Morad Daoud an entity of type: Thing
مراد داؤد كاتب روائي ونحات سوري من مواليد سلمية 2-8-1960 عضو في جمعية القصة في اتحاد الكتاب العرب، حصل على شهادة الثانوية المهنية باختصاص الكهرباء الصناعية وعمل موظفا في مؤسسة معامل الدفاع حتى تقاعده عام 2011 حيث تفرغ بعدها للعمل الأدبي والنحت، متزوج وله ثلاثة أولاد. أنهى كتابة أولى رواياته (اعتراف رجل مهم) عام 2005 لكنه لم ينشرها حتى عام 2008، بعدها صدرت له في مطلع 2010 روايتان وهما (المتهورون) و (وتستمر الأحلام)، وفي عام 2011 طبعت له الرواية البوليسية (طي المخالب)، وفي عام 2014 أنهى مجموعته القصصية (الغوادر) ورواية (حكايا نصف الليل).
Morad Daoud is a Syrian writer and sculptor(born 2 August 1960, Salamyieh) Member of the story and novels society in the Arab Writers Union. He obtained a vocational secondary certificate in the competence of industrial electricity and worked as a staff member of the Defense Industries Corporation until his retirement in 2011, where he completed his literary work and sculpture, married and has three sons. In 2011 a new police novel of Daoud's published under the name "Folding claws", In 2014 he finished his story collection (al-Ghawader) and the novel "Half-Night tales".
مراد داؤد
Morad Daoud
Morad Daoud
Morad Daoud
industrial electricity secondary school
مراد داؤد
مراد داؤد كاتب روائي ونحات سوري من مواليد سلمية 2-8-1960 عضو في جمعية القصة في اتحاد الكتاب العرب، حصل على شهادة الثانوية المهنية باختصاص الكهرباء الصناعية وعمل موظفا في مؤسسة معامل الدفاع حتى تقاعده عام 2011 حيث تفرغ بعدها للعمل الأدبي والنحت، متزوج وله ثلاثة أولاد. أنهى كتابة أولى رواياته (اعتراف رجل مهم) عام 2005 لكنه لم ينشرها حتى عام 2008، بعدها صدرت له في مطلع 2010 روايتان وهما (المتهورون) و (وتستمر الأحلام)، وفي عام 2011 طبعت له الرواية البوليسية (طي المخالب)، وفي عام 2014 أنهى مجموعته القصصية (الغوادر) ورواية (حكايا نصف الليل). شارك في عدة معارض فنية عبر منحوتاته الخشبية ومن هذه المعارض:
* معرض «تحية إلى منذر الشيحاوي» الذي اقيم في جمعية أصدقاء سلمية.
* معرض «توق إلى حلب»، في المركز الثقافي في سلمية.
Morad Daoud is a Syrian writer and sculptor(born 2 August 1960, Salamyieh) Member of the story and novels society in the Arab Writers Union. He obtained a vocational secondary certificate in the competence of industrial electricity and worked as a staff member of the Defense Industries Corporation until his retirement in 2011, where he completed his literary work and sculpture, married and has three sons. He finished writing his first novel (A Confession of an important man) in 2005, but did not publish it until 2008. After that, in early 2010, he published two novels, "The Hasty" and "The Dreams Continue." In 2011 a new police novel of Daoud's published under the name "Folding claws", In 2014 he finished his story collection (al-Ghawader) and the novel "Half-Night tales". His dream was renewed in the novel (and dreams continue) and extended to the form of (A Confession of an important man), and then focused his attention on those who carried treachery in their fold, monitoring cases of treachery through his novel (al-Ghawaderr), at the same time Threatening he will fold their claws in his new novel, saying: There are those who do not lose sight of their intrigues. Finally said: (coming from history) to tell what happened through the notes of a louse which visited the heads of several of them and encountered in the trail, and was punctuated by some stories during a session of serenity with those we love late night "Half-Night tales". As well as those greetings to Aleppo steadfast with sculptures of life wood
Halah Daoud