Non-finite clause an entity of type: Album

في علم اللغة، تعد العبارة غير المحدودة عبارة مستقلة أو مضمنة تمثل حالة أو حدثا بنفس الطريقة بغض النظر عما إذا كانت تحدث قبل أو أثناء أو بعد إنتاج النص. وبهذا المعنى العبارة غير المحدودة تمثل عملية كظرف لآخر دون تحديد الوقت الذي تحدث فيه كما في الأمثلة التالية: rdf:langString
Een beknopte bijzin is een bijzin zonder persoonsvorm maar met een gezegde. Het principe van de beknopte bijzin-constructie is gebaseerd op samentrekking van zinsdelen. rdf:langString
In linguistics, a non-finite clause is a dependent or embedded clause that represents a state or event in the same way no matter whether it takes place before, during, or after text production. In this sense, a non-finite dependent clause represents one process as a circumstance for another without specifying the time when it takes place as in the following examples: Non-Finite Dependent Clauses * I'm going to Broadway to watch a play. * I went to Broadway to watch a play.Finite Dependent Clauses * I'm going to Broadway so I can watch a play. * I went to Broadway so I could watch a play. rdf:langString
rdf:langString شرط غير محدود
rdf:langString Non-finite clause
rdf:langString Beknopte bijzin
xsd:integer 3116572
xsd:integer 1087573626
rdf:langString November 2019
rdf:langString the lead should not contain bullet points
rdf:langString في علم اللغة، تعد العبارة غير المحدودة عبارة مستقلة أو مضمنة تمثل حالة أو حدثا بنفس الطريقة بغض النظر عما إذا كانت تحدث قبل أو أثناء أو بعد إنتاج النص. وبهذا المعنى العبارة غير المحدودة تمثل عملية كظرف لآخر دون تحديد الوقت الذي تحدث فيه كما في الأمثلة التالية:
rdf:langString In linguistics, a non-finite clause is a dependent or embedded clause that represents a state or event in the same way no matter whether it takes place before, during, or after text production. In this sense, a non-finite dependent clause represents one process as a circumstance for another without specifying the time when it takes place as in the following examples: Non-Finite Dependent Clauses * I'm going to Broadway to watch a play. * I went to Broadway to watch a play.Finite Dependent Clauses * I'm going to Broadway so I can watch a play. * I went to Broadway so I could watch a play. Similarly, a non-finite embedded clause represents a qualification for something that is being represented as in the following examples: Non-Finite Embedded Clauses * I'm on a street called Bellevue Avenue. * I was on a street called Bellevue Avenue.Finite Embedded Clauses * I'm on a street that is called Bellevue Avenue. * I'm on a street that used to be called Bellevue Avenue. * I was on a street that is called Bellevue Avenue. * I was on a street that used to be called Bellevue Avenue. In meaning-independent descriptions of language, a non-finite clause is a clause whose verbal chain is non-finite; for example, using Priscian's categories for Latin verb forms, in many languages we find texts with non-finite clauses containing infinitives, participles and gerunds. In such accounts, a non-finite clause usually serves a grammatical role – commonly that of a noun, adjective, or adverb – in a greater clause that contains it.
rdf:langString Een beknopte bijzin is een bijzin zonder persoonsvorm maar met een gezegde. Het principe van de beknopte bijzin-constructie is gebaseerd op samentrekking van zinsdelen.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 8864

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