Negro Act of 1740
Le Negro Act est une loi de la colonie britannique de Caroline du Sud qui établit, un an après la rébellion de Stono, qu'il est désormais interdit aux esclaves de se déplacer seuls dans la campagne, de s'assembler en groupes, de gagner de l'argent et d'apprendre à lire l'anglais. Elle permet également aux de tuer des esclaves rebelles si nécessaire, un dispositif qui existe déjà dans la Virginie voisine.
* Portail du droit
* Portail de l’esclavage
* Portail du XVIIIe siècle
* Portail de la Caroline du Sud
* Portail de l’Empire britannique
* Portail des Afro-Américains
Il Negro Act del 1740 fu approvato nella provincia della Carolina del Sud, durante il periodo in carica del governatore coloniale William Bull, in risposta alla ribellione di Stono del 1739.
The Negro Act of 1740 was passed in the Province of South Carolina, during colonial Governor William Bull's time in office, in response to the Stono Rebellion in 1739. The comprehensive act made it illegal for enslaved Africans to move abroad, assemble in groups, raise food, earn money, and learn to write (though reading was not proscribed). Additionally, owners were permitted to kill rebellious slaves if necessary. The Act remained in effect until 1865.
Negro Act
Negro Act del 1740
Negro Act of 1740
The Negro Act of 1740 was passed in the Province of South Carolina, during colonial Governor William Bull's time in office, in response to the Stono Rebellion in 1739. The comprehensive act made it illegal for enslaved Africans to move abroad, assemble in groups, raise food, earn money, and learn to write (though reading was not proscribed). Additionally, owners were permitted to kill rebellious slaves if necessary. The Act remained in effect until 1865. John Belton O'Neall summarized the 1740 South Carolina law, in his 1848 written work, The Negro Law of South Carolina, when he stated: "A slave may, by the consent of his master, acquire and hold personal property. All, thus required, is regarded in law as that of the master." Across the South, state supreme courts supported the position of this law. O'Neall was the only one to express protest against the Act, arguing for the propriety of receiving testimony from enslaved Africans (many of whom had become Christians) under oath: "Negroes (slave or free) will feel the sanctions of an oath, with as much force as any of the ignorant classes of white people, in a Christian country."
Le Negro Act est une loi de la colonie britannique de Caroline du Sud qui établit, un an après la rébellion de Stono, qu'il est désormais interdit aux esclaves de se déplacer seuls dans la campagne, de s'assembler en groupes, de gagner de l'argent et d'apprendre à lire l'anglais. Elle permet également aux de tuer des esclaves rebelles si nécessaire, un dispositif qui existe déjà dans la Virginie voisine.
* Portail du droit
* Portail de l’esclavage
* Portail du XVIIIe siècle
* Portail de la Caroline du Sud
* Portail de l’Empire britannique
* Portail des Afro-Américains
Il Negro Act del 1740 fu approvato nella provincia della Carolina del Sud, durante il periodo in carica del governatore coloniale William Bull, in risposta alla ribellione di Stono del 1739.