National Equality March an entity of type: Person
National Equality March adalah demonstrasi yang terjadi pada 11 Oktober, 2009 di Washington, D.C.. Mereka meminta perlindungan yang sama kepada masyarakat lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender (LGBT) di semua hal yang diatur oleh hukum sipil di seluruh 50 negara bagian dan District of Columbia. March ini diselenggarakan oleh aktivis dan dilaksanakan oleh , dan diatur oleh Equality Across America dan . Kip Williams dan Robin McGehee dijadikan sebagai co-director. Ini adalah national march pertama di Washington, D.C. untuk LGBT sejak tahun 2000.
The National Equality March was a national political rally that occurred October 11, 2009 in Washington, D.C. It called for equal protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The march was called for by activist David Mixner and implemented by Cleve Jones, and organized by Equality Across America and the Courage Campaign. Kip Williams and Robin McGehee served as co-directors. Leaders like actress Michelle Clunie, Courage Campaign marketing director, Billy Pollina and New York gubernatorial aide Peter Yacobellis hosted the first fundraiser in the spring of 2009. This was the first national march in Washington, D.C. for LGBT rights since the 2000 Millennium March.
A Marcha Nacional pela Igualdade foi uma manifestação política ocorrida em 11 de Outubro de 2009 na capital dos Estados Unidos, Washington. O apelo era para que as pessoas LGBT conquistasse os mesmos direitos de pessoas e casais heterossexuais, e pessoas cisgênero em todas as questões, nos 50 estados e o Distrito de Colúmbia. O evento foi organizado pelo ativista e , através da organização América Através da Igualdade e da . Kip Williams e Robin McGehee foram co-diretores do evento. Essa foi a primeira marcha nacional em Washigton, por direitos LGBT desde 2000.
Национальный марш за равноправие (англ. National Equality March — букв. Национальный марш равенства) — крупный политический митинг, который прошёл 11 октября 2009 года в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия. Участники марша выступали против притеснений и дискриминации лесбиянок, геев, бисексуалов и транс-людей (ЛГБТ) в вопросах, регулируемых гражданским законодательством во всех 50 штатах США и округе Колумбия. Марш был организован , известным писателем и правозащитником, и Кливом Джонсом, политическим активистом. Марш стал крупнейшей политической акцией ЛГБТ в США со времён последнего Национально марша в поддержку ЛГБТ, прошедшего в марте 2000 года.
National Equality March
National Equality March
Marcha Nacional pela Igualdade
Национальный марш за равноправие
National Equality March
Logo for the March
National Equality March logo.jpg
Washington, D.C.
lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights activists and supporters
Matthew Shepard Act signed into law ;
US President Barack Obama committed to end "Don't ask, don't tell", the US military policy forbidding gays, bisexuals, and lesbians to serve openly
The National Equality March was a national political rally that occurred October 11, 2009 in Washington, D.C. It called for equal protection for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in all matters governed by civil law in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The march was called for by activist David Mixner and implemented by Cleve Jones, and organized by Equality Across America and the Courage Campaign. Kip Williams and Robin McGehee served as co-directors. Leaders like actress Michelle Clunie, Courage Campaign marketing director, Billy Pollina and New York gubernatorial aide Peter Yacobellis hosted the first fundraiser in the spring of 2009. This was the first national march in Washington, D.C. for LGBT rights since the 2000 Millennium March. Many groups joined by also organizing other events for the weekend, which coincided with National Coming Out Day on October 11 and marked eleven years since the beating and murder of gay University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, which prompted national attention and action to expand hate crime laws. Equality Across America, which is fiscally sponsored by the non-profit Tides Center, states it intends to develop a network of decentralized organizers from each of the 435 U.S. Congressional districts.
National Equality March adalah demonstrasi yang terjadi pada 11 Oktober, 2009 di Washington, D.C.. Mereka meminta perlindungan yang sama kepada masyarakat lesbian, gay, biseksual, dan transgender (LGBT) di semua hal yang diatur oleh hukum sipil di seluruh 50 negara bagian dan District of Columbia. March ini diselenggarakan oleh aktivis dan dilaksanakan oleh , dan diatur oleh Equality Across America dan . Kip Williams dan Robin McGehee dijadikan sebagai co-director. Ini adalah national march pertama di Washington, D.C. untuk LGBT sejak tahun 2000.
A Marcha Nacional pela Igualdade foi uma manifestação política ocorrida em 11 de Outubro de 2009 na capital dos Estados Unidos, Washington. O apelo era para que as pessoas LGBT conquistasse os mesmos direitos de pessoas e casais heterossexuais, e pessoas cisgênero em todas as questões, nos 50 estados e o Distrito de Colúmbia. O evento foi organizado pelo ativista e , através da organização América Através da Igualdade e da . Kip Williams e Robin McGehee foram co-diretores do evento. Essa foi a primeira marcha nacional em Washigton, por direitos LGBT desde 2000. Muitos grupos juntaram-se para a organização do evento que coincidiu com o Dia Nacional de Sair do Armário, em 11 de Outubro e marca onze anos desde o assassinato de homossexuais ocorrido na Universidade de Wyoming, por Matthew Shepard, que chamou a atenção nacional para a necessidade de leis contra . A América Através da Igualdade, que fiscalizou o evento patrocinado pela ONG , afirmou pretender desenvolver uma rede de organizações em cada um dos .
Национальный марш за равноправие (англ. National Equality March — букв. Национальный марш равенства) — крупный политический митинг, который прошёл 11 октября 2009 года в Вашингтоне, округ Колумбия. Участники марша выступали против притеснений и дискриминации лесбиянок, геев, бисексуалов и транс-людей (ЛГБТ) в вопросах, регулируемых гражданским законодательством во всех 50 штатах США и округе Колумбия. Марш был организован , известным писателем и правозащитником, и Кливом Джонсом, политическим активистом. Марш стал крупнейшей политической акцией ЛГБТ в США со времён последнего Национально марша в поддержку ЛГБТ, прошедшего в марте 2000 года. Проведение марша совпало с другими мероприятиями, проводимыми NCOD (англ. National Coming Out Day) в память об одиннадцатой годовщине убийства американского студента Университета Вайоминга Мэттью Шепарда, жертвы преступления на почве ненависти к гомосексуалам, ставшего символом борьбы с гомофобией, насилием и предрассудками в отношении сексуальных меньшинств.