Office of Scientific Research and Development an entity of type: Thing

Das Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD; deutsch „Amt für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung“) war eine Behörde der US-amerikanischen Regierung zur Koordinierung der Forschung zu militärischen Zwecken während des Zweiten Weltkrieges und ging aus dem National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) hervor. Der Direktor des OSRD Vannevar Bush war direkt Präsident Franklin D. Roosevelt unterstellt. Am 28. Juni 1941 nahm das OSRD offiziell die Arbeit auf und stellte sie im Dezember 1947 wieder ein. rdf:langString
L'Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD, « Bureau de recherches et de développement scientifiques ») était une agence du gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis créée pour coordonner la recherche scientifique à des fins militaires pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale. rdf:langString
美国科学研究与开发办公室(英語:Office of Scientific Research and Development,简称OSRD)是美国联邦政府的一个机构,目的是用来在第二次世界大战期间进行军事目的的科学研究。它正式成立于1941年6月28日期间,,取代了国防部科研委员会,被授权能够调用几乎无限的资源、资金,由只向总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福直接汇报的万尼瓦尔·布什领导。参与近炸引信的研发工作。 rdf:langString
The Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) was an agency of the United States federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during World War II. Arrangements were made for its creation during May 1941, and it was created formally by Executive Order 8807 on June 28, 1941. It superseded the work of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), was given almost unlimited access to funding and resources, and was directed by Vannevar Bush, who reported only to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. rdf:langString
Kantor Pengembangan dan Penelitian Ilmiah (atau Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) adalah kantor pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat yang dibentuk untuk mengoordinasikan penelitian ilmiah guna keperluan militer selama Perang Dunia II. Pengaturannya dilakukan selama Mei 1941 dan dibuat secara resmi oleh Executive Order 8807 pada 28 Juni 1941. Kantor instansi ini menggantikan pekerjaan National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) dan diberikan akses pendanaan dan sumber daya yang hampir tak terbatas, dipimpin oleh Vannevar Bush yang hanya melapor kepada Presiden Franklin Delano Roosevelt . rdf:langString
O Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) foi uma agência do governo federal dos Estados Unidos criada para coordenar pesquisas científicas para fins militares durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Arranjos foram feitos para sua criação em maio de 1941, e foi criado formalmente pela Ordem Executiva 8807 em 28 de junho de 1941. Ele substituiu o trabalho do National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), foi dado acesso quase ilimitado ao financiamento e recursos, e foi dirigido por Vannevar Bush, que se reportava apenas ao presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Office of Scientific Research and Development
rdf:langString Office of Scientific Research and Development
rdf:langString Kantor Pengembangan dan Penelitian Ilmiah
rdf:langString Office of Scientific Research and Development
rdf:langString Office of Scientific Research and Development
rdf:langString 美国科学研究与开发办公室
rdf:langString Office of Scientific Research and Development
rdf:langString OSRD
xsd:integer 1633844
xsd:integer 1102182678
rdf:langString related extant agencies: NSF, DoE
rdf:langString December 1947
xsd:date 1941-06-28
rdf:langString Office of Scientific Research and Development
rdf:langString Das Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD; deutsch „Amt für wissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung“) war eine Behörde der US-amerikanischen Regierung zur Koordinierung der Forschung zu militärischen Zwecken während des Zweiten Weltkrieges und ging aus dem National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) hervor. Der Direktor des OSRD Vannevar Bush war direkt Präsident Franklin D. Roosevelt unterstellt. Am 28. Juni 1941 nahm das OSRD offiziell die Arbeit auf und stellte sie im Dezember 1947 wieder ein.
rdf:langString The Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) was an agency of the United States federal government created to coordinate scientific research for military purposes during World War II. Arrangements were made for its creation during May 1941, and it was created formally by Executive Order 8807 on June 28, 1941. It superseded the work of the National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), was given almost unlimited access to funding and resources, and was directed by Vannevar Bush, who reported only to President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. The research was widely varied, and included projects devoted to new and more accurate bombs, reliable detonators, work on the proximity fuze, guided missiles, radar and early-warning systems, lighter and more accurate hand weapons, more effective medical treatments (including work to make penicillin at scale, which was necessary for its use as a drug), more versatile vehicles, and, the most secret of all, the S-1 Section, which later became the Manhattan Project and developed the first atomic weapons.
rdf:langString L'Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD, « Bureau de recherches et de développement scientifiques ») était une agence du gouvernement fédéral des États-Unis créée pour coordonner la recherche scientifique à des fins militaires pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
rdf:langString Kantor Pengembangan dan Penelitian Ilmiah (atau Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) adalah kantor pemerintah federal Amerika Serikat yang dibentuk untuk mengoordinasikan penelitian ilmiah guna keperluan militer selama Perang Dunia II. Pengaturannya dilakukan selama Mei 1941 dan dibuat secara resmi oleh Executive Order 8807 pada 28 Juni 1941. Kantor instansi ini menggantikan pekerjaan National Defense Research Committee (NDRC) dan diberikan akses pendanaan dan sumber daya yang hampir tak terbatas, dipimpin oleh Vannevar Bush yang hanya melapor kepada Presiden Franklin Delano Roosevelt . Penelitian ini sangat bervariasi, dan termasuk proyek-proyek yang ditujukan untuk bom baru yang lebih akurat, detonator yang andal, dengan cara kerja , rudal, radar, sistem peringatan dini, senjata genggam yang lebih ringan dan lebih akurat, perawatan medis yang lebih efektif, kendaraan yang lebih fleksibel, dan yang paling rahasia dari semuanya adalah , yang kemudian menjadi Proyek Manhattan dan mengembangkan senjata bom atom pertama. OSRD dihentikan pada Desember 1947.
rdf:langString O Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) foi uma agência do governo federal dos Estados Unidos criada para coordenar pesquisas científicas para fins militares durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. Arranjos foram feitos para sua criação em maio de 1941, e foi criado formalmente pela Ordem Executiva 8807 em 28 de junho de 1941. Ele substituiu o trabalho do National Defense Research Committee (NDRC), foi dado acesso quase ilimitado ao financiamento e recursos, e foi dirigido por Vannevar Bush, que se reportava apenas ao presidente Franklin Delano Roosevelt. A pesquisa foi amplamente variada e incluiu projetos dedicados a bombas novas e mais precisas, detonadores confiáveis, trabalho na espoleta de proximidade, mísseis guiados, radar e sistemas de alerta precoce, armas de mão mais leves e precisas, tratamentos médicos mais eficazes, mais versáteis veículos e, o mais secreto de todos, a Seção S-1, que mais tarde se tornou o Projeto Manhattan e desenvolveu as primeiras armas atômicas.
rdf:langString 美国科学研究与开发办公室(英語:Office of Scientific Research and Development,简称OSRD)是美国联邦政府的一个机构,目的是用来在第二次世界大战期间进行军事目的的科学研究。它正式成立于1941年6月28日期间,,取代了国防部科研委员会,被授权能够调用几乎无限的资源、资金,由只向总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福直接汇报的万尼瓦尔·布什领导。参与近炸引信的研发工作。
rdf:langString OSRD
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6318
xsd:gYear 1947
xsd:date 1941-06-28
xsd:gYear 1941

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