My Life Would Suck Without You an entity of type: Thing

My Life Would Suck Without You (Bez tebe můj život nestojí za nic) je první singl ze čtvrtého alba All I Ever Wanted americké zpěvačky Kelly Clarkson z roku 2009. rdf:langString
«My Life Would Suck Without You» —en español: «Mí vida sería un asco sin ti»— es el primer sencillo del cuarto álbum de estudio de la cantante estadounidense Kelly Clarkson llamado "All I Ever Wanted" , escrito por Dr. Luke y Max Martin. Según Nielsen SoundScan hasta marzo de 2013 el sencillo vendió 2 702 000 descargas en los Estados Unidos y está posicionado como la novena canción más descargada de la década.​ rdf:langString
「ウィズアウト・ユー」(原題: My Life Would Suck Without You マイ・ライフ・ウッド・サック・ウィズアウト・ユー =あなたのいない人生なんて意味がない)は、アメリカ合衆国のポップ・ロック歌手/ソングライターケリー・クラークソンによる楽曲。この楽曲は、彼女の4作目のスタジオ・アルバム『』からのファースト・シングルとして2009年にリリースされた。楽曲はクラークソンのヒットシングル「」を生んだマックス・マーティン、のコンビがコ・プロデュースと楽曲製作を行っている。は作詞で楽曲に参加した。 この楽曲は、アメリカ合衆国では2002年に1位を獲得した「」以来2度目の、カナダでは「ア・モーメント・ライク・ディス」、2005年の「シンス・ユー・ビーン・ゴーン」以来3度目の、イギリスのUKシングルチャートでは自身初にしてアメリカン・アイドル出身者初のチャート第1位獲得を果たしている。 rdf:langString
My Life Would Suck Without You è il primo singolo estratto dal quarto album della cantante pop statunitense Kelly Clarkson, All I Ever Wanted. La canzone è stata scritta da Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald e Claude Kelly. La canzone, prodotta da Dr. Luke, è stata diffusa per la prima volta il 13 gennaio 2009 sulle radio statunitensi ed è stata pubblicata il 16 gennaio 2009 come download digitale. La data ufficiale di pubblicazione in radio è il 19 gennaio 2009. Il singolo è stato pubblicato il 2 febbraio 2009 dall'etichetta discografica RCA. rdf:langString
My Life Would Suck Without You is een nummer van de Amerikaanse zangeres Kelly Clarkson. Het is de eerste single van haar vierde album All I Ever Wanted. In Nederland had Radio 538 de première om het nummer te draaien, waarna ze My Life Would Suck Without You gelijk uitriepen tot Alarmschijf. rdf:langString
My Life Would Suck Without You – piosenka pop-rockowa stworzona i wyprodukowana przez Maxa Martina, Dr. Luke’a oraz Claude’a Kelly’ego na czwarty album studyjny Kelly Clarkson, „All I Ever Wanted” (2009). Utwór wydany został jako pierwszy singiel promujący krążek dnia 13 stycznia 2009. rdf:langString
My Life Would Suck Without You är en electro-pop/rock-singel av sångerskan Kelly Clarkson från hennes fjärde studioalbum All I Ever Wanted. Låten nådde en 2:a plats på Hitlistan den 27 februari 2009. rdf:langString
«My Life Would Suck Without You» — первый сингл американской певицы Келли Кларксон с её четвёртого студийного альбома 2009 года All I Ever Wanted. Авторами и продюсерами сингла стали Dr. Luke и Макс Мартин. Соавтором текста также стал Клод Келли. «My Life Would Suck Without You» стала второй композицией Келли Кларксон (после её дебютного сингла «A Moment Like This»), возглавившей чарты США и Канады и первым синглом, ставшим #1 в Великобритании. rdf:langString
"My Life Would Suck Without You" is a song by American singer Kelly Clarkson from her fourth studio album, All I Ever Wanted (2009). The song features songwriting credits from Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald, and Claude Kelly and production credits from Martin and Gottwald under his production moniker, Dr. Luke. Clarkson co-wrote the track but refused to include her name in the credits, citing a refusal to be associated with Gottwald. "My Life Would Suck Without You" was released as the lead single from the album and premiered on January 13, 2009, in the United States on New York City's Z100 radio station and was made available to download three days later. The song has met with positive reviews from music critics, who praised the song's pop composition, which incorporates rock and dance eleme rdf:langString
My Life Would Suck Without You adalah lagu yang dilakukan oleh artis rekaman Amerika Kelly Clarkson dari album studio keempatnya, All I Ever Wanted (2009). Lagu ini memiliki kredit penulisan lagu dari Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald, dan Claude Kelly dan kredit produksi dari Martin dan Gottwald bawah moniker produksinya, Dr Luke. "Hidupku akan Sedot Without You" dirilis sebagai single utama dari album perdana, dan pada tanggal 13 Januari 2009, di Amerika Serikat pada stasiun radio Z100 dan dibuat tersedia untuk men-download tiga hari kemudian. Lagu telah bertemu dengan review positif dari kritikus musik, yang memuji komposisi lagu, yang menggabungkan rock dan musik dansa. rdf:langString
My Life Would Suck Without You est une chanson interprétée par la chanteuse américaine Kelly Clarkson, et le premier single du 4e album de cette dernière, All I Ever Wanted sorti en 2009. Le titre a été coécrit par la chanteuse, aidée de Dr. Luke ou encore Max Martin, cocompositeurs des tubes mondiaux Since U Been Gone et Behind These Hazel Eyes. rdf:langString
"My Life Would Suck Without You" é uma canção da cantora norte-americana Kelly Clarkson, gravada para o seu quarto álbum de estúdio All I Ever Wanted. Foi composta e produzida por Max Martin e Lukasz Gottwald, com auxílio na escrita por Claude Kelly. A música foi lançada a 15 de Janeiro de 2009 na loja digital iTunes de vários países, incluindo a Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Acabou por ser enviada para as rádios norte-americanas cinco dias depois através da editora discográfica RCA Records, servindo como single de avanço do disco. rdf:langString
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString ウィズアウト・ユー (ケリー・クラークソンの曲)
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
xsd:integer 21183697
xsd:integer 1122731550
xsd:date 2012-10-09
xsd:date 2019-05-02
xsd:date 2021-02-08
rdf:langString Kelly Clarkson
rdf:langString Gold
rdf:langString Platinum
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rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You.jpg
rdf:langString true
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xsd:integer 2009
rdf:langString true
rdf:langString Digital single
xsd:integer 2
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rdf:langString Martin
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rdf:langString Australia
rdf:langString Canada
rdf:langString Japan
rdf:langString New Zealand
rdf:langString United Kingdom
rdf:langString United States
xsd:date 2009-01-13
xsd:integer 2009
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rdf:langString archive
rdf:langString Without You
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You
rdf:langString single
rdf:langString Kelly Clarkson
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You (Bez tebe můj život nestojí za nic) je první singl ze čtvrtého alba All I Ever Wanted americké zpěvačky Kelly Clarkson z roku 2009.
rdf:langString «My Life Would Suck Without You» —en español: «Mí vida sería un asco sin ti»— es el primer sencillo del cuarto álbum de estudio de la cantante estadounidense Kelly Clarkson llamado "All I Ever Wanted" , escrito por Dr. Luke y Max Martin. Según Nielsen SoundScan hasta marzo de 2013 el sencillo vendió 2 702 000 descargas en los Estados Unidos y está posicionado como la novena canción más descargada de la década.​
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You est une chanson interprétée par la chanteuse américaine Kelly Clarkson, et le premier single du 4e album de cette dernière, All I Ever Wanted sorti en 2009. Le titre a été coécrit par la chanteuse, aidée de Dr. Luke ou encore Max Martin, cocompositeurs des tubes mondiaux Since U Been Gone et Behind These Hazel Eyes. Lors de sa première semaine d'exploitation, le single se positionne à la 97e place du Billboard Hot 100, pour ensuite faire un bond de la 97e à la 1re place, établissant le record du plus grand bond vers le sommet du classement dans toute l'histoire de la musique. Le single marque également le retour de Kelly Clarkson vers un style musical plus pop rock comparé aux singles de son précédent album, My December. My life Would Suck Without You est le second titre de la chanteuse qui parvient à se classer en tête du Billboard Hot 100 et le premier single d'un candidat d'American Idol à atteindre la tête du classement britannique.
rdf:langString "My Life Would Suck Without You" is a song by American singer Kelly Clarkson from her fourth studio album, All I Ever Wanted (2009). The song features songwriting credits from Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald, and Claude Kelly and production credits from Martin and Gottwald under his production moniker, Dr. Luke. Clarkson co-wrote the track but refused to include her name in the credits, citing a refusal to be associated with Gottwald. "My Life Would Suck Without You" was released as the lead single from the album and premiered on January 13, 2009, in the United States on New York City's Z100 radio station and was made available to download three days later. The song has met with positive reviews from music critics, who praised the song's pop composition, which incorporates rock and dance elements. "My Life Would Suck Without You" peaked at the top of the Billboard Hot 100 when it moved up the chart 96 places from number 97 in its second week on the chart. The song's chart climbing gave Clarkson the record for a single with the furthest jump to number one on the Billboard Hot 100 after achieving the feat with her 2002 single "A Moment Like This". Outside of the United States, "My Life Would Suck Without You" topped the charts in Canada, Hungary, and the United Kingdom, and peaked within the top ten of the charts in Australia, Belgium, the Netherlands, the Republic of Ireland, Sweden, and Switzerland. In the United Kingdom, where the Idols franchise that spawned American Idol originated, Clarkson became the only alumnus of an international version of Pop Idol to top the UK Singles Chart until Canadian Idol alumnus Carly Rae Jepsen achieved the feat with "Call Me Maybe" in April 2012. The accompanying music video was directed by Wayne Isham and presents Clarkson's relationship with her fictional boyfriend as being fluctuating and tumultuous as the two are depicted arguing and throwing out each other's belongings whilst mirroring the sentiments of the song and the positive influence each has on the other. The video was nominated for an MTV Video Music Award in the Best Female Video category in 2009.
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You adalah lagu yang dilakukan oleh artis rekaman Amerika Kelly Clarkson dari album studio keempatnya, All I Ever Wanted (2009). Lagu ini memiliki kredit penulisan lagu dari Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald, dan Claude Kelly dan kredit produksi dari Martin dan Gottwald bawah moniker produksinya, Dr Luke. "Hidupku akan Sedot Without You" dirilis sebagai single utama dari album perdana, dan pada tanggal 13 Januari 2009, di Amerika Serikat pada stasiun radio Z100 dan dibuat tersedia untuk men-download tiga hari kemudian. Lagu telah bertemu dengan review positif dari kritikus musik, yang memuji komposisi lagu, yang menggabungkan rock dan musik dansa. * l * b * s
rdf:langString 「ウィズアウト・ユー」(原題: My Life Would Suck Without You マイ・ライフ・ウッド・サック・ウィズアウト・ユー =あなたのいない人生なんて意味がない)は、アメリカ合衆国のポップ・ロック歌手/ソングライターケリー・クラークソンによる楽曲。この楽曲は、彼女の4作目のスタジオ・アルバム『』からのファースト・シングルとして2009年にリリースされた。楽曲はクラークソンのヒットシングル「」を生んだマックス・マーティン、のコンビがコ・プロデュースと楽曲製作を行っている。は作詞で楽曲に参加した。 この楽曲は、アメリカ合衆国では2002年に1位を獲得した「」以来2度目の、カナダでは「ア・モーメント・ライク・ディス」、2005年の「シンス・ユー・ビーン・ゴーン」以来3度目の、イギリスのUKシングルチャートでは自身初にしてアメリカン・アイドル出身者初のチャート第1位獲得を果たしている。
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You è il primo singolo estratto dal quarto album della cantante pop statunitense Kelly Clarkson, All I Ever Wanted. La canzone è stata scritta da Max Martin, Lukasz Gottwald e Claude Kelly. La canzone, prodotta da Dr. Luke, è stata diffusa per la prima volta il 13 gennaio 2009 sulle radio statunitensi ed è stata pubblicata il 16 gennaio 2009 come download digitale. La data ufficiale di pubblicazione in radio è il 19 gennaio 2009. Il singolo è stato pubblicato il 2 febbraio 2009 dall'etichetta discografica RCA.
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You is een nummer van de Amerikaanse zangeres Kelly Clarkson. Het is de eerste single van haar vierde album All I Ever Wanted. In Nederland had Radio 538 de première om het nummer te draaien, waarna ze My Life Would Suck Without You gelijk uitriepen tot Alarmschijf.
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You – piosenka pop-rockowa stworzona i wyprodukowana przez Maxa Martina, Dr. Luke’a oraz Claude’a Kelly’ego na czwarty album studyjny Kelly Clarkson, „All I Ever Wanted” (2009). Utwór wydany został jako pierwszy singiel promujący krążek dnia 13 stycznia 2009.
rdf:langString "My Life Would Suck Without You" é uma canção da cantora norte-americana Kelly Clarkson, gravada para o seu quarto álbum de estúdio All I Ever Wanted. Foi composta e produzida por Max Martin e Lukasz Gottwald, com auxílio na escrita por Claude Kelly. A música foi lançada a 15 de Janeiro de 2009 na loja digital iTunes de vários países, incluindo a Austrália e Nova Zelândia. Acabou por ser enviada para as rádios norte-americanas cinco dias depois através da editora discográfica RCA Records, servindo como single de avanço do disco. A nível musical, a canção demonstra uma sonoridade pop rock e incorpora estilos de dance e rock. A sua melodia é composta através dos vocais, juntando acordes de guitarra, sintetizadores e bateria. Liricamente, o tema discute a história de uma relação conturbada em que ambos confusos chegam à conclusão que não são nada um sem o outro. A obra recebeu críticas positivas, em que alguns analistas a citaram como um regresso às origens rock de Breakaway, nomeando "Since U Been Gone" como exemplo. Em termos de desempenho comercial, atingiu a liderança da Billboard Hot 100 dos Estados Unidos na sua segunda semana, após bater um recorde com uma subida de noventa e seis posições. Foi o segundo single de Kelly a conseguir chegar ao topo da tabela musical, desde "A Moment Like This" em 2002. Em território norte-americano, foram registadas mais de dois milhões de descargas digitais. A faixa também obteve a primeira posição na Canadian Hot 100 e UK Singles Chart. Mais tarde, a Music Canada certificou-a com dupla platina com vendas superiores a 160 mil. O vídeo musical, dirigido por Wayne Isham, foi gravado em Los Angeles durante o mês de Dezembro de 2008. Estreou a 28 de Janeiro de 2009 durante o intervalo do programa American Idol, e mais tarde enviada para a iTunes Store. Inicialmente, a cantora fica chateada com o seu namorado, deitando fora as suas roupas pela janela. No final, o casal volta a aproximar-se e beija-se, metaforizando o facto de não poderem viver um sem o outro. A faixa recebeu várias interpretações ao vivo como parte da sua divulgação, e inclusive esteve no alinhamento das digressões mundiais All I Ever Wanted Tour e Stronger Tour, que passaram pelos continentes americanos, Ásia, Europa e Oceania. "My Life Would Suck Without You" foi indicada para a categoria "Best Female Video" na cerimónia MTV Video Music Awards de 2009.
rdf:langString My Life Would Suck Without You är en electro-pop/rock-singel av sångerskan Kelly Clarkson från hennes fjärde studioalbum All I Ever Wanted. Låten nådde en 2:a plats på Hitlistan den 27 februari 2009.
rdf:langString «My Life Would Suck Without You» — первый сингл американской певицы Келли Кларксон с её четвёртого студийного альбома 2009 года All I Ever Wanted. Авторами и продюсерами сингла стали Dr. Luke и Макс Мартин. Соавтором текста также стал Клод Келли. «My Life Would Suck Without You» стала второй композицией Келли Кларксон (после её дебютного сингла «A Moment Like This»), возглавившей чарты США и Канады и первым синглом, ставшим #1 в Великобритании.
<minute> 3.5166666666666666
xsd:nonNegativeInteger 41334
xsd:date 2009-01-13
xsd:double 211.0

data from the linked data cloud