blamed each other for this. In another passage he summarised that Ariarathes was expelled by Orophernes through "the agency of King Demetrius" and recovered his throne "by the help of Attalus." He also noted that after Attalus succeeded his brother Eumenes his policy was to restore Ariarathes to his kingdom. That Ariarathes V was restored as sole ruler of Cappadocia rather than being ordered to be a co-ruler with his alleged brother, is recorded in the Periochae: "King Ariarathes of Cappadocia... was restored by the Senate. Diodorus Siculus wrote that the envoys of Orophernes plotted against Ariarathes V, but the latter captured them and put them to death at Corfu, an island off western Greece. The henchmen of Orophernes made plans against Ariarathes at Corinth, in Greece. However, Ariarathes eluded them and reached Attalus in Pergamon safely. Unlike Polybius and Diodorus Siculus, Appian wrote the Romans "decided that as brothers both Ariarathes and Orophernes should reign together." Zonaras, too, wrote that the Romans ruled that Ariarathes VI and Orophernes were to be co-rulers. His account also has Orophernes as the only child of Antiochis and Ariarathes IV prior to the birth of Ariarathes V. Antiochis adopted Orophernes. There is no mention of another adoptive son. When Ariobarzanes V was born, the position of Orophernes was "detected and he was banished." In his brief mention of Ariarathes VI and Orophernes, Zonaras went on to write that Orophernes deposed Ariarathes V by leading an uprising and defeating him. Attalus II was an ally of Ariarathes and Demetrius was an ally of Orophernes. The Romans decided that the two brothers were to share the kingdom. Subsequently, the fact Ariarathes V had been declared an ally of Rome enabled him to overthrow Orophernes and became the sole ruler. When Attalus II succeed Eumenes II after his death, he drove Orophernes and Demetrius out of Cappadocia. Polybius related that soon after his succession to the throne in 163 BC, Ariarathes sent envoys to Rome to renew “the previously existing alliance.” This is also recorded in the Periochae. Polybius wrote that Orophernes did not hold the kingdom for long. He thought that Orophernes despised traditional Cappadocian customs and "introduced the refined debauchery of Ionia." He lost his kingdom and life because he fell victim to the passion for money and sacrificed his life for this. This view was echoed by Athenaeus, who regarded the Ionian luxury Orophernes introduced as being artificial. When Orophernes' situation became worse, he run out of funds to pay his soldiers and was worried about a mutiny. He plundered a temple of Zeus, which was considered inviolable, to pay the wage arrears. Polybius wrote that Orophernes, who had amassed a great sum, deposited 400 talents in the city of Priene for a rainy day. The town later returned the money. In another passage he wrote that after he was restored, Ariarathes V, who thought that the money belonged to the kingdom, asked Priene to return the money to him. The town refused to give it to anyone else while Orophernes was alive. Ariarathes sent a force to devastate its territory. Priene, which had sent envoys to Rhodes, now appealed to the Romans, who ignored this. Polybius commented that "[t]he Prienians had based high hopes on their command of so large a sum but the result was just the opposite. For they paid the deposit back to Orophernes, and unjustly suffered considerable damage at the hands of King Ariarathes owing to this same deposit." According to Diodorus Siculus, when Orophernes' situation worsened, he was worried about the pay for his soldiers and was afraid about a possible mutiny. Since he was without funds, he plundered a temple of Zeus, which was considered inviolable, to pay the wage arrears. Today Orophernes is mainly known for a poem written by the celebrated modern Greek poet Constantine P. Cavafy in 1915. In meditating on a tetradrachm found in Priene, the poet wrote "Orophernes," on the pretender's life and his adventures.
rdf:langString Oroferne Niceforo (in greco: Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς; ... – ...; fl. II secolo a.C.) fu un re della Cappadocia. Oggi Oroferne è noto principalmente per una poesia scritta dal celebre poeta greco Costantino Kavafis nel 1915; meditando su una tetradracma trovata a Priene, il poeta scrisse "Oroferne", ispirata alla sua vita avventurosa e di pretendente.
rdf:langString Orofernes Nikeforos (gr. Oρoφέρνης , Orophernēs) – król Kapadocji w latach 159-157 p.n.e. Syn króla Kapadocji Ariaratesa IV Eusebesa i królowej Antiochis, córki Antiocha III Wielkiego, króla państwa Seleucydów.
rdf:langString Ороферн Нікіфор (*Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς, д/н — бл. 156 до н. е.) — цар Каппадокії у 160—156 роках до н. е.
rdf:langString 歐洛斐涅斯(持有勝利者)(古希臘語:Oρoφέρνης Nικηφόρoς,前二世紀人物),是卡帕多細亞國王阿里阿拉特四世其中一個冒牌兒子,他被王后介紹給阿里阿拉特四世,並謊稱是她的兒子。在安條尼絲真的生下阿里阿拉特四世的兒子米特里達梯,即後來的阿里阿拉特五世後她才主動揭穿這個謊言,於是為了不讓冒牌王子繼承王位,歐洛斐涅斯被送到愛奧尼亞。 後來阿里阿拉特五世繼承王位,他拒絕了塞琉古國王德米特里一世姊妹的婚事,這使德米特里一世決定扶持歐洛斐涅斯成為卡帕多細亞國王,引發內戰。前157年,阿里阿拉特五世被迫流亡羅馬共和國,企圖讓羅馬展開干預,歐洛斐涅斯派遣兩位大使第歐根尼和提謨修斯(Timotheus)前去羅馬城,與德米特里一世使者對付阿里阿拉特五世的計畫。結果,羅馬決定讓阿里阿拉特五世和歐洛斐涅斯一同治理王國。 從已知的資料中,歐洛斐涅斯他的統治時間並沒有很長,並且他被認為違反前幾任先王的樸素風格,而以奢華誇張的方式替代。為了支持他的鋪張浪費,他極力壓迫他的臣民,並藉由處死需多人來沒收他們的財富。為了以防萬一,他甚至把400塔蘭同存在普里耶涅,但後來普里耶涅的公民回退了這筆錢。當歐洛斐涅斯的財政吃緊後,他開始擔心他的士兵會因為沒得到該有的軍餉而不滿,於是他收刮一所古代宙斯神廟,作為軍費。 最後歐洛斐涅斯被踢下王位,逃回敘利亞,受到德米特里一世收留。但他後來與安條克的一些人合謀推翻德米特里一世的統治,德米特里一世於是把歐洛斐涅斯囚禁,但保留他的性命,畢竟他在卡帕多細亞王位繼承權上仍有利用價值。 近代希臘著名詩人康斯坦蒂諾斯·佩特魯·卡瓦菲斯(Constantine P. Cavafy)曾經在1915年寫過一篇關於歐洛斐涅斯的作品,內容有關他的一生和經歷,靈感是來自一枚普里恩出土的歐洛斐涅斯時期四德拉克馬錢幣。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 12546

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