National Front (UK) an entity of type: Thing

El Front Nacional Britànic (en anglès: National Front, NF; o British National Front) és un partit polític britànic d'extrema dreta i supremacista blanc, fundat el 1967. El servei de presons britànic prohibí al seu personal la militància tant al NF com al BNP i a . Els seus estatuts aclareixen que no és un partit nazi, sinó que creu en la justícia social i és contrari a l'imperialisme cultural. rdf:langString
Die British National Front (meist National Front oder NF genannt) ist eine britische rechtsextreme Partei, die ihre Hochzeit in den 1970er- und 1980er-Jahren hatte. rdf:langString
Fronte Nazionala (ingelesez: National Front (NF)) Erresuma Batuko eskuin muturreko alderdi politiko bat da. Egoitza nagusia Kingston upon Hull hirian du, eta buruzagi nagusia David MacDonal da. 1967ko otsailaren 7an britainiar loialistek sortu zuten. Pentsamolde arrazista eta faxismoa eta nazismoarekin lotura izatea leporatu izan zaio. rdf:langString
El Frente Nacional (in: "National Front", abreviado NF) es un partido político de extrema derecha y fascista del Reino Unido. Actualmente está dirigido por Tony Martin. Como partido minoritario, nunca ha tenido representantes elegidos en el Parlamento británico ni en el europeo, aunque ha conseguido un pequeño número de concejales gracias a las deserciones, y ha tenido algunos de sus representantes elegidos en consejos comunitarios. Fundado en 1967, alcanzó el punto álgido de su apoyo electoral a mediados de la década de 1970, cuando fue brevemente el cuarto partido del Reino Unido en términos de porcentaje de votos.​​​ rdf:langString
Il Fronte Nazionale (National Front, abbr. NF) è un partito politico britannico di estrema destra di cui le maggiori attività politiche furono svolte durante gli anni settanta ed ottanta. rdf:langString
イギリス国民戦線(イギリスこくみんせんせん、British National Front)は、イギリスの極右政党である。1970年代から1980年代にかけて支持率が上昇した。 rdf:langString
«Брита́нский национа́льный фронт» (англ. British National Front) — британская радикально-националистическая политическая партия. Более известна как «Национальный фронт» (National Front). rdf:langString
National Front är ett brittiskt högerextremt och populistiskt politiskt parti. Partiet säger att det står för "white family values" (vita familjens värderingar) och "Fourteen Words" (fjorton ord) Partiet arbetar öppet med vit makt-miljön och nynazistiska Stormfront. rdf:langString
國民陣線(英語:National Front,缩写为NF)是英国的一个极右翼新法西斯主义政党。總部在赫爾河畔京士頓的一個小黨。該黨在英國任何一級政府和议会都沒有當選代表。 在七十年代的鼎盛時期,雖然從來沒有在英國議會獲得過席位,但卻有少數地方議員。 rdf:langString
Το Εθνικό Μέτωπο (αγγλικά: National Front ή NF) είναι βρετανικό φασιστικό κόμμα, με έντονα ρατσιστικό χαρακτήρα. Το πρόγραμμά του επικεντρώνεται στην αντίθεσή του προς την μετανάστευση και απαιτεί τον επαναπατρισμό όλων των εθνικών μειονοτήτων, έστω και αν τα μέλη τους έχουν γεννηθεί στην Βρετανία. rdf:langString
The National Front (NF) is a far-right, fascist political party in the United Kingdom. It is currently led by Tony Martin. As a minor party, it has never had its representatives elected to the British or European Parliaments, although it gained a small number of local councillors through defections and it has had a few of its representatives elected to community councils. Founded in 1967, it reached the height of its electoral support during the mid-1970s, when it was briefly England's fourth-largest party in terms of vote share. rdf:langString
Le Front national britannique (en anglais : British National Front, abrégé en BNF), également appelé Front national (en anglais : National Front ou NF), est un parti politique ultranationaliste du Royaume-Uni créé en 1967. Il a connu le succès dans les années 1970-1980. Ce parti est opposé au multiethnisme et au multiculturalisme. rdf:langString
국민전선(영어: National Front, 약칭 UK 또는 NF)은 1967년 2월 7일에 설립된 영국의 극우 정당이다. 사형제 강화, 범법자 처벌 및 형량강화, 백인 이외의 이민자들은 모두 자기 나라로 돌아가라는 구호를 내세워 파시즘, 인종주의, 백인민족주의, 반유대주의 등의 문제로 논란이 되기도 했다. 그 해 등을 흡수하였다. 한 때 이민자 및 그 후손들의 강제 본국 송환 프로젝트 등을 기획하여 논란을 야기하기도 했다. 보수 정당의 연이은 총선거와 지방선거 참패에 위기 의식을 느낀 일부 영국의 보수주의 운동가들과 , 그 밖에 등은 1966년 10월부터 모임을 갖고 협의, 통합을 결의하고 1967년 2월 7일 국민전선을 창립하였다. 이민자 송환 정책, 유엔 정책에 비판적인 태도, 북대서양 조약기구 반대 운동 등을 주도했다. 초창기에는 군소 정당 내지는 살인적인 단체라는 오명을 들었지만, 1976년 당시에는 14,000명의 당원을 모집하였고 총선거에서 지방 선거 투표의 약 20%를 확보하였다. 한때 노선이 선명하지 못하다는 이유로 같은 이들은 따로 분리독립하여 브리튼 국민당을 세우기도 했다. 2010년의 총선거에서는 참패하여 1석도 얻지 못하였다. rdf:langString
Het National Front (NF) is een extreemrechtse, fascistische politieke partij in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Momenteel wordt de partij geleid door Tony Martin. De partij heeft nimmer zetels gehaald bij verkiezingen voor het Britse of Europese parlement, maar wel een klein aantal lokale raadszetels verworven. De partij werd opgericht in 1967 en bereikte haar electorale hoogtepunt in het midden van de jaren zeventig, toen het enige tijd in populariteit de vierde partij van het VK was. rdf:langString
British National Front (BNF) (em português: Frente Nacional Britânica) é um partido político britânico de orientação ultradireitista, populista e fascista cuja atividade política atingiu o pico durante as décadas de 1970 e 1980. Nas eleições gerais de 1979, obteve mais de 190 mil votos, terminando em sexto lugar, com mais votos do que o Partido Unionista Democrático. É considerado uma agremiação racista por aceitar apenas membros de cor branca. O sistema prisional e policial britânico proíbem a filiação de seus empregados ao partido. rdf:langString
rdf:langString National Front (UK)
rdf:langString Front Nacional Britànic
rdf:langString British National Front
rdf:langString Εθνικό Μέτωπο (Βρετανία)
rdf:langString Frente Nacional (Gran Bretaña)
rdf:langString Fronte Nazionala (Erresuma Batua)
rdf:langString Front national britannique
rdf:langString Fronte Nazionale (Regno Unito)
rdf:langString 국민전선 (영국)
rdf:langString イギリス国民戦線
rdf:langString National Front
rdf:langString Frente Nacional Britânica
rdf:langString Британский национальный фронт
rdf:langString National Front (Storbritannien)
rdf:langString 國民陣線 (英國)
rdf:langString National Front
rdf:langString National Front
xsd:integer 333159
xsd:integer 1122968810
rdf:langString Sykes
rdf:langString Shaffer
rdf:langString Eatwell
xsd:integer 106 107 110 111 337 464
xsd:integer 2003 2005 2013
rdf:langString Durham
rdf:langString Husbands
rdf:langString Taylor
rdf:langString Walker
rdf:langString Wilkinson
rdf:langString Billig
rdf:langString Fielding
rdf:langString Hanna
rdf:langString Steed
rdf:langString Whiteley
rdf:langString Copsey
xsd:integer 9
xsd:integer 18
xsd:integer 27
xsd:integer 34
xsd:integer 38
xsd:integer 39
xsd:integer 40
xsd:integer 50
xsd:integer 52
xsd:integer 53
xsd:integer 55
xsd:integer 58
xsd:integer 64
xsd:integer 66
xsd:integer 67
xsd:integer 68
xsd:integer 69
xsd:integer 71
xsd:integer 73
xsd:integer 77
xsd:integer 79
xsd:integer 84
xsd:integer 85
xsd:integer 90
xsd:integer 99
xsd:integer 102
xsd:integer 106
xsd:integer 109
xsd:integer 110
xsd:integer 128
xsd:integer 133
xsd:integer 136
xsd:integer 137
xsd:integer 138
xsd:integer 140
xsd:integer 143
xsd:integer 144
xsd:integer 149
xsd:integer 152
xsd:integer 154
xsd:integer 160
xsd:integer 161
xsd:integer 164
xsd:integer 165
xsd:integer 166
xsd:integer 170
xsd:integer 171
xsd:integer 173
xsd:integer 174
xsd:integer 178
xsd:integer 183
xsd:integer 189
xsd:integer 197
xsd:integer 205
xsd:integer 217
xsd:integer 272
xsd:integer 292
xsd:integer 370
rdf:langString v
rdf:langString xi
xsd:integer 59 67 86 93 103 135 140 142 160 164 174 188 275 6265 99101 133164
xsd:integer 1974 1977 1978 1979 1981 1982 1988 1995 1998 2008
rdf:langString Durham
rdf:langString Husbands
rdf:langString Taylor
rdf:langString Walker
rdf:langString Wilkinson
rdf:langString Goodwin
rdf:langString Richardson
rdf:langString Sykes
rdf:langString Billig
rdf:langString Fielding
rdf:langString Thurlow
rdf:langString Shaffer
rdf:langString Eatwell
xsd:integer 18 19 22 23 24 25 26 27 34 36 38 39 44 45 53 55 57 59 62 63 66 69 74 75 76 79 84 85 87 88 93 94 96 98 101 108 109 111 125 128 130 131 133 136 141 143 149 164 171 197 290 335 338 339 340 341 349 460 466
xsd:integer 18 20 66 89 96 98 130 196 339 6678 6979 119128
xsd:integer 1977 1978 1981 1982 1983 1987 1998 2003 2005 2011 2012 2013
rdf:langString Durham
rdf:langString Taylor
rdf:langString Wilkinson
rdf:langString Sykes
rdf:langString Fielding
rdf:langString Thurlow
rdf:langString Shaffer
rdf:langString Copsey
rdf:langString Eatwell
xsd:integer 23 27 75 85 96 99 104 107 108 109 110 112 276 280 283 284 336 338 465
xsd:integer 23 106 126 279
xsd:integer 1981 1982 1987 1998 2003 2005 2008 2013
rdf:langString NF
rdf:langString left
rdf:langString right
rdf:langString United Kingdom
rdf:langString In 1983, the National Front was taken over by a faction led by Nick Griffin and Joe Pearce , who were then followers of "Strasserism", the "left Nazism" of German fascist ideologue Otto Strasser.
xsd:date 1967-02-07
rdf:langString British nationalism
rdf:langString Neo-Nazism
rdf:langString Neo-fascism
rdf:langString Third Position
rdf:langString British fascism
rdf:langString White supremacism
rdf:langString Racial populism
rdf:langString Nick griffin bnp from flickr user britishnationalism .jpg
rdf:langString Joseph Pearce speaking into a microphone.jpg
rdf:langString Tony Martin
xsd:integer 150
rdf:langString Far-right
rdf:langString The essential facet of nationalism in the NF ideology is the belief that Britain forms an entity that cannot be dismantled without irreparable harm and that the maintenance of British culture requires the exclusion of outsiders.
rdf:langString The NF upholds the wish of the majority of the British people for Britain to remain a White country and for this reason opposes all coloured immigration into Britain. It further advocates the repatriation, by the most humane means possible, of those coloured immigrants already here, together with their descendants and dependants.
rdf:langString To survive, we've got to become a virile and competitive society. We've got to be a society that demands from its members duty and effort. We've got to be a society that encourages the fit and the strong — a society that instils into its young people from the cradle that nothing worthwhile is ever achieved, either by individuals or by nations, except by work and struggle. We've got to dedicate ourselves to producing, as we used to, young men who are tough and hard.
rdf:langString I do not believe that the survival of the white man will be found through the crest of political respectability because I believe that respectability today means one thing, it means your preparedness to be a lackey of the establishment ... I don't want respectability if that is what respectability means, preparedness to surrender my own race, to hell with respectability if that is what it is.
rdf:langString Are we gonna sit and let them come?
rdf:langString Have they got the white man on the run?
rdf:langString Multi-racial society is a mess.
rdf:langString We ain't gonna take much more of this
rdf:langString Many members of a 'dominant' group, the 'white' English, felt 'threatened' by a new group, the 'coloured' English or coloured immigrants, who, it was thought, were variously destroying their cultural and national uniqueness, or competing unfairly for resources, particularly employment and housing... It was only when... some members of the 'dominant' group who perceived themselves to be under 'attack' felt that the Conservative Party had betrayed their interests, that the extreme right was able to emerge with widespread support.
rdf:langString It should be the pride of all NF members to be called extremists and not only that – it should be a matter of guilt to any person opposed to the Left that he is not labelled as extreme.
rdf:langString While the party attracts significant numbers of working-class people the role they play in the branch is contingent on their political ability and zeal, and there is no doubt that it is those drawn from the upper ranks of the working class who predominate... It is noticeable that the more sedentary members at branch level are those drawn from the lower middle-class and the few remaining elderly upper middle-class members.
rdf:langString It is interesting that the NF […] has tried to develop a 'two-track' strategy. On the one hand it follows an opportunistic policy of attempting to present itself as a respectable political party appealing by argument and peaceful persuasion for the support of the British electorate. On the other, its leadership is deeply imbued with Nazi ideas and though they try to play down their past affiliations with more blatantly Nazi movements, such as Colin Jordan's National Socialist Movement, they covertly maintain intimate connections with small neo-Nazi cells in Britain and abroad, because all their beliefs and motives make this not only tactically expedient but effective.
rdf:langString — John Tyndall
rdf:langString — NF Chairman John Tyndall
rdf:langString — Paul Wilkinson, 1981
rdf:langString — Political scientist Nigel Fielding, 1981
rdf:langString — The NF's Statement of Policy
rdf:langString — Fielding, on the class composition of NF branches, 1981
rdf:langString — Skrewdriver, "White Noise", the first song released by the NF's White Noise Records
rdf:langString — Political scientist Stan Taylor, 1982
rdf:langString — Tyndall's views on electoral respectability
xsd:integer 300
xsd:integer 25
rdf:langString El Front Nacional Britànic (en anglès: National Front, NF; o British National Front) és un partit polític britànic d'extrema dreta i supremacista blanc, fundat el 1967. El servei de presons britànic prohibí al seu personal la militància tant al NF com al BNP i a . Els seus estatuts aclareixen que no és un partit nazi, sinó que creu en la justícia social i és contrari a l'imperialisme cultural.
rdf:langString Το Εθνικό Μέτωπο (αγγλικά: National Front ή NF) είναι βρετανικό φασιστικό κόμμα, με έντονα ρατσιστικό χαρακτήρα. Το πρόγραμμά του επικεντρώνεται στην αντίθεσή του προς την μετανάστευση και απαιτεί τον επαναπατρισμό όλων των εθνικών μειονοτήτων, έστω και αν τα μέλη τους έχουν γεννηθεί στην Βρετανία. Το Εθνικό Μέτωπο δημιουργήθηκε το 1960, ύστερα από συγχώνευση της και του . Τα πρώτα χρόνια ήταν απλά μια μικρή ομάδα με νεοναζιστική ιδεολογία. Στα μέσα και στα τέλη της δεκαετίας του 1970 πέτυχε κάποια ποσοστά στις εκλογές και αυξήθηκε ο αριθμός των μελών του. Σε μια προσπάθεια για πιο δυναμική παρουσία, ενέταξε μερικά μέλη της άκρας δεξιάς του και διεύρυνε την βάση του πέραν των σκληροπυρηνικών φασιστών.
rdf:langString Die British National Front (meist National Front oder NF genannt) ist eine britische rechtsextreme Partei, die ihre Hochzeit in den 1970er- und 1980er-Jahren hatte.
rdf:langString Fronte Nazionala (ingelesez: National Front (NF)) Erresuma Batuko eskuin muturreko alderdi politiko bat da. Egoitza nagusia Kingston upon Hull hirian du, eta buruzagi nagusia David MacDonal da. 1967ko otsailaren 7an britainiar loialistek sortu zuten. Pentsamolde arrazista eta faxismoa eta nazismoarekin lotura izatea leporatu izan zaio.
rdf:langString El Frente Nacional (in: "National Front", abreviado NF) es un partido político de extrema derecha y fascista del Reino Unido. Actualmente está dirigido por Tony Martin. Como partido minoritario, nunca ha tenido representantes elegidos en el Parlamento británico ni en el europeo, aunque ha conseguido un pequeño número de concejales gracias a las deserciones, y ha tenido algunos de sus representantes elegidos en consejos comunitarios. Fundado en 1967, alcanzó el punto álgido de su apoyo electoral a mediados de la década de 1970, cuando fue brevemente el cuarto partido del Reino Unido en términos de porcentaje de votos.​​​
rdf:langString The National Front (NF) is a far-right, fascist political party in the United Kingdom. It is currently led by Tony Martin. As a minor party, it has never had its representatives elected to the British or European Parliaments, although it gained a small number of local councillors through defections and it has had a few of its representatives elected to community councils. Founded in 1967, it reached the height of its electoral support during the mid-1970s, when it was briefly England's fourth-largest party in terms of vote share. The NF was founded by A. K. Chesterton, formerly of the British Union of Fascists, as a merger between his League of Empire Loyalists and the British National Party. It was soon joined by the Greater Britain Movement, whose leader John Tyndall became the Front's chairman in 1972. Under Tyndall's leadership it capitalised on growing concern about South Asian migration to Britain, rapidly increasing its membership and vote share in the urban areas of east London and northern England. Its public profile was raised through street marches and rallies, which often resulted in violent clashes with anti-fascist protesters, most notably the 1974 Red Lion Square disorders and the 1977 Battle of Lewisham. In 1982, Tyndall left the National Front to form a new British National Party (BNP). Many NF members defected to Tyndall's BNP, contributing to a substantial decline in the Front's electoral support. During the 1980s, the NF split in two; the Flag NF retained the older ideology, while the Official NF adopted a Third Positionist stance before disbanding in 1990. In 1995, the Flag NF's leadership transformed the party into the National Democrats, although a small splinter group retained the NF name. Ideologically positioned on the extreme right or far-right of British politics, the NF has been characterised as fascist or neo-fascist by political scientists. Different factions have dominated the party at different times, each with its own ideological bent, including neo-Nazis, Strasserites and racial populists. The party espouses the ethnic nationalist view that only white people should be citizens of the United Kingdom. The NF calls for an end to non-white migration into the UK and for settled non-white Britons to be stripped of their citizenship and deported. A white supremacist party, it promotes biological racism and the white genocide conspiracy theory, calling for global racial separatism and condemning interracial relationships and miscegenation. It espouses anti-semitic conspiracy theories, endorsing Holocaust denial and claiming that Jews dominate the world through both communism and finance capitalism. It promotes economic protectionism, hard Euroscepticism and a transformation away from liberal democracy, while its social policies oppose feminism, LGBT rights and societal permissiveness. After the BNP, the NF has been the most successful far-right group in British politics since the Second World War. During its history, it has established sub-groups such as a trade unionist association, a youth group and the Rock Against Communism musical organisation. Only whites are permitted membership of the party, and in its heyday most of its support came from white British working-class and lower middle-class communities in northern England and east London. The NF has generated vocal opposition from left-wing and anti-fascist groups throughout its history, and NF members are prohibited from various professions.
rdf:langString Le Front national britannique (en anglais : British National Front, abrégé en BNF), également appelé Front national (en anglais : National Front ou NF), est un parti politique ultranationaliste du Royaume-Uni créé en 1967. Il a connu le succès dans les années 1970-1980. Ce parti est opposé au multiethnisme et au multiculturalisme. Idéologiquement positionné à la droite radicale et à l'extrême droite de la politique britannique, le NF a été qualifié de fasciste ou de néo-fasciste par les politologues. Différentes factions ont dominé le parti à différents moments de son histoire, chacune ayant son propre penchant idéologique, y compris les nationaux-socialistes, les strasseristes et les populistes radicaux. Le parti adhère à la vision nationaliste ethnique voulant que seuls les Blancs soient citoyens du Royaume-Uni. Il appelle à la fin de la migration des non-blancs au Royaume-Uni. Un groupe nationaliste blanc, il promeut le racialisme et est considéré comme étant diffuseur de la Théorie du complot du génocide blanc, appelant au séparatisme racial mondial et condamnant les relations interraciales et le métissage. Il adhère aux théories du complot antisémite, approuvant le négationnisme de l'Holocauste et affirmant que les Juifs dominent le monde à la fois par le communisme et par le capitalisme financier. Il promeut le protectionnisme économique, l'euroscepticisme et une transformation de la démocratie libérale, tandis que ses politiques sociales s'opposent au féminisme, aux droits LGBT et à la permissivité de la société. Après le BNP, le NF a été le groupe d'extrême droite le plus titré de la politique britannique depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Au cours de son histoire, il a mis en place des sous-groupes tels qu'une association de syndicalistes, un groupe de jeunes et l'organisation musicale Rock Against Communism. Seuls les Blancs sont autorisés à adhérer au parti. À son apogée, la majeure partie de son soutien provenait des communautés de travail et des classes moyennes inférieures britanniques du Nord de l'Angleterre et de l'est de Londres. Le NF a suscité beaucoup d'opposition de la part des groupes de gauche et antifascistes au cours de son histoire, et la loi interdit aux membres du NF d'exercer diverses professions.
rdf:langString Il Fronte Nazionale (National Front, abbr. NF) è un partito politico britannico di estrema destra di cui le maggiori attività politiche furono svolte durante gli anni settanta ed ottanta.
rdf:langString 국민전선(영어: National Front, 약칭 UK 또는 NF)은 1967년 2월 7일에 설립된 영국의 극우 정당이다. 사형제 강화, 범법자 처벌 및 형량강화, 백인 이외의 이민자들은 모두 자기 나라로 돌아가라는 구호를 내세워 파시즘, 인종주의, 백인민족주의, 반유대주의 등의 문제로 논란이 되기도 했다. 그 해 등을 흡수하였다. 한 때 이민자 및 그 후손들의 강제 본국 송환 프로젝트 등을 기획하여 논란을 야기하기도 했다. 보수 정당의 연이은 총선거와 지방선거 참패에 위기 의식을 느낀 일부 영국의 보수주의 운동가들과 , 그 밖에 등은 1966년 10월부터 모임을 갖고 협의, 통합을 결의하고 1967년 2월 7일 국민전선을 창립하였다. 이민자 송환 정책, 유엔 정책에 비판적인 태도, 북대서양 조약기구 반대 운동 등을 주도했다. 초창기에는 군소 정당 내지는 살인적인 단체라는 오명을 들었지만, 1976년 당시에는 14,000명의 당원을 모집하였고 총선거에서 지방 선거 투표의 약 20%를 확보하였다. 한때 노선이 선명하지 못하다는 이유로 같은 이들은 따로 분리독립하여 브리튼 국민당을 세우기도 했다. 2010년의 총선거에서는 참패하여 1석도 얻지 못하였다. 1974년 이후 국민 전선은 백인이 아닌 이민자의 강제 송환을 공개 선언하였다.
rdf:langString イギリス国民戦線(イギリスこくみんせんせん、British National Front)は、イギリスの極右政党である。1970年代から1980年代にかけて支持率が上昇した。
rdf:langString Het National Front (NF) is een extreemrechtse, fascistische politieke partij in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Momenteel wordt de partij geleid door Tony Martin. De partij heeft nimmer zetels gehaald bij verkiezingen voor het Britse of Europese parlement, maar wel een klein aantal lokale raadszetels verworven. De partij werd opgericht in 1967 en bereikte haar electorale hoogtepunt in het midden van de jaren zeventig, toen het enige tijd in populariteit de vierde partij van het VK was. Het NF werd opgericht door A.K. Chesterton, voorheen actief in de British Union of Fascists, een fusie tussen zijn eigen groep Loyalists League of Empire en de British National Party. Hierbij kwam de , waarvan leider John Tyndall de voorzitter werd van het NF in 1972. Onder leiding van Tyndall profiteerde de partij van de groeiende bezorgdheid over immigratie in Groot-Brittannië, waardoor het aantal leden en stemmen in stedelijke gebieden snel toenam, met name in Oost-Londen en Noord-Engeland. Het NF organiseerde anti-immigratie-marsen die door tegenstanders opgevat werden als provocaties. Op 13 augustus 1977 kwam het bij een dergelijke mars tot een massaal gewelddadig treffen tussen NF-aanhangers, politie en tegendemonstranten in Lewisham, dat bekend zou worden als "The Battle of Lewisham". In 1982 verliet Tyndall het NF om een nieuwe British National Party (BNP) te vormen. Veel NF-leden liepen over naar deze nieuwe BNP van Tyndall. In de jaren tachtig splitste het NF zich in twee splintergroeperingen: de ene noemde zich de Flag NF en de andere de Official NF. In 1995 transformeerde de leiding van de Flag NF deze partij in de , hoewel een resterende kleine splintergroep doorging met de naam National Front.
rdf:langString «Брита́нский национа́льный фронт» (англ. British National Front) — британская радикально-националистическая политическая партия. Более известна как «Национальный фронт» (National Front).
rdf:langString National Front är ett brittiskt högerextremt och populistiskt politiskt parti. Partiet säger att det står för "white family values" (vita familjens värderingar) och "Fourteen Words" (fjorton ord) Partiet arbetar öppet med vit makt-miljön och nynazistiska Stormfront.
rdf:langString British National Front (BNF) (em português: Frente Nacional Britânica) é um partido político britânico de orientação ultradireitista, populista e fascista cuja atividade política atingiu o pico durante as décadas de 1970 e 1980. Nas eleições gerais de 1979, obteve mais de 190 mil votos, terminando em sexto lugar, com mais votos do que o Partido Unionista Democrático. É considerado uma agremiação racista por aceitar apenas membros de cor branca. O sistema prisional e policial britânico proíbem a filiação de seus empregados ao partido. Apesar de ser considerado pela mídia local uma agremiação de orientação nazifascista, a Frente Nacional nega, dizendo que é um movimento político democrático. Entretanto, o partido trabalha abertamente em cooperação com o site neonazista estadunidense Stormfront. Assim como sua dissidência, o Partido Nacional Britânico, a Frente Nacional não é mais exageradamente antissemita, tendo dois candidatos judeus na década de 1970. O partido é, entretanto, crítico da veracidade do Holocausto, inclinando-se a apoiar o revisionismo histórico.
rdf:langString 國民陣線(英語:National Front,缩写为NF)是英国的一个极右翼新法西斯主义政党。總部在赫爾河畔京士頓的一個小黨。該黨在英國任何一級政府和议会都沒有當選代表。 在七十年代的鼎盛時期,雖然從來沒有在英國議會獲得過席位,但卻有少數地方議員。
rdf:langString Jordan Pont
rdf:langString Deputy Leader
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 110194
xsd:date 1967-02-07
xsd:gYear 1967

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