Notopleuron an entity of type: Settlement

Notopleurona (plurala notopleura intsektuen toraxaren atal bat da. Notopleura oso erabiliak dira espezieen karakterizazioan, batez ere, baina ez bakarrik, Dipteraren barruan. Neotopleurona agertzen den esklerito bat da, Dipteraren kasuan joskura transbertsalen bukaeran agertzen dena. Dipteraz gain, notopleurona ikusgarria da Adephaga kakalardoen barruan eta hainbat Hemipteran. rdf:langString
The notopleuron (plural notopleura) is a region on an insect thorax. Notopleura are useful in characterizing species, particularly, though not uniquely, in the Order Diptera (the "true flies"). The notopleuron is a thoracic pleurite (a sclerite on the pleuron) situated at the end of the transverse suture of Diptera. Apart from in the Diptera, visible notopleural structures occur in the beetle suborder Adephaga and in certain Hemiptera, but this list is not exhaustive. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Notopleuron
rdf:langString Notopleuron
xsd:integer 16617462
xsd:integer 1056812332
rdf:langString Notopleurona (plurala notopleura intsektuen toraxaren atal bat da. Notopleura oso erabiliak dira espezieen karakterizazioan, batez ere, baina ez bakarrik, Dipteraren barruan. Neotopleurona agertzen den esklerito bat da, Dipteraren kasuan joskura transbertsalen bukaeran agertzen dena. Dipteraz gain, notopleurona ikusgarria da Adephaga kakalardoen barruan eta hainbat Hemipteran.
rdf:langString The notopleuron (plural notopleura) is a region on an insect thorax. Notopleura are useful in characterizing species, particularly, though not uniquely, in the Order Diptera (the "true flies"). The notopleuron is a thoracic pleurite (a sclerite on the pleuron) situated at the end of the transverse suture of Diptera. Apart from in the Diptera, visible notopleural structures occur in the beetle suborder Adephaga and in certain Hemiptera, but this list is not exhaustive.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 908

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