Nathaniel Portlock an entity of type: Thing
Nathaniel Portlock (* 1747 oder 1749 in Norfolk, Colony of Virginia; † 12. September 1817 im Greenwich Hospital in London) war ein britischer Marineoffizier und Entdecker im 18. Jahrhundert.
Nathaniel Portlock (c. 1748 – 12 de setembre de 1817) va ser un capità de vaixell, comerciant de pells i escriptor britànic. Ingresà a la Royal Navy com a mariner el 1772, servint al . El 1776 és al com a master’s mate i va prendre part en el tercer viatge de James Cook. Durant aquella expedició, a l'agost de 1779, va ser traslladat al . El 7 de setembre de 1780 a aprovar l'examen de tinent i després passà a servir a bord del , a la flota del Canal.
Nathaniel Portlock (c. 1748 – 12 September 1817) was a British ship's captain, maritime fur trader, and author. He entered the Royal Navy in 1772 as an able seaman, serving in HMS St Albans. In 1776 he joined HMS Discovery as master's mate and served on the third Pacific voyage of James Cook. During the expedition, in August 1779, he was transferred to HMS Resolution. He passed his lieutenant's examination on 7 September 1780, then served on in the Channel fleet. His son, Major-General Joseph Ellison Portlock, was a British geologist and soldier.
Nathaniel Portlock
Nathaniel Portlock
Nathaniel Portlock
Nathaniel Portlock
Nathaniel Portlock
c. 1749
Nathaniel Portlock
Nathaniel Portlock (c. 1748 – 12 de setembre de 1817) va ser un capità de vaixell, comerciant de pells i escriptor britànic. Ingresà a la Royal Navy com a mariner el 1772, servint al . El 1776 és al com a master’s mate i va prendre part en el tercer viatge de James Cook. Durant aquella expedició, a l'agost de 1779, va ser traslladat al . El 7 de setembre de 1780 a aprovar l'examen de tinent i després passà a servir a bord del , a la flota del Canal. Les pells obtingudes durant el tercer viatge de Cook a l'actual Colúmbia Britànica i Alaska es van vendre a bons preus quan l'expedició va arribar a Macau. El 1785 Richard Cadman Etches, junt a d'altres socis entre els que hi havia Portlock i van formar una companyia, anomenada habitualment , per desenvolupar el comerç de pells. Dixon també havia format part de la tripulació del Resolution a l'Oceà Pacífic sota el guiatge de Cook. El setembre de 1785 Portlock i Dixon van salpar d'Anglaterra. Portlock estava al comandament de la nau més gran, de 320 tones , amb una tripulació de 59 homes. Dixon comandava el , de 200 tones i una tripulació de 33 homes. Ambdós navegaren junts la major part del viatge de tres anys. Van creuar l'oceà Atlàntic, arribant a les illes Malvines el gener de 1786, per tot seguit creuar pel cap d'Hornos i entrar a l'oceà Pacífic. Van arribar a les illes Hawaii el 24 de maig i an fondejar a la (on Cook havia estat assassinat el 1779), però no van tocar terra. Van agafar aliments frescos en d'altres illes de les Hawaii i van posar rumb cap a l'actual Alaska. Després de tres anys navegant Portlock i Dixon van arribar a Macau al novembre de 1788. En tornar a casa seu retorn Portlock i Dixon van publicar un relat del viatge, basat en part en les cartes escrites per William Beresford, el comerciant en l'expedició. El 1791 tornà a la Royal Navy i fou assignat al bergantí , que va acompanyar a Bligh en el seu segon viatge per al transport de l'arbre del pa de Tahití a les Índies Occidentals. Després de tornar a Anglaterra el 1793 va ser ascendit a comandant i passà a comandar la corberta . El 1799 va ser ascendit a capità, i serví a la com a comandant del Poole el 1803, i la Dartmouth entre 1805 i 1807. Va morir el 12 de setembre 1817 a l'hospital de Greenwich. Portlock Harbor, una badia a la costa oest de l'illa Chichagof, fou batejada per Portlock el 1789, després que l'hagués visitat l'agost de 1787. Portlock, una fàbrica de conserves en funcionament a mitjans del segle XX i Portlock Glacier, ambdues a la península de Kenai, van rebre el nom en honor seu.
Nathaniel Portlock (* 1747 oder 1749 in Norfolk, Colony of Virginia; † 12. September 1817 im Greenwich Hospital in London) war ein britischer Marineoffizier und Entdecker im 18. Jahrhundert.
Nathaniel Portlock (c. 1748 – 12 September 1817) was a British ship's captain, maritime fur trader, and author. He entered the Royal Navy in 1772 as an able seaman, serving in HMS St Albans. In 1776 he joined HMS Discovery as master's mate and served on the third Pacific voyage of James Cook. During the expedition, in August 1779, he was transferred to HMS Resolution. He passed his lieutenant's examination on 7 September 1780, then served on in the Channel fleet. On Cook's third voyage, furs obtained in present-day British Columbia and Alaska sold for good prices when the expedition called at Macao. In 1785 Richard Cadman Etches and partners, including Portlock and George Dixon formed a partnership, commonly called the King George's Sound Company, to develop the fur trade. Dixon had also served on Resolution in the Pacific Ocean under Cook. In September 1785 Portlock and Dixon sailed from England. Portlock was in command of the larger vessel, the 320-ton (bm) King George, with a crew of 59. Dixon's was in command of the 200-ton (bm) Queen Charlotte, with a crew of 33. Dixon and Portlock sailed together for most of their three-year voyage. They crossed the Atlantic Ocean, reaching the Falkland Islands in January 1786, and transited Cape Horn to enter the Pacific Ocean. They reached the Hawaiian islands on 24 May and anchored in Kealakekua Bay (where Cook had been killed in 1779), but did not go ashore. They took on fresh food at other Hawaiian islands and proceeded on to what is now Alaska. After two years of plying the waters, Portlock and Dixon departed North America, reaching Macao in November 1788. On their return Portlock and Dixon published an account of the voyage, based in part on letters written by William Beresford, the trader on the expedition. Returning to the Royal Navy in 1791, Portlock was appointed to command the brig HMS Assistant, which accompanied Bligh on his second voyage to transport breadfruit plants from Tahiti to the West Indies. Following his return to England in 1793, Portlock was promoted to commander and later commanded the sloop HMS Arrow. In 1799 he was promoted to captain, and served as a Sea Fencibles commander at Poole in 1803, and at Dartmouth from 1805 to 1807. He died on 12 September 1817 in Greenwich Hospital. His son, Major-General Joseph Ellison Portlock, was a British geologist and soldier. Portlock Harbor, a bay on the west coast of Alaska's Chichagof Island, was named by Portlock in 1789, following a visit there in August 1787. Portlock, a cannery settlement active in the early and middle 20th century, and Portlock Glacier, both on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula, were named in his honor.