Numerius Fabius Ambustus an entity of type: WikicatAncientRomanPoliticians

Numeri Fabi Ambust (en llatí: Numerius Fabius M. F. Q. N. Ambustus) va ser un magistrat romà. Era fill de Marc Fabi Ambust i germà de Ceso i Quint Fabi Ambust. Va ser tribú amb potestat consolar l'any 406 aC. El 390 aC va ser ambaixador juntament amb els seus germans davant els gals que assetjaven Clusium i el mateix any va ser altre cop tribú amb potestat consolar. rdf:langString
Numerius Fabius Ambustus entstammte der römischen Patrizierfamilie der Fabier und war 406 und 390 v. Chr. Konsulartribun. rdf:langString
Numerio Fabio Ambusto ​ fue un político, militar y diplomático romano de los siglos V y IV a. C. perteneciente a la gens Fabia. Tito Livio le da el praenomen Cneo.​ rdf:langString
Numerius Fabius Ambustus est un homme politique de la République romaine, tribun militaire à pouvoir consulaire en 406 et 390 av. J.-C., année de la prise de Rome par les Sénons de Brennus. rdf:langString
Numerio Fabio Ambusto (Roma, ... – ...; fl. V secolo a.C.) è stato un politico e militare romano del V secolo a.C. rdf:langString
Numério Fábio Ambusto (em latim: Numerius Fabius Ambustus) foi um político da gente Fábia nos primeiros anos da República Romana, eleito tribuno consular por duas vezes, em 406 e 390 a.C.. Era um dos três filhos de , o pontífice máximo em 390 a.C., ano em que Roma foi tomada pelos gauleses. Seus irmãos eram Cesão Fábio Ambusto (Kaeso Fabius Ambustus) e Quinto Fábio Ambusto. De acordo com William Smith, ele foi provavelmente o pai de Marco Fábio Ambusto, que foi cônsul em 360, 356 e 354 a.C. e de Caio Fábio Ambusto, cônsul em 358 a.C.. rdf:langString
Нумерій Фабій Амбуст (лат. Numerius Fabius Ambustus; кінець V століття до н. е. — після 390 до н.е.) — політичний та військовий діяч Римської республіки, військовий трибун з консульською владою 406 і 390 років до н. е. rdf:langString
Нумерий Фабий Амбуст (лат. Numerius Fabius Ambustus; V—IV века до н. э.) — древнеримский политический деятель из патрицианского рода Фабиев, военный трибун с консульской властью 406 и 390 годов до н. э. rdf:langString
Numerius (or Gnaeus) Fabius Ambustus (fl. c. 406–390 BC) was an ancient Roman commander who was the son of Marcus Fabius Ambustus, and brother to Caeso and Quintus. In 406 BC, he and his forces captured the Volscian city of Anxur (modern Terracina) by securing the high ground above the town, from which they were able to launch attacks against its walls. When the town's defenders attempted to respond to these harassing attacks, the remainder of Numerius' forces used escalade to scale the walls and enter the town. After the victory, his forces began to torture the inhabitants of the city in retaliation for the Volscian massacre of the Roman garrison at , thought to be located in the Trerus valley, (modern Sacco river valley) of the Lazio region, and where the Roman prisoners had been horribl rdf:langString
rdf:langString Numerius Fabius Ambustus
rdf:langString Numeri Fabi Ambust
rdf:langString Numerius Fabius Ambustus
rdf:langString Numerio Fabio Ambusto
rdf:langString Numerio Fabio Ambusto
rdf:langString Numerius Fabius Ambustus
rdf:langString Numério Fábio Ambusto
rdf:langString Нумерий Фабий Амбуст
rdf:langString Нумерій Фабій Амбуст
xsd:integer 26629197
xsd:integer 1070531754
xsd:integer 141
rdf:langString Quintus Servilius Fidenas IV,
rdf:langString Caeso Fabius Ambustus IV,
rdf:langString Gnaeus Cornelius Cossus,
rdf:langString and Lucius Valerius Potitus II
rdf:langString and Publius Cornelius Maluginensis IV
rdf:langString Ambustus
xsd:integer 1
xsd:integer 390 406
rdf:langString Numeri Fabi Ambust (en llatí: Numerius Fabius M. F. Q. N. Ambustus) va ser un magistrat romà. Era fill de Marc Fabi Ambust i germà de Ceso i Quint Fabi Ambust. Va ser tribú amb potestat consolar l'any 406 aC. El 390 aC va ser ambaixador juntament amb els seus germans davant els gals que assetjaven Clusium i el mateix any va ser altre cop tribú amb potestat consolar.
rdf:langString Numerius Fabius Ambustus entstammte der römischen Patrizierfamilie der Fabier und war 406 und 390 v. Chr. Konsulartribun.
rdf:langString Numerio Fabio Ambusto ​ fue un político, militar y diplomático romano de los siglos V y IV a. C. perteneciente a la gens Fabia. Tito Livio le da el praenomen Cneo.​
rdf:langString Numerius (or Gnaeus) Fabius Ambustus (fl. c. 406–390 BC) was an ancient Roman commander who was the son of Marcus Fabius Ambustus, and brother to Caeso and Quintus. In 406 BC, he and his forces captured the Volscian city of Anxur (modern Terracina) by securing the high ground above the town, from which they were able to launch attacks against its walls. When the town's defenders attempted to respond to these harassing attacks, the remainder of Numerius' forces used escalade to scale the walls and enter the town. After the victory, his forces began to torture the inhabitants of the city in retaliation for the Volscian massacre of the Roman garrison at , thought to be located in the Trerus valley, (modern Sacco river valley) of the Lazio region, and where the Roman prisoners had been horribly tortured. Numerius eventually showed mercy, and around 2500 Volscians were permitted to surrender with their lives. Fabius was consular tribune in 406 BC, and again in 390. It was in his second consulship that he and his two brothers were sent as ambassador to the Gauls who were besieging Clusium. During this mission he participated in an attack against the besieging Gauls. The Gauls demanded that the three should be surrendered to them for violating the law of nations. When the Roman Senate refused to give up the guilty parties, the Gauls marched against Rome, which they sacked after the battle of the Allia. Many scholars believe the entire story of the events at Clusium to be fiction, as Clusium had no real reason to appeal to Rome for help, and the Gauls needed no real provocation to sack Rome. The story, it is hypothesized, exists to provide an explanation for an otherwise unmotivated attack on Rome, and to depict Rome as a bulwark of Italy against the Gauls. His son was Marcus Fabius Ambustus (consul 360 BC) and possibly Gaius Fabius Ambustus (consul 358 BC).
rdf:langString Numerius Fabius Ambustus est un homme politique de la République romaine, tribun militaire à pouvoir consulaire en 406 et 390 av. J.-C., année de la prise de Rome par les Sénons de Brennus.
rdf:langString Numerio Fabio Ambusto (Roma, ... – ...; fl. V secolo a.C.) è stato un politico e militare romano del V secolo a.C.
rdf:langString Numério Fábio Ambusto (em latim: Numerius Fabius Ambustus) foi um político da gente Fábia nos primeiros anos da República Romana, eleito tribuno consular por duas vezes, em 406 e 390 a.C.. Era um dos três filhos de , o pontífice máximo em 390 a.C., ano em que Roma foi tomada pelos gauleses. Seus irmãos eram Cesão Fábio Ambusto (Kaeso Fabius Ambustus) e Quinto Fábio Ambusto. De acordo com William Smith, ele foi provavelmente o pai de Marco Fábio Ambusto, que foi cônsul em 360, 356 e 354 a.C. e de Caio Fábio Ambusto, cônsul em 358 a.C..
rdf:langString Нумерій Фабій Амбуст (лат. Numerius Fabius Ambustus; кінець V століття до н. е. — після 390 до н.е.) — політичний та військовий діяч Римської республіки, військовий трибун з консульською владою 406 і 390 років до н. е.
rdf:langString Нумерий Фабий Амбуст (лат. Numerius Fabius Ambustus; V—IV века до н. э.) — древнеримский политический деятель из патрицианского рода Фабиев, военный трибун с консульской властью 406 и 390 годов до н. э.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 6791

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