New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group

Die New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG, deutsch Beratungsgruppe für neue und aufkommende Bedrohungen durch Atemwegsviren) ist ein Beratungsgremium, das seit 2014 den Chief Medical Advisor / Chief Medical Officer, den höchsten Regierungsberater in Gesundheitsfragen im Vereinigten Königreich berät, der seinerseits das britische Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (englisch , DHSC) und die zuständigen Minister in Bezug auf Bedrohungen über virale Atemwegsinfektionen berät, insbesondere aktuell hinsichtlich der COVID-19-Pandemie. Die Gruppe besteht aus 17 Wissenschaftlern. rdf:langString
El New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG o Grup consultiu per a amenaces de virus respiratoris nous i emergents) és un òrgan consultiu que assessora el principal United Kingdom Government's Chief Medical Advisor (assessor mèdic del govern del Regne Unit) / Chief Medical Officer for England Director (director mèdic d'Anglaterra), que al seu torn assessora el Departament de Salut i Assistència Social i els ministres pertinents sobre les amenaces de infeccions de les vies respiratòries de tipus víric. L'organisme va substituir el Scientific Pandemic Influenza Advisory Committee (SPI o Comitè consultiu científic de la grip pandèmica del Regne Unit) com a part d'un moviment per ampliar l'abast per cobrir l'amenaça d'altres virus respiratoris, a més de les pandèmies rdf:langString
The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG) is an advisory body that advises the United Kingdom Government's Chief Medical Advisor / Chief Medical Officer for England, who in turn advises the UK Department of Health and Social Care and relevant ministers regarding threats from viral respiratory tract infections. The body replaced the UK (SPI) as part of a move to expand the scope to cover the threat of other respiratory viruses, besides pandemic influenza. The inaugural meeting was held on 19 December 2014 where the terms of reference were agreed. The group has been advising the Department of Health for some years and minutes of meetings are now regularly published, backdated to 2014. As of 2020, the group has been advising specifically on the COVID-19 pandemic rdf:langString
rdf:langString New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group
rdf:langString New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group
rdf:langString New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group
xsd:integer 63428771
xsd:integer 1091491042
rdf:langString El New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG o Grup consultiu per a amenaces de virus respiratoris nous i emergents) és un òrgan consultiu que assessora el principal United Kingdom Government's Chief Medical Advisor (assessor mèdic del govern del Regne Unit) / Chief Medical Officer for England Director (director mèdic d'Anglaterra), que al seu torn assessora el Departament de Salut i Assistència Social i els ministres pertinents sobre les amenaces de infeccions de les vies respiratòries de tipus víric. L'organisme va substituir el Scientific Pandemic Influenza Advisory Committee (SPI o Comitè consultiu científic de la grip pandèmica del Regne Unit) com a part d'un moviment per ampliar l'abast per cobrir l'amenaça d'altres virus respiratoris, a més de les pandèmies de grip. La reunió inaugural es va celebrar el 19 de desembre de 2014, on es van acordar els termes de referència. El grup fa alguns anys que assessora el Departament de Salut i ara es publiquen regularment actes de reunions, que es remunten al 2014. A partir del 2020, el grup ha assessorat específicament sobre la pandèmia de la COVID-19.
rdf:langString Die New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG, deutsch Beratungsgruppe für neue und aufkommende Bedrohungen durch Atemwegsviren) ist ein Beratungsgremium, das seit 2014 den Chief Medical Advisor / Chief Medical Officer, den höchsten Regierungsberater in Gesundheitsfragen im Vereinigten Königreich berät, der seinerseits das britische Ministerium für Gesundheit und Soziales (englisch , DHSC) und die zuständigen Minister in Bezug auf Bedrohungen über virale Atemwegsinfektionen berät, insbesondere aktuell hinsichtlich der COVID-19-Pandemie. Die Gruppe besteht aus 17 Wissenschaftlern.
rdf:langString The New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (NERVTAG) is an advisory body that advises the United Kingdom Government's Chief Medical Advisor / Chief Medical Officer for England, who in turn advises the UK Department of Health and Social Care and relevant ministers regarding threats from viral respiratory tract infections. The body replaced the UK (SPI) as part of a move to expand the scope to cover the threat of other respiratory viruses, besides pandemic influenza. The inaugural meeting was held on 19 December 2014 where the terms of reference were agreed. The group has been advising the Department of Health for some years and minutes of meetings are now regularly published, backdated to 2014. As of 2020, the group has been advising specifically on the COVID-19 pandemic.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 5887

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