The Muxrabija (from the Arabic mashrabiya, peep-box; plural muxrabijet) is a typical element of vernacular Maltese architecture. It consists of an ornate timber screen, perforated with an intricate network of holes, tightly fitted into a window or loggia projecting from the facade of the building, usually over the main door or to its side. Stone-carved muxrabijiet are also reported. The muxrabija is also known as ‘in-nemmiesa’, ‘ix-xerriefa’ and in Gozo as ‘il-kixxiefa’ or ‘lkixxijìja’ and ‘il-glusija’ (probably from the French jalousie).
The Muxrabija (from the Arabic mashrabiya, peep-box; plural muxrabijet) is a typical element of vernacular Maltese architecture. It consists of an ornate timber screen, perforated with an intricate network of holes, tightly fitted into a window or loggia projecting from the facade of the building, usually over the main door or to its side. Stone-carved muxrabijiet are also reported. The muxrabija is also known as ‘in-nemmiesa’, ‘ix-xerriefa’ and in Gozo as ‘il-kixxiefa’ or ‘lkixxijìja’ and ‘il-glusija’ (probably from the French jalousie). Muxrabijet and roundels (round motifs sculpted on building facades) are the only two features of vernacular Maltese architecture directly deriving from Arabic culture. The muxrabija is a typical Mediterranean feature, whose oldest record dates back to the 7th century in the Middle East. The oldest-surviving muxrabijet in Malta date back to the years 1300–1400. Muxrabijet had the task to keep the interior of the building cool by allowing circulation of air through the carved wood. They were also used as cooling device for storing water, and as a security measure to observe the outside without being seen.