My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2017 animated shorts) an entity of type: Thing

In 2017, Hasbro Studios released two series of animated shorts that are tied in with My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, an anthropomorphic spin-off franchise of the 2010 relaunch of Hasbro's My Little Pony toyline. One, titled Canterlot Shorts, was produced by Boulder Media in the Republic of Ireland and the other, a series of music videos, was produced by DHX Media in Canada. Discovery Family bills the two series together as Summertime Shorts. rdf:langString
(마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 썸머타임 쇼츠)(영어: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Summertime Shorts)는 미국과 캐나다의 애니메이션 웹 시리즈이다. rdf:langString
My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (também conhecido como My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Summertime Shorts), é uma série animada de curtas-metragens e videoclipes de 2017; baseado na franquia do mesmo nome, e um spin-off da série animada My Little Pony: A Amizade É Mágica da Hasbro. Primeiro foi os Curtas de Canterlot, produzidos pela Boulder Media Limited da Irlanda e segundo foi os Videoclipes musicais, produzidos pela DHX Media do Canadá. Primeiros 9 curtas e 4 videoclipes foram exibidos em 30 de julho de 2017, que faz parte do evento promocional de temporada do canal Discovery Family, Summer Splash. Os dois últimos videoclipes foram exibidos em 22 de setembro de 2017, no aplicativo móvel Discovery Family Go!. rdf:langString
rdf:langString 마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 썸머타임 쇼츠
rdf:langString My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (2017 animated shorts)
rdf:langString My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (curtas de 2017)
xsd:integer 54875121
xsd:integer 1112907115
<second> 1950.0
rdf:langString While the girls are eating lunch, Rarity shows them a gossip magazine that contains pictures of Countess Coloratura suffering an embarrassing fall during yoga class. They privately reflect on their own humiliating moments: an experiment blowing up and coating Twilight Sparkle and Spike in sludge, Applejack and Pinkie Pie accidentally burning a batch of pies and inadvertently setting off the smoke detector and sprinklers, Rainbow Dash knocking out a display at a sporting-goods store with a botched soccer kick, Fluttershy getting a bizarre hairdo from a flock of birds and Rarity and Sunset Shimmer both embarrassing themselves in front of a boy over a piece of lettuce stuck in Rarity's teeth. As the girls leave the cafeteria, they slip on a patch of wet floor and fall in a heap in full view of the other students, but they laugh off the fumble.
rdf:langString At the CHS Fall Formal, the girls have their picture taken by Photo Finish, who insists that they use silly costumes and props to liven up the shoot. They have fun goofing around until Rarity's new pixie wings catch fire under the lights, and Photo declares that the shoot is her best work ever.
rdf:langString Principal Celestia decides to fill in as substitute teacher for Twilight and Rarity's class. However, she is constantly interrupted by situations that include a cafeteria emergency and Rainbow Dash kicking a soccer ball against the outer wall of the building. By the time she takes care of all the problems, she is exhausted and the class ends.
rdf:langString The Rainbooms are about to go on tour, but the bus Applejack finds for them to use is a broken-down wreck. With Twilight Sparkle's planning and the help of their powers, they repair and repaint it in short order.
rdf:langString In a take-off of Frankenstein, Twilight Sparkle works on a secret project in her home laboratory during a stormy night with help from Spike. After a long session of poring over notes and schematics, debugging computer code and assembling hardware, she unveils the end result - a robotic puppy friend for Spike to play with.
rdf:langString Working at her part-time job at a juice bar in the Canterlot Mall, Applejack is bored and tired of making the same drinks every day. While slicing apples, she comes across a beet and decides to get creative with her drinks, mixing up new combinations of fruits and vegetables. Her flashy drink-mixing skills slowly draw in a crowd of customers who enjoy the new products.
rdf:langString Pinkie Pie recruits Fluttershy to join the CHS cheering club and tries to get her to raise her soft voice as they cheer on the soccer team. They move on to root for a vocal quartet and then a chess match, to which Fluttershy's quietness is perfectly suited.
rdf:langString After visiting Fluttershy at her job in a pet grooming salon, Sunset Shimmer decides to get a pet of her own so she can take part in a photo shoot with the other girls' pets . Fluttershy shows her around an animal shelter, and she adopts a tiny yellow gecko and names it Ray, returning just in time for the photo shoot.
rdf:langString Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle are about to watch the new Daring Do movie when Pinkie Pie asks them for help in finding her stuffed alligator Gummy. Seeing a chance for adventure, the girls search the movie theater lobby and the trash cans behind the building, to which they then spot Gummy as one of the prizes inside a claw game. Scootaloo plays the game and successfully extracts Gummy, and the girls give the doll back to Pinkie just in time for the start of the movie.
rdf:langString At the CHS Fall Formal, Applejack hears her favorite song being played and has Apple Bloom do a line dance with her. Seeing a chance for a dance-off, Rainbow Dash has a hip-hop track put on and starts breakdancing with Scootaloo. The challenge shifts back and forth, with the two younger girls being pushed to the sidelines as the older ones' enthusiasm gets the better of them. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo show them both up by doing a funky dance of their own, for which Pinkie Pie awards them a trophy. Applejack and Rainbow Dash gracefully accept defeat, but the latter still asks the girls for a rematch.
rdf:langString While getting ready for the CHS Fall Formal, Applejack reluctantly agrees to let Rarity do her makeup. The end result is so garishly overdone that she persuades Rarity to take it off a little at a time until she is back to her normal appearance.
rdf:langString Struggling to pick an idea for her painting in art class, Pinkie Pie takes Sunset Shimmer's suggestion to "get the creative juices flowing". She drinks some juice in the cafeteria, dresses up as a bird to watch and annoy the ones in her neighborhood and then plays a drum solo that ends with her pounding on a bucket in the art classroom, driving everyone to distraction. When Sunset explains that she likes to paint things that make her happy, Pinkie acts on that idea and sloshes paint all over herself and the other students' projects, resulting in her quickly turning out a simple portrait of Sunset.
rdf:langString A glum Flash Sentry helps Trixie carry a load of props through the Canterlot Mall, setting off a domino effect of good deeds that improves a bad day for the Equestria Girls and some of their friends. The effect comes full circle when Sunset Shimmer gives Flash her order of take-out sushi to cheer him up.
rdf:langString Monday morning starts very differently for Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, with Sunset oversleeping and Twilight quickly getting ready. A storm hits as soon as they leave their homes to go to school, and both encounter various frustrations and obstacles along the way. When they arrive at Canterlot High, they find that the rest of their friends have had their own troubles in getting to school. The girls share a laugh over their misfortunes, and Pinkie Pie takes a selfie of the group with her cell phone.
rdf:langString Rainbow Dash settles in to read one of her Daring Do novels and imagines herself as the protagonist. She flees through the jungle from a rival whose voice consists only of car honks, then encounters a bird whose call is a cell phone's ringtone. As the statue she is standing on crumbles under her feet, she snaps back to reality - now sitting on top of her wardrobe - as Twilight Sparkle and Rarity arrive in her bedroom. She was so engrossed in the story that she ignored both the honking of Applejack's horn and the ringing of her own phone before climbing onto the wardrobe. Rainbow climbs down, tosses the book aside, and leaves to join the girls to see a movie.
rdf:langString John Boyd
rdf:langString Daniel Ingram
rdf:langString Gillian M. Berrow
rdf:langString Bill Sherman & Chris Jackson
rdf:langString Mason Rather
rdf:langString My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Summertime Shorts
rdf:langString Hasbro Studios
rdf:langString Boulder Media Limited
rdf:langString DHX Media/Vancouver
rdf:langString John Boyd
rdf:langString William Anderson
rdf:langString Bill Sherman
rdf:langString Mason Rather
rdf:langString Canada
rdf:langString United States
rdf:langString Katrina Hadley
rdf:langString Ishi Rudell
xsd:date 2017-07-30
rdf:langString English
xsd:date 2017-08-27
xsd:integer 942594
rdf:langString FF5F6C
<second> -180.0
rdf:langString Good Vibes
rdf:langString Monday Blues
rdf:langString Get the Show on the Road
rdf:langString Pet Project
rdf:langString A Photo Booth Story
rdf:langString Coinky-Dink World
rdf:langString Epic Fails
rdf:langString Leaping Off the Page
rdf:langString Mad Twience
rdf:langString Make Up Shake Up
rdf:langString Raise This Roof
rdf:langString Shake Things Up!
rdf:langString Steps of Pep
rdf:langString Subs Rock
rdf:langString The Art of Friendship
rdf:langString The Canterlot Movie Club
rdf:langString Tara Strong
rdf:langString Andrea Libman
rdf:langString Ashleigh Ball
rdf:langString Cathy Weseluck
rdf:langString Rebecca Shoichet
rdf:langString Tabitha St. Germain
rdf:langString Various
rdf:langString In 2017, Hasbro Studios released two series of animated shorts that are tied in with My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, an anthropomorphic spin-off franchise of the 2010 relaunch of Hasbro's My Little Pony toyline. One, titled Canterlot Shorts, was produced by Boulder Media in the Republic of Ireland and the other, a series of music videos, was produced by DHX Media in Canada. Discovery Family bills the two series together as Summertime Shorts.
rdf:langString (마이 리틀 포니: 이퀘스트리아 걸스 썸머타임 쇼츠)(영어: My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Summertime Shorts)는 미국과 캐나다의 애니메이션 웹 시리즈이다.
rdf:langString My Little Pony: Equestria Girls (também conhecido como My Little Pony: Equestria Girls – Summertime Shorts), é uma série animada de curtas-metragens e videoclipes de 2017; baseado na franquia do mesmo nome, e um spin-off da série animada My Little Pony: A Amizade É Mágica da Hasbro. Primeiro foi os Curtas de Canterlot, produzidos pela Boulder Media Limited da Irlanda e segundo foi os Videoclipes musicais, produzidos pela DHX Media do Canadá. Primeiros 9 curtas e 4 videoclipes foram exibidos em 30 de julho de 2017, que faz parte do evento promocional de temporada do canal Discovery Family, Summer Splash. Os dois últimos videoclipes foram exibidos em 22 de setembro de 2017, no aplicativo móvel Discovery Family Go!. No Brasil, os curtas foram exibidos no feriado de Finados, em 2 de novembro de 2017, transmitido no canal oficial da Hasbro no YouTube.
xsd:date 2017-07-30
xsd:date 2017-08-04
xsd:date 2017-08-05
xsd:date 2017-08-11
xsd:date 2017-08-12
xsd:date 2017-08-20
xsd:date 2017-08-27
xsd:date 2017-09-22
<minute> -3.0
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 19018
xsd:date 2017-08-27
xsd:date 2017-07-30
xsd:double -180.0

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