Norwich Market an entity of type: Place

Is margadh suite i Norwich é Margadh Norwich. rdf:langString
Le marché de Norwich est un marché en plein air de la ville de Norwich, en Angleterre, actif depuis la fin du XIe siècle. rdf:langString
노리치 시장(영어: Norwich Market)은 잉글랜드 노리치에 위치한 200개의 노점상으로 이루어진 야외 시장이다. rdf:langString
諾維奇市場,又稱諾維奇供應市場,在英國諾維奇中心由大約200個攤位所組成的戶外市場,始建於11世紀中期,有部分供應商和定居者班移至诺曼征服英格兰之後的位置,取代先前的市場縮了一段距離。目前在網站上的運作已有900年之久。 rdf:langString
El Mercado de Norwich (también conocido como Norwich Provision Market nombre en inglés para Mercado de Prestación de Norwich), es un mercado que consiste en alrededor de 200 establecimientos en el centro de Norwich, Inglaterra. Fue fundado a finales del siglo XI para servir a los comerciantes normandos y a los colonos que se mudaron a la zona después de la conquista normanda de Inglaterra y que sustituyeron a un mercado anterior que se encontrada a corta de distancia. Ha estado funcionando en el sitio actual durante más de 900 años. rdf:langString
Norwich Market (also known as Norwich Provision Market) is an outdoor market consisting of around 200 stalls in central Norwich, England. Founded in the latter part of the 11th century to supply Norman merchants and settlers moving to the area following the Norman conquest of England, it replaced an earlier market a short distance away. It has been in operation on the present site for over 900 years. rdf:langString
Norwich Market (também conhecido como Mercado de Prestação de Norwich) é um inglês composto por cerca de 200 no centro de Norwich. Fundado na segunda metade do século XI para suprir os comerciantes e colonizadores normandos que se mudaram para a região após a conquista normanda da Inglaterra, substituiu um mercado anterior a uma curta distância. Está em operação no atual local há mais de 900 anos. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Mercado de Norwich
rdf:langString Margadh Norwich
rdf:langString Marché de Norwich
rdf:langString 노리치 시장
rdf:langString Norwich Market
rdf:langString Mercado de Norwich
rdf:langString 諾維奇市場
xsd:float 52.62850189208984
xsd:float 1.292899966239929
xsd:integer 25979929
xsd:integer 1063903782
rdf:langString right
xsd:integer 35
xsd:date 2010-11-28
rdf:langString note
rdf:langString Here also remains the ruins of a very stately castle, built on the top of an eminent hill in the midst of the town, over-topping all the rest of the city, and to this castle, surrounded with deep dikes, there is an entrance by one bridge having only one great and entire arch under it, of such a vast breadth and height that it surpasses any of the bridges in Yorkshire, over the river Wharfe or elsewhere. A little way from this castle on the opposite side of a hill, is the chief market place of this city, and this being the only place where all things are brought to be sold, for the food of this great city, they not as in London allowing markets in several places, make it vastly full of provisions, especially on Saturdays, where I saw the greatest shambles for butchers' meat I had ever yet seen, and the like also for poultry and dairy-meats, which dairy people also bring many quarters of veal with their butter and cheese, and I believe also in their seasons pork and hog-meats. These people fill a square of ground on the side of a hill twice as big as Abingdon market place. They setting their goods in ranges as near as may be one above another, only allowing room for single persons to pass between; and above these the butchers have their shambles and such kind of people as sell fish, of which there was plenty of such kinds as the seas hereabouts afford, viz. crabs, flounders, mackerel, very cheap, but lobster for sea fish and pike or jack for river fish, were dear enough. ... Their chief market house stands in the midst of this great market place, now very full of people and provisions, being circular or round in form, having chained to the several pillars thereof bushels, pecks, scales, and other things for the measuring and weighing of such goods as are brought to the market.
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString Thomas Baskerville, 1681
xsd:integer 32
xsd:string 52.6285 1.2929
rdf:langString El Mercado de Norwich (también conocido como Norwich Provision Market nombre en inglés para Mercado de Prestación de Norwich), es un mercado que consiste en alrededor de 200 establecimientos en el centro de Norwich, Inglaterra. Fue fundado a finales del siglo XI para servir a los comerciantes normandos y a los colonos que se mudaron a la zona después de la conquista normanda de Inglaterra y que sustituyeron a un mercado anterior que se encontrada a corta de distancia. Ha estado funcionando en el sitio actual durante más de 900 años. En el siglo XIV, Norwich fue una de las ciudades más grandes y prósperas de Inglaterra y el Mercado de Norwich fue por tanto, un importante centro de comercio. El control de sus ingresos se cedió, por parte de la monarquía, a la ciudad de Norwich en el año de 1341. Exento del control real, el mercado fue reorganizado para beneficiar a la ciudad tanto como fuera posible. Norwich y las regiones cercanas fueron devastadas por la plaga y el hambre en la última mitad del siglo XIV, cayendo así la cantidad de población en un 50%. Los años siguientes a la plaga, Norwich fue regido por el control de comerciantes locales y la economía fue reestructurada. En los primeros años del siglo XV, la Casa Consistorial fue construida junto al mercado con el propósito de servir como centro de gobierno local y de aplicación de las leyes. El edificio medieval más alto de la Gran Bretaña fuera de Londres, permaneció como sede del gobierno local hasta 1938 y en uso como tribunal de justicia hasta el año de 1985. En la era georgiana, Norwich se hizo un lugar muy popular para viajeros y se desarrolló como una importante ciudad de moda para las compras. Los edificios alrededor del mercado se convirtieron en tiendas de lujo. La parte del este del mercado fue particularmente considerada la del lujo y la moda, pasando a adoptar el nombre de "Gentleman's Walk" o Paseo de los Caballeros, en español. El área alrededor del mercado se congestionó mucho en el siglo XIX, pero el consejo era incapaz de aumentar los fondos para el desarrollo por lo que solo se pudieron hacer unas pocas modificaciones. Debido a que los comercios del mercado eran de propiedad privada, el consejo no fue capaz de reorganizar el mercado a una distribución más racional. Tras la Primera Guerra Mundial, la autoridad local comenzó a comprar de manera sistemática todos los comercios del mercado de Norwich, convirtiendo así al mercado completo en propiedad pública. De tal modo, el mercado fue radicalmente rediseñado en la década de 1930; los comercios fueron organizados en filas paralelas y la sede del Ayuntamiento de Norwich fue construida a lo largo de la parte oeste del la plaza del mercado para remplazar la que en ese entonces era la Casa del Ayuntamiento. Esta nueva organización persistió a pesar de cambios significativos en lo que quedaba del siglo XX. En la década de 1990, el mercado se había deteriorado y en el 2003 se crearon propuestas de cambios radicales de construcción en el área. Dichas propuestas fueron objeto de extrema polémica y fueron abandonadas en el 2004 a favor del esquema que mantenía las filas paralelas de los comercios, pero reemplazaron las viejas estructuras de los mismos con otras de acero de cuatro puestos por unidad. La remodelación del mercado se completó en los inicios del 2006 y ahora es uno de los mercados más grandes de la Gran Bretaña .
rdf:langString Norwich Market (also known as Norwich Provision Market) is an outdoor market consisting of around 200 stalls in central Norwich, England. Founded in the latter part of the 11th century to supply Norman merchants and settlers moving to the area following the Norman conquest of England, it replaced an earlier market a short distance away. It has been in operation on the present site for over 900 years. By the 14th century, Norwich was one of the largest and most prosperous cities in England, and Norwich Market was a major trading hub. Control of, and income from, the market was ceded by the monarchy to the city of Norwich in 1341, from which time it provided a significant source of income for the local council. Freed from royal control, the market was reorganised to benefit the city as much as possible. Norwich and the surrounding region were devastated by plague and famine in the latter half of the 14th century, with the population falling by over 50%. Following the plague years, Norwich came under the control of local merchants and the economy was rebuilt. In the early 15th century, a Guildhall was built next to the market to serve as a centre for local government and law enforcement. The largest surviving mediaeval civic building in Britain outside London, it remained the seat of local government until 1938 and in use as a law court until 1985. In the Georgian era, Norwich became an increasingly popular destination with travellers and developed into a fashionable shopping town. Buildings around the market were developed into luxury shops and coaching inns. The eastern side of the market was particularly fashionable and became known as Gentleman's Walk. The area around the market had become very congested by the 19th century, but the council was unable to raise funds for improvement and few alterations were made. Because many of the market's stalls were privately owned, the council was unable to rearrange the market into a more rational layout. Following the First World War, the local authority began to systematically buy up all the stalls on the market, eventually bringing the entire market into public ownership. It was radically redesigned in the 1930s: stalls were arranged into parallel rows and a new City Hall was built along the entire western side of the marketplace to replace the by then inadequate Guildhall. This new arrangement survived with few significant changes for the rest of the 20th century. By the 1990s, the market was becoming decrepit and, in 2003, proposals were made for another radical rebuilding of the area. These proposals were extremely controversial and were abandoned in 2004 in favour of a scheme which retained the parallel rows of stalls, but replaced the old stalls with steel units of four stalls each. The rebuilt market was completed in early 2006 and is one of the largest markets in Britain.
rdf:langString Is margadh suite i Norwich é Margadh Norwich.
rdf:langString Le marché de Norwich est un marché en plein air de la ville de Norwich, en Angleterre, actif depuis la fin du XIe siècle.
rdf:langString 노리치 시장(영어: Norwich Market)은 잉글랜드 노리치에 위치한 200개의 노점상으로 이루어진 야외 시장이다.
rdf:langString Norwich Market (também conhecido como Mercado de Prestação de Norwich) é um inglês composto por cerca de 200 no centro de Norwich. Fundado na segunda metade do século XI para suprir os comerciantes e colonizadores normandos que se mudaram para a região após a conquista normanda da Inglaterra, substituiu um mercado anterior a uma curta distância. Está em operação no atual local há mais de 900 anos. No século XIV, Norwich era uma das maiores e mais prósperas cidades na Inglaterra, e o Mercado de Norwich era um importante centro comercial. O controle e a renda do mercado foram cedidos pela monarquia à cidade de Norwich em 1341, época a partir da qual forneceu uma significativa fonte de renda para o governo local. Livre do controle real, o mercado foi reorganizado para beneficiar a cidade o máximo possível. Norwich e região circunvizinha foram devastadas pela peste e fome na segunda metade do século XIV, com a população caindo em mais de 50%. Após os anos da peste, Norwich ficou sob o controle dos comerciantes locais e a economia foi reconstruída. No início do século XV, uma (prefeitura) foi construída ao lado do mercado para servir de sede para o governo local e para as autoridades judiciais. O maior edifício cívico medieval sobrevivente na Grã-Bretanha fora de Londres, permaneceu como sede do governo local até 1938 e em uso como um tribunal de justiça até 1985.
rdf:langString 諾維奇市場,又稱諾維奇供應市場,在英國諾維奇中心由大約200個攤位所組成的戶外市場,始建於11世紀中期,有部分供應商和定居者班移至诺曼征服英格兰之後的位置,取代先前的市場縮了一段距離。目前在網站上的運作已有900年之久。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 59559
<Geometry> POINT(1.2928999662399 52.62850189209)

data from the linked data cloud