Nebula Award for Best Novella an entity of type: Thing

El Premio Nebula a la mejor novela corta (Nebula Award for Best Novella) es un premio literario otorgado anualmente desde 1965 por la Asociación de escritores de ciencia ficción y fantasía de Estados Unidos (SFWA) a obras de ciencia ficción o de fantasía de entre 17.500 y 40.000 palabras de extensión. rdf:langString
Les prix Nebula sont attribués chaque année pour les œuvres publiées pendant l'année calendaire précédente. La catégorie du meilleur roman court (novella) récompense des œuvres de fantasy et de science-fiction comptant de 17 500 à 40 000 mots. rdf:langString
ネビュラ賞 中長編小説部門(Nebula Award for Best Novella)は、ネビュラ賞の部門の1つ。ノヴェラ部門や長中篇小説部門と表記されることもある。 rdf:langString
Переможці та номінанти Премії Неб'юла за найкращу повість. Вказано рік публікації, нагорода вручається в наступному році. Спочатку вказано автора, потім твір. rdf:langString
The Nebula Award for Best Novella is given each year by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) for science fiction or fantasy novellas. A work of fiction is defined by the organization as a novella if it is between 17,500 and 40,000 words; awards are also given out for pieces of longer lengths in the novel category, and for shorter lengths in the short story and novelette categories. To be eligible for Nebula Award consideration, a novella must be published in English in the United States. Works published in English elsewhere in the world are also eligible, provided they are released on either a website or in an electronic edition. The Nebula Award for Best Novella has been awarded annually since 1966. Novellas published by themselves are eligible for the novel award ins rdf:langString
Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik diberikan setiap tahun oleh Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) untuk novella-novella fiksi ilmiah dan fantasi. Sebuah karya fiksi didefinisikan oleh organisasi tersebut sebagai sebuah novella jika karya tersebut berisi antara 17,500 dan 40,000 kata; penghargaan juga diberikan bagi karya-karya yang berisi kata yang lebih sedikit dalam kategori cerita pendek, , dan novel. Untuk persyaratan Penghargaan Nebula, sebuah novella haruslah diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris di Amerika Serikat. Karya-karya yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris di belahan dunia lainnya juga layak diberikan bagi yang dirilis di sebuah situs web atau dalam sebuah edisi elektronik. Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik dianugerahi setiap tahun sejak 1966. Nove rdf:langString
Il premio Nebula per il miglior romanzo breve (Nebula Award for Best Novella) è un premio letterario assegnato dalla Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America a opere di fantascienza o fantasy di lunghezza compresa tra le 17.500 alle 39.999 parole. Il primo a ricevere il premio è stato Roger Zelazny, per la sua opera , in ex aequo con Brian W. Aldiss, per l'opera entrambe pubblicate nel 1965. Bishop detiene il record per il maggior numero di nomination senza ricevere un premio per la categoria romanzo breve, sebbene Wilhelm e Davidson non si siano mai aggiudicati il premio in categoria. rdf:langString
O Prêmio Nebula de Melhor Novela é dado a cada ano pela Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) para novelas de ficção científica ou de fantasia. Uma obra de ficção é definida pela organização como uma novela se possui entre 17.500 e 40.000 palavras. Prêmios também são indicados para obras de mais longas nas categorias romance, e obras mais curtas nas categorias conto e novelette. Para ser elegível para ao Nebula, uma novela deve ter sido publicadoa em inglês nos Estados Unidos. Obras publicadas em inglês em outros lugares do mundo também são elegíveis, desde que sejam disponibilizadas em um site ou em uma edição eletrônica. O Prêmio Nebula de Melhor Novela tem sido atribuído anualmente desde 1966. Novelas publicadas por si podem ser elegíveis para o prêmio de romance, se o a rdf:langString
Премия «Небьюла» за лучшую повесть (англ. Nebula Award for Best Novella) ежегодно присуждается с 1966 года Американской ассоциацией писателей-фантастов (SWFA) за лучшие произведения, написанные в жанре научной фантастики или фэнтези и опубликованные или переведенные на английский язык в предыдущем календарном году. Художественное произведение определяется организаторами премии как повесть, если его текст содержит от 17 500 до 40 000 слов. Повести, опубликованные самиздатом, также имеют право на соискание премии. Лауреатам вручается награда в виде прямоугольного блока прозрачного пластика, внутрь которого заключены кварцевый кристалл и серебристая фигурка в форме спиралевидной туманности. rdf:langString
rdf:langString Premio Nébula a la mejor novela corta
rdf:langString Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik
rdf:langString Prix Nebula du meilleur roman court
rdf:langString Premio Nebula per il miglior romanzo breve
rdf:langString ネビュラ賞 中長編小説部門
rdf:langString Nebula Award for Best Novella
rdf:langString Prêmio Nebula de Melhor Novela
rdf:langString Премия «Небьюла» за лучшую повесть
rdf:langString Премія «Неб'юла» за найкращу повість
rdf:langString Nebula Award for Best Novella
rdf:langString Nebula Award for Best Novella
xsd:integer 419225
xsd:integer 1115971006
rdf:langString Nebula Award
rdf:langString The best science fiction or fantasy story of between 17,500 and 40,000 words published in the prior calendar year
rdf:langString The Nebula Award trophy
xsd:integer 150
xsd:integer 1966
rdf:langString Most recent winner
rdf:langString El Premio Nebula a la mejor novela corta (Nebula Award for Best Novella) es un premio literario otorgado anualmente desde 1965 por la Asociación de escritores de ciencia ficción y fantasía de Estados Unidos (SFWA) a obras de ciencia ficción o de fantasía de entre 17.500 y 40.000 palabras de extensión.
rdf:langString The Nebula Award for Best Novella is given each year by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) for science fiction or fantasy novellas. A work of fiction is defined by the organization as a novella if it is between 17,500 and 40,000 words; awards are also given out for pieces of longer lengths in the novel category, and for shorter lengths in the short story and novelette categories. To be eligible for Nebula Award consideration, a novella must be published in English in the United States. Works published in English elsewhere in the world are also eligible, provided they are released on either a website or in an electronic edition. The Nebula Award for Best Novella has been awarded annually since 1966. Novellas published by themselves are eligible for the novel award instead, if the author requests them to be considered as such. The award has been described as one of "the most important of the American science fiction awards" and "the science-fiction and fantasy equivalent" of the Emmy Awards. Nebula Award nominees and winners are chosen by members of SFWA, though the authors of the nominees do not need to be members. Works are nominated each year by members in a period around December 15 through January 31, and the six works that receive the most nominations then form the final ballot, with additional nominees possible in the case of ties. Soon after, members are given a month to vote on the ballot, and the final results are presented at the Nebula Awards ceremony in May. Authors are not permitted to nominate their own works, and ties in the final vote are broken, if possible, by the number of nominations the works received. The rules were changed to their current format in 2009. Previously, the eligibility period for nominations was defined as one year after the publication date of the work, which allowed the possibility for works to be nominated in the calendar year after their publication and then be awarded in the calendar year after that. Works were added to a preliminary list for the year if they had ten or more nominations, which were then voted on to create a final ballot, to which the SFWA organizing panel was also allowed to add an additional work. During the 57 nomination years, 192 authors have had works nominated; 54 of these have won, including co-authors and ties. Nancy Kress has won the most awards: four out of eight nominations. Robert Silverberg, John Varley, and Roger Zelazny have each won twice out of eight, two, and three nominations, respectively. Silverberg's and Kress's eight nominations are the most of any authors, followed by Lucius Shepard and Michael Bishop at seven, and Kate Wilhelm and Avram Davidson with six. Bishop has the most nominations without receiving an award for novellas, though Wilhelm and Davidson have also not won an award.
rdf:langString Les prix Nebula sont attribués chaque année pour les œuvres publiées pendant l'année calendaire précédente. La catégorie du meilleur roman court (novella) récompense des œuvres de fantasy et de science-fiction comptant de 17 500 à 40 000 mots.
rdf:langString Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik diberikan setiap tahun oleh Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) untuk novella-novella fiksi ilmiah dan fantasi. Sebuah karya fiksi didefinisikan oleh organisasi tersebut sebagai sebuah novella jika karya tersebut berisi antara 17,500 dan 40,000 kata; penghargaan juga diberikan bagi karya-karya yang berisi kata yang lebih sedikit dalam kategori cerita pendek, , dan novel. Untuk persyaratan Penghargaan Nebula, sebuah novella haruslah diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris di Amerika Serikat. Karya-karya yang diterbitkan dalam bahasa Inggris di belahan dunia lainnya juga layak diberikan bagi yang dirilis di sebuah situs web atau dalam sebuah edisi elektronik. Penghargaan Nebula untuk Novella Terbaik dianugerahi setiap tahun sejak 1966. Novel-novel yang melingkupi bentuk-bentuk dari cerita pendek yang sebelumnya diterbitkan dianggap layak, saat novella-novella yang diterbitkan oleh dirinya sendiri jika pengarangnya meminta karyanya dianggap sebagai novel. Penghargaan tersebut telah dianggap sebagai salah satu "penghargaan fiksi ilmiah Amerika paling berpengaruh" dan "[penghargaan] fiksi ilmiah dan fantasi yang setara" dengan Emmy Award.
rdf:langString ネビュラ賞 中長編小説部門(Nebula Award for Best Novella)は、ネビュラ賞の部門の1つ。ノヴェラ部門や長中篇小説部門と表記されることもある。
rdf:langString Il premio Nebula per il miglior romanzo breve (Nebula Award for Best Novella) è un premio letterario assegnato dalla Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America a opere di fantascienza o fantasy di lunghezza compresa tra le 17.500 alle 39.999 parole. Il premio viene consegnato con cadenza annuale dal 1966 durante il SFWA Nebula Conference. La classifica avviene tramite votazione di una giuria di esperti nel settore per opere pubblicate l'anno precedente l'edizione. Pur non avendo collegamenti con essi il premio Nebula viene influenzato dal premio Locus e a sua volta influenza sin dalla sua prima edizione la giuria del premio Hugo dando indicazioni circa le opere maggiormente meritorie da premiare. Il primo a ricevere il premio è stato Roger Zelazny, per la sua opera , in ex aequo con Brian W. Aldiss, per l'opera entrambe pubblicate nel 1965. Nel corso dei 54 anni di edizione, 49 autori si sono aggiudicati il premio, 174 autori sono stati nominati per le loro opere, inclusi co-autori. Nancy Kress ha vinto il maggior numero di premi, con quattro riconoscimenti su otto nomination. Robert Silverberg, John Varley e Roger Zelazny hanno vinto rispettivamente due volte su otto, due e tre nomination. Il maggior numero di nomination in categoria appartiene a otto Silverberg e Kress con un totale di otto nomine, seguite da Lucius Shepard e Michael Bishop con sette nomine, Kate Wilhelm e con sei nomine. Bishop detiene il record per il maggior numero di nomination senza ricevere un premio per la categoria romanzo breve, sebbene Wilhelm e Davidson non si siano mai aggiudicati il premio in categoria.
rdf:langString Премия «Небьюла» за лучшую повесть (англ. Nebula Award for Best Novella) ежегодно присуждается с 1966 года Американской ассоциацией писателей-фантастов (SWFA) за лучшие произведения, написанные в жанре научной фантастики или фэнтези и опубликованные или переведенные на английский язык в предыдущем календарном году. Художественное произведение определяется организаторами премии как повесть, если его текст содержит от 17 500 до 40 000 слов. Повести, опубликованные самиздатом, также имеют право на соискание премии. Лауреатам вручается награда в виде прямоугольного блока прозрачного пластика, внутрь которого заключены кварцевый кристалл и серебристая фигурка в форме спиралевидной туманности. Номинантов и лауреатов премии избирают представители SWFA, при этом авторы необязательно должны быть членами ассоциации. Отбор повестей проводится каждый год с 15 ноября по 15 февраля, и шесть работ, набравших большее количество голосов, попадают в финальных список номинантов. Затем члены SWFA в течение марта проводят голосования, и в мае на церемонии Nebula Awards объявляют конечные результаты.
rdf:langString O Prêmio Nebula de Melhor Novela é dado a cada ano pela Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) para novelas de ficção científica ou de fantasia. Uma obra de ficção é definida pela organização como uma novela se possui entre 17.500 e 40.000 palavras. Prêmios também são indicados para obras de mais longas nas categorias romance, e obras mais curtas nas categorias conto e novelette. Para ser elegível para ao Nebula, uma novela deve ter sido publicadoa em inglês nos Estados Unidos. Obras publicadas em inglês em outros lugares do mundo também são elegíveis, desde que sejam disponibilizadas em um site ou em uma edição eletrônica. O Prêmio Nebula de Melhor Novela tem sido atribuído anualmente desde 1966. Novelas publicadas por si podem ser elegíveis para o prêmio de romance, se o autor solicitar que a obra seja considerada como tal. O prêmio tem sido descrito como um dos "mais importantes prêmios da ficção científica" e "o equivalente da ficção científica e fantasia" ao Emmy.
rdf:langString Переможці та номінанти Премії Неб'юла за найкращу повість. Вказано рік публікації, нагорода вручається в наступному році. Спочатку вказано автора, потім твір.
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 86792
xsd:gYear 1966

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