New Victory Theater an entity of type: Thing
뉴 빅토리 극장(New Victory Theatre)은 미드타운 맨해튼에 7~8 아베 사이에 209 웨스트 42번가에 위치한 오프 브로드웨이 극장이다.
Das New Victory Theatre ist das älteste noch betriebene Theater in der Umgebung des Times Square in New York City. Wegen des verhältnismäßig geringen Fassungsvermögens seines Zuschauerraums (unter 500 Sitzplätze) gilt es trotz seiner zentralen Lage (229 West 42 Street) nicht als Broadway-, sondern Off-Broadway-Theater. 1942 wurde das Theater zum Kino umgestaltet und erhielt den Namen Victory. Den wirtschaftlichen Abwärtstrend der Gegend seit den 1960er Jahren erlebte es als Pornokino. Seit 1995 ist das Theater als Nonprofit-Organisation auf Kinder- und Familienanlässe spezialisiert.
The New Victory Theater is a theater at 209 West 42nd Street in the Theater District of Midtown Manhattan in New York City, near Times Square. Built in 1900 as the Republic Theatre (also Theatre Republic), it was designed by and developed by Oscar Hammerstein I as a Broadway theater. The theater has been known by several names over the years, including the Belasco Theatre, Minsky's Burlesque, and the Victory Theatre. The theater is owned by the city and state governments of New York and leased to New 42nd Street, which has operated the venue as a children's theater since 1995. The New Victory presents theater, dance, puppet shows, and other types of performance art from around the world.
New Victory Theatre
뉴 빅토리 극장
New Victory Theater
New Victory Theater
New Victory Theater
Albert Westover
The New Victory Theater in 2019
New York City
United States
Theatre Republic, Belasco Theatre, Minsky's Burlesque, Victory Theater
City and State of New York
40.7565 -73.9875
Das New Victory Theatre ist das älteste noch betriebene Theater in der Umgebung des Times Square in New York City. Wegen des verhältnismäßig geringen Fassungsvermögens seines Zuschauerraums (unter 500 Sitzplätze) gilt es trotz seiner zentralen Lage (229 West 42 Street) nicht als Broadway-, sondern Off-Broadway-Theater. Es wurde von dem Zigarrenfabrikanten und Opernimpresario Oscar Hammerstein der Ältere (dem Großvater des Textdichters Oscar Hammerstein des Jüngeren) erbaut und im Jahr 1900 unter dem Namen Theatre Republic eröffnet. In der ersten Vorstellung spielte Lionel Barrymore. Zwei Jahre später wurde es von dem Dramatiker und Produzenten David Belasco gepachtet, der es Belasco Theatre nannte. George Arliss, Mary Pickford, Fay Bainter und Lillian Gish traten hier auf. 1910 erhielt das Theater den Namen Theatre Republic zurück. 1927 wurde hier das Schauspiel Porgy, die Grundlage für George Gershwins Oper Porgy and Bess, in der Regie von Rouben Mamoulian uraufgeführt. Die Weltwirtschaftskrise seit 1929 minderte den Glanz. 1931–1941 wurde das Theater zum Schauplatz der US-amerikanischen Burlesque, einer Art Varieté mit angedeutetem Striptease und anzüglichen Kommentaren. Nach seinem Betreiber Billy Minsky wurde es Minsky’s Burlesque genannt. Gypsy Rose Lee strippte hier, Phil Silvers moderierte und Abbott und Costello gaben komische Einlagen. 1942 wurde das Theater zum Kino umgestaltet und erhielt den Namen Victory. Den wirtschaftlichen Abwärtstrend der Gegend seit den 1960er Jahren erlebte es als Pornokino. Das New Victory war das erste Theater, das im Zuge der Sanierung des Theaterviertels von der Stadt New York übernommen und renoviert wurde. 1990 ging es in das Staatseigentum über und wurde zum Baudenkmal erklärt. 1994/95 hat das Architekturbüro Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer eine Restaurierung durchgeführt, die die Gestalt des Theaters zu Belascos Zeiten wiederhergestellen sollte. Seit 1995 ist das Theater als Nonprofit-Organisation auf Kinder- und Familienanlässe spezialisiert.
The New Victory Theater is a theater at 209 West 42nd Street in the Theater District of Midtown Manhattan in New York City, near Times Square. Built in 1900 as the Republic Theatre (also Theatre Republic), it was designed by and developed by Oscar Hammerstein I as a Broadway theater. The theater has been known by several names over the years, including the Belasco Theatre, Minsky's Burlesque, and the Victory Theatre. The theater is owned by the city and state governments of New York and leased to New 42nd Street, which has operated the venue as a children's theater since 1995. The New Victory presents theater, dance, puppet shows, and other types of performance art from around the world. The New Victory Theater's modern design dates to a 1995 renovation; its facade reflects its appearance in 1900, while the interior incorporates details that were added when David Belasco took over the theater in 1902. The theater has a brick and brownstone facade with a central stoop leading to the second floor. Inside the entrance is a lobby and reception area, as well as a basement with the theater's restrooms, lockers, and concessions. The New Victory Theater's auditorium seats 499 people on three levels, although it originally accommodated over 900 guests. The auditorium is designed in a red-and-gold palette, with green and purple accents, and contains box seats and a decorative domed ceiling. The backstage areas were initially extremely small, but they were expanded into a new wing in 1995. The theater opened on September 27, 1900, with the play Sag Harbor. Two years later, David Belasco leased the theater, renamed it for himself, and completely reconstructed the interior. Although Belasco restored the Republic Theatre name in 1910, he continued to operate it until 1914. A. H. Woods then leased the theater until 1922, when Oliver D. Bailey took over, hosting the play Abie's Irish Rose at the theater for five years. Due to a lack of theatrical productions, Billy Minsky converted the Republic into a burlesque house in 1931, and his family operated it as such until 1942. Afterward, the Republic became a movie theater, the Victory, operated by the Brandt family. The theater became the first adult movie theater on 42nd Street in 1972. New 42nd Street took over the Times Square and several neighboring theaters in 1990. Plans for the children's theater were announced in 1993, and Hardy Holzman Pfeiffer Associates restored the theater, which reopened on December 11, 1995, as the New Victory.
뉴 빅토리 극장(New Victory Theatre)은 미드타운 맨해튼에 7~8 아베 사이에 209 웨스트 42번가에 위치한 오프 브로드웨이 극장이다.
209 West 42nd Street
Theatre Republic, Belasco Theatre,Minsky's Burlesque, Victory Theater
POINT(-73.987503051758 40.756500244141)