Neural correlates of consciousness

يشكل الربط العصبي للوعي (إن سي سي) (يرمز له NCC من اختصار neural correlates of consciousness) المجموعة الدنيا من الأحداث والآليات العصبونية اللازمة من أجل إدراك حسي واع معين. يستخدم علماء الأعصاب النهج التجريبي في اكتشاف الترابطات العصبية للظواهر الذاتية؛ أي التغيرات العصبية المرتبطة بالضرورة وبشكل منتظم مع تجربة معينة. يجب أن تكون المجموعة في حدها الأدنى، إذ على افتراض أن الدماغ كاف لإحداث أي تجربة واعية معينة، يكمن السؤال عندئذ في معرفة أي من مكوناته ضرورية لإنتاج هذه التجربة. rdf:langString
The neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) refer to the relationships between mental states and neural states and constitute the minimal set of neuronal events and mechanisms sufficient for a specific conscious percept. Neuroscientists use empirical approaches to discover neural correlates of subjective phenomena; that is, neural changes which necessarily and regularly correlate with a specific experience. The set should be minimal because, under the materialist assumption that the brain is sufficient to give rise to any given conscious experience, the question is which of its components is necessary to produce it. rdf:langString
意識に相関した脳活動(いしきにそうかんしたのうかつどう、英: NCC、Neural correlates of consciousness)はある特定の意識的知覚を共同して引き起こすのに十分な、最小の神経メカニズムとして定義される (Crick & Koch, 1990)。 rdf:langString
Os correlatos neurais da consciência (CNC) constituem o conjunto mínimo de eventos neuronais e mecanismos suficientes para uma específica percepção consciente. Os neurocientistas usam abordagens empíricas para descobrir correlatos neurais dos fenômenos subjetivos. Eles acreditam que o conjunto deve ser mínimo, pois, enquanto todo o cérebro é claramente suficiente para dar origem a qualquer determinada experiência consciente, a questão é qual dos seus componentes são necessários para produzi-la. rdf:langString
意識相關神經區(英语:neural correlates of consciousness, NCC)是一個能夠產生特定意識感的最小集合,神經科學家使用經驗觀察的方法來發現主觀意識相關的神經活動。所研究的神經區域需要是足以產生意識的最小集合,因為整個大腦顯然可以引起任何特定的意識體驗,重要的是哪些才是產生意識的必要腦神經區域。 rdf:langString
Neuronale Korrelate bewussten Erlebens (engl. neural correlates of consciousness) sind Gehirn­aktivitäten, die mit Bewusstseins­prozessen einhergehen. Die Suche nach neuronalen Korrelaten ist ein zentrales Projekt der neurowissenschaftlichen Erforschung bewussten Erlebens. rdf:langString
De neurale correlaten van bewustzijn betekent dat er een wederzijdse samenhang is tussen hersenactiviteit en bewustzijnservaring. De gangbare vraagstelling is hoeveel neurale netwerken er minimaal nodig zijn voor het ontstaan van een waarneming. Mochten de hersenen voldoende aanleiding geven tot een bepaalde bewustwording dan is de vraagstelling welke neurale netwerken er nodig zijn om de bewuste ervaring te produceren. rdf:langString
rdf:langString ربط عصبي للوعي
rdf:langString Neuronales Korrelat des Bewusstseins
rdf:langString 意識に相関した脳活動
rdf:langString Neural correlates of consciousness
rdf:langString Neurale correlaten van bewustzijn
rdf:langString Correlato neural da consciência
rdf:langString 意識相關神經區
xsd:integer 18345264
xsd:integer 1124640946
rdf:langString Rees G. and Frith C. Methodologies for identifying the neural correlates of consciousness. In: The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness. Velmans M and Schneider S, eds., pp. 553–66. Blackwell: Oxford, UK.
rdf:langString Haynes J.D. and Rees G. Predicting the orientation of invisible stimuli from activity in human primary visual cortex. Nat. Neurosci. 8: 686–91.
rdf:langString Crick F.C. and Koch C. Are we aware of neural activity in primary visual cortex? Nature 375: 121–3.
rdf:langString Tononi G. An information integration theory of consciousness. BMC Neuroscience. 5: 42–72.
rdf:langString Baars B.J. A cognitive theory of consciousness. Cambridge University Press: New York, NY.
rdf:langString Villablanca J.R. Counterpointing the functional role of the forebrain and of the brainstem in the control of the sleep-waking system. J. Sleep Res. 13: 179–208.
rdf:langString Lee S.H., Blake R. and Heeger D.J. Hierarchy of cortical responses underlying binocular rivalry. Nat. Neurosci. 10: 1048–54.
rdf:langString Kreiman G., Fried I. and Koch C. Single-neuron correlates of subjective vision in the human medial temporal lobe. Proc Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 8378–83.
rdf:langString Logothetis N. Single units and conscious vision. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B, 353: 1801–18.
rdf:langString Koch C. and Crick F.C. On the zombie within. Nature 411: 893.
rdf:langString Laureys S. The neural correlate of (un)awareness: Lessons from the vegetative state. Trends Cogn. Sci. 9: 556–9.
rdf:langString Zeman A. Consciousness. Brain. 7: 1263-1289.
rdf:langString Sian Beilock, Carr T.H., MacMahon C. and Starkes J.L. When paying attention becomes counterproductive: impact of divided versus skill-focused attention on novice and experienced performance of sensorimotor skills. J. Exp. Psychol. Appl. 8: 6–16.
rdf:langString Shimono M. and Niki K. Global Mapping of the Whole-Brain Network Underlining Binocular Rivalry. Brain connectivity 3: 212-221.
rdf:langString Bogen J.E. On the neurophysiology of consciousness: I. An Overview. Consciousness and Cognition 4: 52–62.
rdf:langString Dehaene S., Sergent C. and Changeux J.P. A neuronal network model linking subjective reports and objective physiological data during conscious perception. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100: 8520–5.
rdf:langString VanRullen R. and Koch C. Visual selective behavior can be triggered by a feed-forward process. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 15: 209–17.
rdf:langString Thorpe S., Fize D. and Marlot C. Speed of processing in the human visual system. Nature 381: 520–2.
rdf:langString Owen A.M., Cleman M.R., Boly M., Davis M.H., Laureys S. and Pickard J.D. Detecting awareness in the vegetative state. Science 313: 1402.
rdf:langString Blumenfeld H., McNally K.A., Vanderhill S.D., Paige A.L., Chung R., Davis K., Norden A.D., Stokking R., Studholme C., Novotny E.J. Jr., Zubal I.G. and Spencer S.S. Positive and negative network correlations in temporal lobe epilepsy. Cereb. Cort. 14: 892–902.
rdf:langString Sheinberg D.L. and Logothetis N.K. The role of temporal cortical areas in perceptual organization. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94: 3408–13.
rdf:langString Leopold D.A. and Logothetis N.K. Activity changes in early visual cortex reflects monkeys' percepts during binocular rivalry. Nature 379: 549–53.
rdf:langString Kim C-Y and Blake R. Psychophysical magic: Rendering the visible 'invisible'. Trends Cogn. Sci. 9: 381–8.
rdf:langString Adamantidis A.R., Zhang F., Aravanis A.M., Deisseroth K. and de Lecea L. Neural substrates of awakening probed with optogenetic control of hypocretin neurons. Nature. advanced online publication.
rdf:langString Milner A.D. and Goodale M.A. The visual brain in action. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
rdf:langString April 2019
rdf:langString Koch has changed views with the advent of IIT
rdf:langString Adamantidis2007
rdf:langString Baars1988
rdf:langString Beilock2002
rdf:langString Blumenfeld2004
rdf:langString Bogen1995
rdf:langString CrickKoch1995
rdf:langString Dehaene2003
rdf:langString HaynesRees2005
rdf:langString KimBlake2004
rdf:langString KochCrick2001
rdf:langString Kreiman2002
rdf:langString Laureys2005
rdf:langString Lee2007
rdf:langString LeopoldLogothetis1996
rdf:langString Logothetis1998
rdf:langString MilnerGoodale1995
rdf:langString Owen2006
rdf:langString ReesFrith2007
rdf:langString SheinbergLogothetis1997
rdf:langString ShimonoNiki2013
rdf:langString Thorpe1996
rdf:langString Tononi2004
rdf:langString VanRullenKoch2003
rdf:langString Villablanca2004
rdf:langString Zeman2001
rdf:langString يشكل الربط العصبي للوعي (إن سي سي) (يرمز له NCC من اختصار neural correlates of consciousness) المجموعة الدنيا من الأحداث والآليات العصبونية اللازمة من أجل إدراك حسي واع معين. يستخدم علماء الأعصاب النهج التجريبي في اكتشاف الترابطات العصبية للظواهر الذاتية؛ أي التغيرات العصبية المرتبطة بالضرورة وبشكل منتظم مع تجربة معينة. يجب أن تكون المجموعة في حدها الأدنى، إذ على افتراض أن الدماغ كاف لإحداث أي تجربة واعية معينة، يكمن السؤال عندئذ في معرفة أي من مكوناته ضرورية لإنتاج هذه التجربة.
rdf:langString Neuronale Korrelate bewussten Erlebens (engl. neural correlates of consciousness) sind Gehirn­aktivitäten, die mit Bewusstseins­prozessen einhergehen. Die Suche nach neuronalen Korrelaten ist ein zentrales Projekt der neurowissenschaftlichen Erforschung bewussten Erlebens. Theorien zu neuronalen Korrelaten bewussten Erlebens befinden sich grundsätzlich noch in einem vorläufigen Stadium. Dies liegt zum Teil an technischen Problemen, wie der mangelnden zeitlichen und räumlichen Auflösung von bildgebenden Verfahren, die Aktivitäten im Gehirn aufzeichnen. Außerdem ist bis heute noch nicht befriedigend geklärt, in welcher Weise das Gehirn Information speichert.
rdf:langString The neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) refer to the relationships between mental states and neural states and constitute the minimal set of neuronal events and mechanisms sufficient for a specific conscious percept. Neuroscientists use empirical approaches to discover neural correlates of subjective phenomena; that is, neural changes which necessarily and regularly correlate with a specific experience. The set should be minimal because, under the materialist assumption that the brain is sufficient to give rise to any given conscious experience, the question is which of its components is necessary to produce it.
rdf:langString De neurale correlaten van bewustzijn betekent dat er een wederzijdse samenhang is tussen hersenactiviteit en bewustzijnservaring. De gangbare vraagstelling is hoeveel neurale netwerken er minimaal nodig zijn voor het ontstaan van een waarneming. Mochten de hersenen voldoende aanleiding geven tot een bepaalde bewustwording dan is de vraagstelling welke neurale netwerken er nodig zijn om de bewuste ervaring te produceren. Neurowetenschappers maken gebruik van empirische benaderingen om de neurale correlaten van subjectieve verschijnselen te ontdekken. Met behulp van medische beeldvorming is aangetoond dat het centrale zenuwstelsel met een specifieke bewustzijnservaring wordt geactiveerd. Anderzijds kan een hersenactiviteit ook het gevolg zijn van het bewustzijn. Bij deze samenhang ontbreekt er echter een oorzakelijk verband, vandaar dat het tegenwoordig een correlatie wordt genoemd.
rdf:langString 意識に相関した脳活動(いしきにそうかんしたのうかつどう、英: NCC、Neural correlates of consciousness)はある特定の意識的知覚を共同して引き起こすのに十分な、最小の神経メカニズムとして定義される (Crick & Koch, 1990)。
rdf:langString Os correlatos neurais da consciência (CNC) constituem o conjunto mínimo de eventos neuronais e mecanismos suficientes para uma específica percepção consciente. Os neurocientistas usam abordagens empíricas para descobrir correlatos neurais dos fenômenos subjetivos. Eles acreditam que o conjunto deve ser mínimo, pois, enquanto todo o cérebro é claramente suficiente para dar origem a qualquer determinada experiência consciente, a questão é qual dos seus componentes são necessários para produzi-la.
rdf:langString 意識相關神經區(英语:neural correlates of consciousness, NCC)是一個能夠產生特定意識感的最小集合,神經科學家使用經驗觀察的方法來發現主觀意識相關的神經活動。所研究的神經區域需要是足以產生意識的最小集合,因為整個大腦顯然可以引起任何特定的意識體驗,重要的是哪些才是產生意識的必要腦神經區域。
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 44709

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